今日で最後の論客 だ。
「自由貿易は神の 外交だ。」と1857年に関税改革論者のRichard Cobdenが書いた。彼の支持者の一人で、スコットランドのHawick出身の帽子屋がこれに影響を受けて、この言葉を広めるために雑誌を創設した。
The Economistの案内には「自由貿易は世界を通じて、文明と道徳を広めるための他の如何なる目に見える媒体以上のことをすると我々は信じている。」と 書いてある。
"Free trade is God's diplomacy," wrote the tariff reformer Richard Cobden in 1857. One of his supporters, a hat-maker from Hawick in Scotland, was so swayed that he founded a magazine to spread the word. "We seriously believe," said the prospectus for The Economist, "that free trade will do more than any other visible agent to extend civilisation and morality throughout the world."
あなたは全能の神の自由貿易外交が何らかの神秘的な方法で、動く と言わなければならない。
You have to say that the Almighty's free trade diplomacy moves in some mysterious ways.
ゆっくりとどこ にも行かない10年の後に貿易交渉のドーハラウン ドは営利主義者の泥沼の中にしっかりとはまってしまった。自由貿易の原則に忠誠を装う政府はベトナム製のサンダルからアメリカ製の車の部品に至るすべての ものに懲罰的な課税をかけている。(このディベートの場はイギリスだから。)
そしてここで、 The Economistが主催する討論に於いて、我々はよりフェアな貿易の方がより自由なものより重要であるかどうかの議論をしている。
After a decade of going nowhere slowly, the Doha round of trade negotiations is stuck firmly in the mercantilist mud. Governments that profess allegiance to free trade principles are slapping punitive tariffs on everything from Vietnamese flip-flops to American car parts. And here we are, in a discussion hosted by The Economist, debating whether making trade fairer is more important than making it freer.
私の票はこの提案 に同意している。神の外交、The Economistの創設の原則と経済学101の教科書理論に大いに敬意を表して、貿易をよりフェアにする時である。 この世界が必要としていることはドーハラウンドが成し遂げようとしていることだ。:換言すると、それは貿易システムであり、それは貧困、極度の不平等、多 くの世界が取り残されているグローバリゼーションの形態と戦う以上のことをすることである。
My vote goes with the proposition. With due deference to divine diplomacy, the founding principles of The Economist and Economics 101 textbook theory, it is time to make trade fairer. What the world needs is what the Doha round was supposed to deliver: namely, a trading system that does more to combat poverty, extreme inequality and a pattern of globalisation that leaves much of the world marginalised.
The fiction peddled by some NGO that trade is inherently bad for the poor does not deserve to be taken seriously. International trade is a far more potent force for development than aid. It offers poor countries access to the larger markets and new technologies that can raise productivity. Trade has been an engine of economic growth across East Asia. And it has created employment and opportunity for millions of vulnerable people. For women working in garment factories in Bangladesh or Cambodia, coffee farmers in Ethiopia and Peru and many others, trade is not a theory, it's what pays for food and puts kids in school.
ちょっとした罪の告白に値するようなもう一つの神話がある。 WTOの幾つかの批判する人はドーハラウンドを跡形もなく沈めてしまいたいと考えていて、この機関を廃止しようとしだしている。このことがより近視眼的なアプローチだとは言えない。
There is another myth that deserves short shrift. Some critics of the World Trade Organisation want to sink the Doha round without trace and then start dismantling the institution. It is hard to think of a more short-sighted approach.
これらすべての過失に対して、多角的なシステムが現在の景気後退 下での保護主義者による反動を回避する手助けをして来た。その上、発展途上国はそのシステムを北の政府に対して、貿易論争を開始するために利用して来た。:アメリカ合衆国に対してブラジルの綿花の事例が証明している。しかしながら、つまるところ、最も限定された報復能力しか持っていない最も弱い国家は規定に基づいたシステムを最も必要としている。
For all its faults, the multilateral system has helped to prevent a protectionist backlash during the current recession. Moreover, developing countries are using that system to open trade disputes against Northern governments: witness Brazil's cotton case against the United States. The bottom line, though, is that the weakest countries with the most limited retaliatory capacity are in greatest need of a rules-based system.
The idea of fair trade is not without its problems. European Union shoe manufacturers (and their supporters in government) squeal about unfair trade to engineered punitive tariffs. Their real motivation is protectionism. Undercurrents of protectionism are also visible elsewhere, notably in US legislation providing for trade sanctions against countries with shoddy labour standards.
So why is making trade fairer the first order priority? Because unfair rules and practices are hampering efforts to make trade a more powerful force for poverty reduction. And because multilateral and regional trade rules should reflect ideas about fairness, social justice and ethical responsibility.
You don't have to dig very deep to find rich seams of unfair practice. Start with the Doha round soap opera. This, remember, was supposed to be the development round. One of the torpedoes that sank it was the refusal of the EU and the United States to get rid of the subsidies that distort world agricultural markets, destroying the livelihoods of small farmers in the process.
