Career Advice
Holiday Party Rules: No Black, Avoid Drunks and Kiss Up to the Boss
Dec 22 2011
By Alina Dizik
As most people have figured out by now, the annual holiday party isn't an opportunity to get sloppy drunk and paw your favorite co-worker. In fact, few things can derail your career faster than acting inappropriately at such a work event. Office parties can, however, work to your advantage and become an opportunity to advance your career. The casual atmosphere allows you to chat up the boss or break the ice with a new colleague. To optimize your time at the soiree, create specific goals to help you focus; it's not enough to vow you'll stay away from the cocktail station and appetizer trays.
"The most important thing is to remember it's still a work function – it's not just your friends gathering for a good time," says Cynthia Lett, an executive coach and executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based International Society of Protocol and Etiquette Professionals. There are plenty of surprising ways to make the most of your holiday party, here's how:
「もっとも重要なことはまだ職務中であることを覚えていることだ。ー ここは楽しい時間をあなたの友人と過ごす場ではない。」ワシントンを本拠地とした礼儀作法専門家の国際協会の幹部コーチでまた専務理事である Cynthia Lettは言う。あなたの休日パーティの殆どを造るための驚くべき多くの方法がある。それはこうだ。 :
Be Ready for Intoxicated Partygoers
"Much has been written about not overdoing alcohol at holiday parties but you also need to be ready to respond in a professional and gracious manner to people who haven't listened to that tip," says management professor Joseph Weintraub, Director of the Babson Coaching for Leadership and Teamwork Program at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass. If you're stuck conversing with a coworker or manager who's had too many drinks, Weintraub recommends walking away as soon as possible before the person gets even more intoxicated. Use your smartphone as an excuse, he suggests. "In a business setting, being careful that we are not associated with people saying or doing inappropriate things is always important in managing one's career."
「休日のパーティでのアルコールのとりすぎについて多くのことが書かれてきているが,また、その助言に耳を貸さなかった人たちに対する専門的で,丁重なやり方で答える準備をする必要がある。」とWellesley, Massのバブソン大学のLeadership and Teamwork Programのバブソンコーチングの理事Joseph Weintraub経営管理教授が言う。飲み過ぎた同僚もしくはマネージャーとの会話にはまってしまったら, Weintraubはその人がもっと酔っぱらう前に出来るだけ早くその場を立ち去ることを進める。言い訳としてあなたのスマートフォンを使うと良いと彼は提案する。「ビジネス環境に於いて我々は不適切なことを言ったり、したりするひとを仲間に入れないことに慎重であることは出世するためには絶えず重要なことだ。」
Speak to the Higher-Ups
It's easy to mingle with your lunch buddies or spend the night sending out tweets. Instead, get out of your comfort zone and "use the party to have the upper level executives learn who you are – to put a face to your name," says Lett. Though it can seem intimidating, a quick chat during the holiday party can go a long way toward cementing your work relationship. Before the party starts decide which execs you're eager to chat with and anything you'd like to mention in the conversation. "Have a hit list of the people you would like to meet, so you can measure your own performance," says Jeffrey Jones, managing director of Human Factor International, a Hong Kong-based executive and trans-cultural coaching firm.
あなたの昼食仲間に参加したり、もしくは夜メッセージを送るために時間を過ごすことは簡単だ。そのかわり,あなたの安堵の時間帯から抜け出し,そして「上級幹部にあなたが誰かを知ってもらうためにパーティを利用しろ。ー 名前と顔をはっきりさせるために。」とLettは言う。それは緊張しそうに見えるけれども、休日のパーティでのちょっとした雑談があなたの仕事関係を強固にすることに大いに役立つことができる。パーティが始まる前にどの上司とあなたが雑談したいのか、そしてその会話の中であなたが言いたいことを決めろ。「あなたが会おうとする人の面談リストを持て。そうすればあなたは自分自身で実績を評価出来る。」と香港を本拠地とした役員に対して、異文化をコーチする企業のHuman Factor Internationalの経営者であるJeffrey Jonesが言う。
Career Advice
Holiday Party Rules: No Black, Avoid Drunks and Kiss Up to the Boss
Dec 22 2011
By Alina Dizik
As most people have figured out by now, the annual holiday party isn't an opportunity to get sloppy drunk and paw your favorite co-worker. In fact, few things can derail your career faster than acting inappropriately at such a work event. Office parties can, however, work to your advantage and become an opportunity to advance your career. The casual atmosphere allows you to chat up the boss or break the ice with a new colleague. To optimize your time at the soiree, create specific goals to help you focus; it's not enough to vow you'll stay away from the cocktail station and appetizer trays.
