The other difficulty, which extends far beyond business, is a general suspicion in Japan of outsiders’ points of view. Take Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), operator of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear-power plant, wrecked by the March 11th earthquake and tsunami. A recent report by Bloomberg, citing minutes of a 2009 meeting, revealed that TEPCO and its regulator, the Economy and Trade Ministry, dismissed scientific findings about the risks of such natural disasters that could have helped prevent the meltdowns of three of the plant’s reactors.
The nuclear industry is deeply incestuous. Not only do bureaucrats parachute from their ministries into the utilities, but their sons and daughters occasionally marry each other too. Nicholas Benes, who founded the Board Director Training Institute of Japan, a non-profit organisation, says that having more outsiders on TEPCO’s board, whether independent nuclear specialists, foreigners or women, might have helped ring alarm bells. As it was, 18 of the 20 voting members on TEPCO’s board came from the company itself.
原子力産業はひどく排他的である。彼らの省庁から電力企業への天下りばかりではなく、彼らの子女同士が時々、結婚もしている。Nicholas Benesは非営利組織の会社役員育成機構を創設したが、彼はTEPCOの役員会に独立した原子力の専門家、外国人、もしくは女性であろうとより多くの外部者を入れていれば警告のベルを鳴らす手助けをしてくれたかもしれないと言う。実のところ、TEPCOの役員会の20議席のうち18人は社内の人であった。
Tribalism extends to politics and the media too, frustrating debate, good policy, and the ability to call politicians to account. Members of Japan’s two biggest political parties acknowledge quite candidly that their first loyalty is to their faction’s boss, not to any policy. Hence the ruling Democratic Party of Japan often appears to be more at war with itself than with the opposition.
As for the media, senior reporters are assigned to cover factional power struggles within the parties, whereas complex policy questions are often covered by junior hacks. The mainstream media has a system, known as the Kisha Club, that tends to encourage complicity with official sources and conspires to keep trouble-making riff-raff out of press conferences. Financial journalists quietly acknowledge that one reason they buried Mr Woodford’s claims on the inside pages early in the Olympus scandal is that the story was broken by an obscure monthly magazine. Worse, Mr Woodford first spoke to theFinancial Times, not the Nikkei Shimbun.
メディアに関してはベテランの記者達が党内部の派閥権力闘争を担当する為にアサインされ、一方で、複雑な政策の質問は若い下働きの連中によってしばしばカバーされている。本流のメディアは記者クラブとして知られている仕組みを持っていて、公式な情報資源を共有しようとしていて、記者会見から問題を起こす「くず」を取り除こうと協力している。彼らがウッドフォード氏の要求をオリンパススキャンダルの早い時期に社内の問題として葬った理由の一つはこの話が目だたない月刊誌によって発表されたことだということを金融のジャーナリストは密かに認識している。更に悪いことに、 ウッドフォード氏は最初にファイナンチャルタイムズに話をして、日経新聞ではなかった。
Time for a shake-up
In politics, there are encouraging signs that some of this is starting to change. The prime minister, Yoshihiko Noda, has made policy front-page news for the first time in years, with his decision to push Japan gingerly towards negotiating a free-trade treaty with America and at least eight other countries, under the framework of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Meanwhile, on November 27th, a publicity-seeking former governor, 42-year-old Toru Hashimoto, dealt a severe cuff to both mainstream political parties. Beating a candidate they jointly supported, he won election as mayor of Osaka on a single campaign pledge: to unite the city and prefecture of Osaka into one large metropolis that would strengthen its finances as well as its bargaining power with the political establishment in Tokyo.
His appeal suggests one stark aspect of governance in Japan—the patience of voters with hopeless mainstream politics—may at last be weakening. But in the tradition-bound, loyalty-bound business world, there is as yet little such clamour for change, from employees or shareholders, however much Mr Woodford has rattled their cages.