しかし、それが語っているのはこの規定は一体誰が書いたのかあなたが知る必要があると言うことだ。このEUはまだ世界の農業の助成金の首領だ。:ECの共通農業政策 (略:CAP)下での生産価値の半分に対しての政府の助成勘定がある。
アメリカ合衆国においては2008年の農業法では助成金の仕組みのほとんどは変わっていない。それはアメリカの綿花の農家のために30億ドルから50億ドルが含まれてい る。ブルキナファソとマリの生産者を輸出市場から追い出してしまうことが出来る。
Forget all the convoluted manoeuvres aimed at redefining subsidies. The bottom line is that the OECD still spends around $270 billion annually supporting agriculture. True, they do it entirely within WTO rules. But that tells you all you need to know about who wrote the rules. The EU is still the subsidiser-in-chief of world agriculture: government support accounts for half of the value of output under the Common Agricultural Policy. In the United States the 2008 Farm Act left intact most of the subsidy tool-kit. That includes the $3 billion-5 billion in on offer for US cotton farmers, enabling them to displace producers in Burkina Faso and Mali from export markets.
EUとアメリカ合衆国の双方が合意している農業貿易に於ける幾つ かのことがある。発展途上国に於ける農業保護を制限することが一つであり、そして、これは交渉に於いてもう一つのつまずいた妨害であった。
There are some things in agricultural trade that both the EU and the United States agree on. Limiting agricultural protection in developing countries is one, and this has been another stumbling block in negotiations. But why should developing countries expose their farmers, many of whom live below the poverty line, to competition in domestic markets from the superpowers of the agricultural subsidy world?
All too often, free trade arguments provide a convenient smokescreen for good old fashioned mercantilist power diplomacy.
アフリカの政府はアンフェアで、釣り合いが取れていない、うまく行きそうにない協定だと見ているのでその署名を拒否して来た。彼らに阻止されていないので、ヨーロッパは EPA十字軍を維持している。
Take the EU's efforts to negotiate Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with governments in sub-Saharan Africa. Proposals from the Commission would require not just more open markets, but the liberalisation of procurement, finance and a range of service sectors. African governments have refused to sign on for what they see as unfair, unbalanced and unworkable agreements. Undeterred, Europe is maintaining the EPA crusade.
しかし、誰がこのより厳格な知的財産規定から利益を得るのか?この特許を持っている多国籍企業が大きな使用料を得ている。しかし、その裏面では発展途上国においては新しい 技術に対するより高い輸入コストと革新のための提携の障害となっている。
Intellectual property has been another battleground. The United States in particular has attempted to secure more stringent intellectual property protection than provided for in the WTO through a patchwork quilt of bilateral and regional agreements. But who benefits from more stringent intellectual property rules? The transnational companies holding the patents get big rents. But the flip side is higher import costs for new technologies and associated barriers to innovation in developing countries.
自由貿易の議論での問題の一部はその説明のあまりにも多くが単独の政策として貿易の自由化であると言うことだ。単純な比較優位の計算では貿易のねじれ distortion は短期的な経済の繁栄を減少させる。しかし、比較優位は静的ではない。
もしそれが静的であるならば、韓国はハードドライブを輸出しない だろうし、インドはダイナミックな自動車部品産業を育成してこなかっただろうし、ブラジルが航空産業において新興国にはならなかったであろう。
Part of the problem with the free trade argument is that too many of its exponents see trade liberalisation as a stand-alone policy. Simple comparative advantage arithmetic dictates that trade distortions reduce short-term economic welfare. But comparative advantage is not static. If it were, South Korea would not be exporting hard-drives, India would not have developed a dynamic auto-parts industry and Brazil would not be an emerging player in aeronautics.
The point is that most international trade success stories have been built on industrial policy. This is not about governments picking winners, throwing up tariffs and throwing subsidies right, left and centre. It is about integrating trade into wider strategies for raising productivity.
When it comes to ethical trade the big guns of the free trade movement are firing at all the wrong targets. Ethical trade brands that give a better deal to small farmers growing tea or coffee? A brazen attempt to distort markets and—even worse—mislead consumers. Shunning toys or garments produced by child labourers? Just another case of thinly veiled protectionism.
This is the sort of thing that gets free trade a bad name. Whether we like it or not, trade is a human connection. It ties consumers in rich countries to some of the world's poorest people. Consumers should care about how their purchasing power affects the lives of others and they should be demanding information and making informed choices. The market for ethically traded goods is growing not because most consumers do not listen to eminent free trade economists. It is growing because people care about social justice.
Ethical trade is a force for good. But it will never be enough. The structural inequalities and power imbalances in world trade have to be corrected. Multilateral trade rules should be designed to advance the interests of the poor, not to accommodate the hypocrisy and double standards of the rich. That is why we need to get serious about fairness—and it's why we should start now.