"The most important thing is to remember it's still a work function – it's not just your friends gathering for a good time," says Cynthia Lett, an executive coach and executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based International Society of Protocol and Etiquette Professionals. There are plenty of surprising ways to make the most of your holiday party, here's how:
「もっとも重要なことはまだ職務中であることを覚えていることだ。ー ここは楽しい時間をあなたの友人と過ごす場ではない。」ワシントンを本拠地とした礼儀作法専門家の国際協会の幹部コーチでまた専務理事である Cynthia Lettは言う。あなたの休日パーティの殆どを造るための驚くべき多くの方法がある。それはこうだ。 :
Be Ready for Intoxicated Partygoers
"Much has been written about not overdoing alcohol at holiday parties but you also need to be ready to respond in a professional and gracious manner to people who haven't listened to that tip," says management professor Joseph Weintraub, Director of the Babson Coaching for Leadership and Teamwork Program at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass. If you're stuck conversing with a coworker or manager who's had too many drinks, Weintraub recommends walking away as soon as possible before the person gets even more intoxicated. Use your smartphone as an excuse, he suggests. "In a business setting, being careful that we are not associated with people saying or doing inappropriate things is always important in managing one's career."
「休日のパーティでのアルコールのとりすぎについて多くのことが書かれてきているが,また、その助言に耳を貸さなかった人たちに対する専門的で,丁重なやり方で答える準備をする必要がある。」とWellesley, Massのバブソン大学のLeadership and Teamwork Programのバブソンコーチングの理事Joseph Weintraub経営管理教授が言う。飲み過ぎた同僚もしくはマネージャーとの会話にはまってしまったら, Weintraubはその人がもっと酔っぱらう前に出来るだけ早くその場を立ち去ることを進める。言い訳としてあなたのスマートフォンを使うと良いと彼は提案する。「ビジネス環境に於いて我々は不適切なことを言ったり、したりするひとを仲間に入れないことに慎重であることは出世するためには絶えず重要なことだ。」
Speak to the Higher-Ups
It's easy to mingle with your lunch buddies or spend the night sending out tweets. Instead, get out of your comfort zone and "use the party to have the upper level executives learn who you are – to put a face to your name," says Lett. Though it can seem intimidating, a quick chat during the holiday party can go a long way toward cementing your work relationship. Before the party starts decide which execs you're eager to chat with and anything you'd like to mention in the conversation. "Have a hit list of the people you would like to meet, so you can measure your own performance," says Jeffrey Jones, managing director of Human Factor International, a Hong Kong-based executive and trans-cultural coaching firm.
あなたの昼食仲間に参加したり、もしくは夜メッセージを送るために時間を過ごすことは簡単だ。そのかわり,あなたの安堵の時間帯から抜け出し,そして「上級幹部にあなたが誰かを知ってもらうためにパーティを利用しろ。ー 名前と顔をはっきりさせるために。」とLettは言う。それは緊張しそうに見えるけれども、休日のパーティでのちょっとした雑談があなたの仕事関係を強固にすることに大いに役立つことができる。パーティが始まる前にどの上司とあなたが雑談したいのか、そしてその会話の中であなたが言いたいことを決めろ。「あなたが会おうとする人の面談リストを持て。そうすればあなたは自分自身で実績を評価出来る。」と香港を本拠地とした役員に対して、異文化をコーチする企業のHuman Factor Internationalの経営者であるJeffrey Jonesが言う。