彼のアピールは日本のガバナンスの、一つのありのままの側面を提言している。ー 希望のない本流の政治に対する投票者達の忍耐ー それはようやく弱まって来ているのかもしれない。しかし、伝統に縛られた、忠誠心に縛られたビジネス世界の中で、 従業員から株主に至るまで、今のところはそうした変化に対する叫びが殆どないし、しかしながら、ウッドフォード氏は彼等をよりイライラさせている。
The other difficulty, which extends far beyond business, is a general suspicion in Japan of outsiders’ points of view. Take Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), operator of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear-power plant, wrecked by the March 11th earthquake and tsunami. A recent report by Bloomberg, citing minutes of a 2009 meeting, revealed that TEPCO and its regulator, the Economy and Trade Ministry, dismissed scientific findings about the risks of such natural disasters that could have helped prevent the meltdowns of three of the plant’s reactors.
The nuclear industry is deeply incestuous. Not only do bureaucrats parachute from their ministries into the utilities, but their sons and daughters occasionally marry each other too. Nicholas Benes, who founded the Board Director Training Institute of Japan, a non-profit organisation, says that having more outsiders on TEPCO’s board, whether independent nuclear specialists, foreigners or women, might have helped ring alarm bells. As it was, 18 of the 20 voting members on TEPCO’s board came from the company itself.
原子力産業はひどく排他的である。彼らの省庁から電力企業への天下りばかりではなく、彼らの子女同士が時々、結婚もしている。Nicholas Benesは非営利組織の会社役員育成機構を創設したが、彼はTEPCOの役員会に独立した原子力の専門家、外国人、もしくは女性であろうとより多くの外部者を入れていれば警告のベルを鳴らす手助けをしてくれたかもしれないと言う。実のところ、TEPCOの役員会の20議席のうち18人は社内の人であった。
Tribalism extends to politics and the media too, frustrating debate, good policy, and the ability to call politicians to account. Members of Japan’s two biggest political parties acknowledge quite candidly that their first loyalty is to their faction’s boss, not to any policy. Hence the ruling Democratic Party of Japan often appears to be more at war with itself than with the opposition.
As for the media, senior reporters are assigned to cover factional power struggles within the parties, whereas complex policy questions are often covered by junior hacks. The mainstream media has a system, known as the Kisha Club, that tends to encourage complicity with official sources and conspires to keep trouble-making riff-raff out of press conferences. Financial journalists quietly acknowledge that one reason they buried Mr Woodford’s claims on the inside pages early in the Olympus scandal is that the story was broken by an obscure monthly magazine. Worse, Mr Woodford first spoke to theFinancial Times, not the Nikkei Shimbun.
メディアに関してはベテランの記者達が党内部の派閥権力闘争を担当する為にアサインされ、一方で、複雑な政策の質問は若い下働きの連中によってしばしばカバーされている。本流のメディアは記者クラブとして知られている仕組みを持っていて、公式な情報資源を共有しようとしていて、記者会見から問題を起こす「くず」を取り除こうと協力している。彼らがウッドフォード氏の要求をオリンパススキャンダルの早い時期に社内の問題として葬った理由の一つはこの話が目だたない月刊誌によって発表されたことだということを金融のジャーナリストは密かに認識している。更に悪いことに、 ウッドフォード氏は最初にファイナンチャルタイムズに話をして、日経新聞ではなかった。
Time for a shake-up
In politics, there are encouraging signs that some of this is starting to change. The prime minister, Yoshihiko Noda, has made policy front-page news for the first time in years, with his decision to push Japan gingerly towards negotiating a free-trade treaty with America and at least eight other countries, under the framework of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Meanwhile, on November 27th, a publicity-seeking former governor, 42-year-old Toru Hashimoto, dealt a severe cuff to both mainstream political parties. Beating a candidate they jointly supported, he won election as mayor of Osaka on a single campaign pledge: to unite the city and prefecture of Osaka into one large metropolis that would strengthen its finances as well as its bargaining power with the political establishment in Tokyo.
His appeal suggests one stark aspect of governance in Japan—the patience of voters with hopeless mainstream politics—may at last be weakening. But in the tradition-bound, loyalty-bound business world, there is as yet little such clamour for change, from employees or shareholders, however much Mr Woodford has rattled their cages.
彼のアピールは日本のガバナンスの、一つのありのままの側面を提言している。ー 希望のない本流の政治に対する投票者達の忍耐ー それはようやく弱まって来ているのかもしれない。しかし、伝統に縛られた、忠誠心に縛られたビジネス世界の中で、 従業員から株主に至るまで、今のところはそうした変化に対する叫びが殆どないし、しかしながら、ウッドフォード氏は彼等をよりイライラさせている。