共産党は国有の銀行システムを通じて、為替レート、金利、そして資本の配分を含めて、中国経済の主要な側面に対する管理を行うことができる。今のところ、資本勘定を厳格に管理している。このことチャイナモデルもしくは北京コンセンサスと言っている。確かに、「人民元は著名な準備通貨になりそうにない。ー ましてドル支配への挑戦なんてー それが自由に変換することができて、そして中国がオープンな資本勘定を採用しなければ。しかしながらそのうちに、そうなるのではないだろうか。1980年代に日本の政府は「円の国際化」の政策を表明したが、中国の場合は違う。日本のように経済が血長期にわたって落ち込むことは考えられないし、2020年にはアメリカのGDPを追い越してしまうかも知れない。中国の人民元はそれとともに、強大な力を持って行くに違いない。
By retaining these restrictions, the Communist Party is able to exert control over key aspects of the Chinese economy, including the exchange rate, interest rates, and the allocation of capital through the state-owned banking system. At present, China retains strict controls on its capital account. Under current regulations, people and companies can only move renminbi in and out of the Chinese mainland through a limited number of channels, such as trade deals, and investments that have been approved by the state.
By retaining these restrictions, the Communist Party is able to exert control over key aspects of the Chinese economy, including the exchange rate, interest rates, and the allocation of capital through the state-owned banking system. At present, China retains strict controls on its capital account. Under current regulations, people and companies can only move renminbi in and out of the Chinese mainland through a limited number of channels, such as trade deals, and investments that have been approved by the state.
Eswar Prasad and Lei Ye wrote in a recent report for the Brookings Institution: “The renminbi is unlikely to become a prominent reserve currency – let alone challenge the dollar’s dominance – unless it can be freely converted and China adopts an open capital account.”
Eswar PrasadとLei Yeはブルッキングス機関の最近の報告書の中に書いた。:「人民元は著名な準備通貨になりそうにない。ー ましてドル支配への挑戦なんてー それが自由に変換することができて、そして中国がオープンな資本勘定を採用しなければ。
While Beijing has removed restrictions on some types of cross-border flows of the renminbi in recent years, the currency is still a long way from being fully convertible. There is no doubt reforms can have big effects. Chinese companies now settle about 10 per cent of their international trade deals using the renminbi, just two years after they were permitted to do so by mainland authorities.
The question is whether Beijing’s unelected policy makers have the political will to dismantle China’s capital controls, given that doing so would remove much of their power over the domestic economy. But investment flows are still small because China’s financial markets are still nascent and foreigners have only limited access. In March, China gave Japan permission to buy up to Rmb65bn ($10bn) of Chinese government bonds, a sum that amounts to less than 1 per cent of Japan’s foreign exchange reserves, which are mainly held in US dollars.
If central banks are to hold the renminbi as a significant part of their reserves, they will need much greater access to Chinese assets. And for the renminbi to challenge the dollar, China's financial markets would need to become as broad, deep, and liquid as those of the US, a process that would require both time and substantial reforms.
Consider Japan, an economy almost exactly the same size as China. Unlike its neighbour, Japan has both an open capital account and deep and liquid financial markets. Back in the 1980s, the Japanese government made it a stated policy to “internationalise the yen”, and many observers expected the currency to challenge the dollar as a reserve currency.
Even after sweeping reforms, however, the renminbi’s ascendance would not be guaranteed. Over the past four decades the Japanese yen has taken on a bigger role in global financial markets. Nonetheless, compared with currencies of other developed countries, its international usage and acceptance is “rather low”, says Dickson Ho, an economist at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
しかしながら、改革を実行した後でさえ、人民元の支配的な立場は保証されないだろう。過去40年にわたって、日本円はグローバルな金融市場に於いて、より重要な役割を果たして来た。それにもかかわらず、他の先進諸国の通貨と比較して、国際的な利用度と認知度は「幾分低い」と香港貿易発展委員会のエコノミストであるDickson Hoは言う。
Only about 40 per cent of Japan’s exports and 20 per cent of imports are settled in yen. The yen now accounts for less than 4 per cent of official global foreign exchange reserves, according to the International Monetary Fund, down from a peak of 8.5 per cent in 1991. If Japan’s experience is any guide, it shows China has scope to expand global use of the renminbi for trade and investment. By contrast, the US dollar and the euro account for about 62 per cent and 26 per cent of global reserves respectively. Challenging the dollar as a global reserve currency, however, is another matter.