Europe is at its chaotic worst. France and Britain want a no-fly zone, but Germany, deaf to the pleas of Libyans, sees only risks and entanglement. And in America Barack Obama has summoned up the will to condemn violence and oppression, but, until far too late, studiously avoided summoning up the means to do much about it—a weak stance for a superpower.
ヨーロッパは渾然としていて最悪の状態だ。フランスとイギリスは飛行禁止区域を求めているが、ドイツはリビアの懇請を聞こうとせず、リスクと巻き込まれることだけを見ている。そして、アメリカではバラクオバマは暴力と抑圧を非難する固い決意を奮い起こしている。がしかし、あまりに遅すぎているが、故意に、そのことに貢献する手段を要求することを避けた。ー 超大国にしては弱腰の姿勢だ。
Those who wish America to be a force for good will find that disappointing. But those who rejected George Bush’s searing and bloody pursuit of democracy should reflect on how they got what they sought.
All talk
No universal formula can cut through the contradiction between values and interests in foreign policy—that is why intervention in Vietnam and Somalia led to neglect in Rwanda, which set the scene for intervention once more in Bosnia and Iraq.
外交政策において、価値観と利益の矛盾を切る開くような万人共通の公式などない。ー それがベトナムやソマリアへの介入がルワンダへの無視となった理由であり、それがボスニアやイラクへのもう一度の介入の状況を説明している。
And it is why foreign policy is condemned to live with an age-old dilemma. If the West sacrifices its place in the world to its values, then it will be less able to promote them. On the other hand, if the West always puts narrow realpolitik before its values, then its values will be tainted in the eyes of the world.
そして、それが昔からあるジレンンマと同居する為に外交政策が非難される理由だ。西側諸国が世界に於けるその立場をその価値観の為に犠牲にするのであれば、 彼等を促進することはあまり出来ないだろう。他方、西側諸国が いつもその価値観の前に狭い現実政策を行うのであれば、世界の目にはその価値観は腐敗して見えるだろう。
By that test, the West let down the Bahrainis: sterner talk from Mr Obama may have deterred their attackers. Yet the West does still have options in Libya. To send in Western ground forces would be to own a dysfunctional, violent place. But the West can seize upon Arab backing to help protect eastern Libya.
It should jam Colonel Qaddafi’s communications and rush in a no-fly zone. If the regime begins to pound Benghazi, then aircraft—including Arab aircraft—should destroy Colonel Qaddafi’s tanks, artillery and gunboats.
カダフィ大佐の兵站線を妨害し、飛行禁止区域を急いでやるべきである。この政権がベンガジに猛攻撃を始めたら、航空機はー アラブの航空機も含めてー カダフィ大佐の戦車、大砲、砲艦を破壊するべきだ。
Have no illusions about the risks of such a policy. Bombing Libyan armour would endanger the lives of pilots and, inevitably, civilians. It would, at least temporarily, partition Libya. The eastern groups under the protection of the outside world may include Islamists and killers who turn out to be just as savage as Colonel Qaddafi. And that is if the policy succeeds.
Even so, these are risks that the West should now take before it is too late. Saving lives in eastern Libya will be hard. Not even trying to save them would be worse.