There is little doubt that Pakistan’s news channels could do with some restraint, especially when it comes to coverage of terrorist attacks, which tends towards the gory. But critics fear that an enforced code of conduct would use obscenity as an excuse to target the hugely popular political satire programmes that make fun of the nation’s ruling classes. “It’s anti-government stuff, impersonations of Zardari and company—they don’t leave anyone alone. They make all kinds of jokes, some of them quite lewd,” said Murtaza Razvi, a senior editor at Dawn, a leading English-language newspaper.
パ キスタンのニュースチャンネルは特にそれが血なまぐさい傾向にあるテロ攻撃の報道になった時に、いくらかの制限加えている事は間違いない。しかし、強化された行動規範がこの国家の支配層を物笑いの種にする膨大な大衆の政治風刺番組を目標とするためにわいせつを口実として利用する事を恐れている。「それは反政府の代物で,ザルダリとその仲間の物まねー 彼等は誰も1人にはしない。彼等はあらゆる種類のジョーク言うが、その幾つかは実にわいせつだ。」主要な英字新聞のDawnの上級編集者であるMurtaza Razviが言った。
Pakistan’s broadcasting rules were liberalised under Pervez Musharraf soon after he took power in a military coup in 1999, and the number of television channels quickly grew from a single state broadcaster to nearly a hundred channels. The government would do well to draw a lesson from the experience of Mr Musharraf, who tried to clamp down on press freedom in 2007 and found himself out of office soon after. Mr Zardari may not enjoy being the butt of jokes every night but it certainly beats having angry protesters on the streets of Islamabad.
パキスタンの報道規則は1999年に軍事クーデターでPervez Musharrafが権力を掌握したすぐ後に彼の下で,緩和された。そして、多くのテレビチャンネルは直ちに一つの国営放送局からほぼ100に近いチャンネルに拡大した。この政府はMusharraf氏の経験から教訓を引き出した方が良いだろう。彼は2007年に報道の自由をきつく取り締まろうとしたが、そのすぐ後に政権の外にいる事に気づいた。ザル
Burma’s Mass Prisoner Release: Has the Regime Truly Turned a Corner?
By Hannah Beech | January 13, 2012 | 4
Myanmar prime minister General Khin Nyunt, who was placed in detention
after his ouster in a 2004 power struggle, stands with relatives
following his release from detention in Yangon on January 13, 2012.
前のミャンマーの首相Khin Nyunt将軍は2004年の権力闘争の中で追放された後監禁されていたが,2012年1月13日にヤンゴンで,監禁から解放された後,親族と一緒にいる。
by one, they emerged. On Jan. 13, 651 inmates were granted amnesty in
Burma, many of them prominent political prisoners, the latest reform in a
country whose leaders have surprised even skeptics with their rapid
pace of change. Burma’s opposition, led by Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Aung San Suu Kyi, has said repeatedly that it will not support the
lifting of international sanctions on members of the country’s political
and military elite until all prisoners of conscience are released.
However this month, Australia announced that it would begin easing some
of its targeted financial restrictions on certain Burmese, and the
European Union, Japan and other nations are beginning discussions on
whether they want to do the same. And today, the U.S. restored full
formal diplomatic ties with a state that seemingly months ago still
appeared a pariah.
San Suu
the leadership of President Thein Sein—a retired general who took
office last year after orchestrated elections in late 2010 replaced a
long-ruling military junta with a quasi-civilian regime—several rounds
of political prisoners have been released. But this latest amnesty is by
far the most extensive—and one opposition spokesman told exile media he
believes that all (or nearly all) of those considered political
prisoners by his party are now free. Although Thein Sein stated publicly
last year that there were no such things as prisoners of conscience in
Burma, only inmates who have “broken the law,” presidential advisor Nay
Zin Latt told me late last year that “whatever term you use, political
or whatever, these people, they will be released.”
Thein Sein大統領の指導力の下で,ー 退役将軍で,2010年末に周到に用意された選挙で昨年、長く支配して来た軍事政府から、いわば文民政権に変わって政権についた。ー 政治犯を何巡かにわけて,解放されて来た。しかし、この最近の恩赦はきわめてもっとも広範囲だ。ー そしてある反対派のスポークスマンは亡命メディアに対して語ったところによると彼の党の考えられるすべての(もしくは殆どすべての)政治犯の囚人が現在自由だと彼は信じている。Thein Seinが昨年公に言ったのはビルマには政治犯のような人はいない。ただ「法を犯した」収監者だけだと言う事だったが,大統領の顧問Nay Zin Lattは「政治的であろうとなんであろうとあなたがこれらの人々にどんな言葉を使おうと彼等は解放されるだろう。」と言う事を昨年末に私に語った。と言う事で明日に続くが、いよいよビルマことミャンマーが新しい自由化の時代には言った。アウンサンスーチーが正式に選挙に出馬する。私の研修ツアーこの最大の都市ヤンゴンに行くことになっている。今日はこれまで。