次の日、タイでは大混乱が生じた。最初に、爆発がバンコクの借家の屋根を吹き飛ばした。煙が消えると、一団のイランの男達が通りに出て来て、彼らの動きはカラーの監視カメラに捕えられた。2人は大きなバックパックを背負っていて、急いでいる様子だった。ひとりは爆発物と磁石が詰まっている一組の中国製の安物のポータブルラジオをもっていた。ー どうやら一団が急いで組み合わせた爆弾のようだった。最初の爆弾は彼がタクシーに向かってなげ、そこで、それは爆発した。「あなたの車の中にいるその男を連れて行くな。」と他のタクシーに向かって激怒した運転手は叫んだ。
The next day all hell broke loose in Thailand. First, an explosion blew the roof off a rented house in Bangkok. As the smoke cleared, a string of Iranian men strode into the street, their progress captured by color surveillance cameras. Two wore large backpacks and harried looks. One carried a pair of cheap Chinese portable radios, packed with explosives and magnets — apparently the bombs the crew was hurrying to put together. The first he flung toward a taxi, where it exploded. “Don’t take that man in your car!” the enraged driver yelled.
次の日、タイでは大混乱が生じた。最初に、爆発がバンコクの借家の屋根を吹き飛ばした。煙が消えると、一団のイランの男達が通りに出て来て、彼らの動きはカラーの監視カメラに捕えられた。2人は大きなバックパックを背負っていて、急いでいる様子だった。ひとりは爆発物と磁石が詰まっている一組の中国製の安物のポータブルラジオをもっていた。ー どうやら一団が急いで組み合わせた爆弾のようだった。最初の爆弾は彼がタクシーに向かってなげ、そこで、それは爆発した。「あなたの車の中にいるその男を連れて行くな。」と他のタクシーに向かって激怒した運転手は叫んだ。
When Thai police approached, the Iranian threw his second radio. It exploded at his feet, severing both legs. Another Iranian was arrested at Kuala Lumpur, en route to Tehran. Back in India, police linked him through phone records to the New Delhi and Tbilisi plots, and laid all three incidents on the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
タイの警察が近づいた時このイラン人の一団は彼の2個目のラジオを投げた。それは彼の足下で爆発し、両足を切断した。もう一人のイラン人はテネランへ向かう途中で、 Kuala Lumpurで逮捕された。インドに戻ると、警察はNew DelhiとTbilisi への電話記録を通じて彼を結びつけ、3つの全ての事件をイラン革命軍の特殊部隊によるものだとした。
There was more: in June, a pair of middle-aged Iranian men were arrested for plotting a string of bombings across Kenya. Police unearthed 15 kg of the heavy-duty explosive RDX on a golf course in the coastal city of Mombasa and tailed the pair casing possible targets, from the British embassy to Israel’s ambassador to a synagogue.
The Bulgaria attack was the first to produce deaths. And initial suggestion of Iranian involvement was circumstantial: it happened on the 18th anniversary of Iran’s last major terrorist attack on Israel, in Buenos Aires. But scraps of evidence emerged from the wreckage: circuitry that told forensic examiners the bomb had been detonated by remote control. There was also the severed head of the man carrying the bomb: blue-eyed and short-haired, he might have been the same man identified to the media as the bomber, a lanky young man with a large backpack seen in surveillance footage pacing (as people do) in the flight-arrivals area.
Also found in the debris was a Michigan driver’s license. It was not only a fake, but similar to another Michigan license picturing a heavyset man, also wearing a bad wig, and so poorly forged it was declined by a rental car clerk elsewhere in Bulgaria a few days earlier. Investigators traced both to the same source inside Lebanon. Investigators early on located the hotel room where the bomb was made, intelligence sources tell TIME. But the breakthrough was identifying two suspects who entered the country on valid passports, one Canadian, the other Australian. Both have retreated to Lebanon and were linked to Hizballah’s military wing, Bulgarian officials told reporters.
The next day all hell broke loose in Thailand. First, an explosion blew the roof off a rented house in Bangkok. As the smoke cleared, a string of Iranian men strode into the street, their progress captured by color surveillance cameras. Two wore large backpacks and harried looks. One carried a pair of cheap Chinese portable radios, packed with explosives and magnets — apparently the bombs the crew was hurrying to put together. The first he flung toward a taxi, where it exploded. “Don’t take that man in your car!” the enraged driver yelled.
次の日、タイでは大混乱が生じた。最初に、爆発がバンコクの借家の屋根を吹き飛ばした。煙が消えると、一団のイランの男達が通りに出て来て、彼らの動きはカラーの監視カメラに捕えられた。2人は大きなバックパックを背負っていて、急いでいる様子だった。ひとりは爆発物と磁石が詰まっている一組の中国製の安物のポータブルラジオをもっていた。ー どうやら一団が急いで組み合わせた爆弾のようだった。最初の爆弾は彼がタクシーに向かってなげ、そこで、それは爆発した。「あなたの車の中にいるその男を連れて行くな。」と他のタクシーに向かって激怒した運転手は叫んだ。
When Thai police approached, the Iranian threw his second radio. It exploded at his feet, severing both legs. Another Iranian was arrested at Kuala Lumpur, en route to Tehran. Back in India, police linked him through phone records to the New Delhi and Tbilisi plots, and laid all three incidents on the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
タイの警察が近づいた時このイラン人の一団は彼の2個目のラジオを投げた。それは彼の足下で爆発し、両足を切断した。もう一人のイラン人はテネランへ向かう途中で、 Kuala Lumpurで逮捕された。インドに戻ると、警察はNew DelhiとTbilisi への電話記録を通じて彼を結びつけ、3つの全ての事件をイラン革命軍の特殊部隊によるものだとした。
There was more: in June, a pair of middle-aged Iranian men were arrested for plotting a string of bombings across Kenya. Police unearthed 15 kg of the heavy-duty explosive RDX on a golf course in the coastal city of Mombasa and tailed the pair casing possible targets, from the British embassy to Israel’s ambassador to a synagogue.
The Bulgaria attack was the first to produce deaths. And initial suggestion of Iranian involvement was circumstantial: it happened on the 18th anniversary of Iran’s last major terrorist attack on Israel, in Buenos Aires. But scraps of evidence emerged from the wreckage: circuitry that told forensic examiners the bomb had been detonated by remote control. There was also the severed head of the man carrying the bomb: blue-eyed and short-haired, he might have been the same man identified to the media as the bomber, a lanky young man with a large backpack seen in surveillance footage pacing (as people do) in the flight-arrivals area.
Also found in the debris was a Michigan driver’s license. It was not only a fake, but similar to another Michigan license picturing a heavyset man, also wearing a bad wig, and so poorly forged it was declined by a rental car clerk elsewhere in Bulgaria a few days earlier. Investigators traced both to the same source inside Lebanon. Investigators early on located the hotel room where the bomb was made, intelligence sources tell TIME. But the breakthrough was identifying two suspects who entered the country on valid passports, one Canadian, the other Australian. Both have retreated to Lebanon and were linked to Hizballah’s military wing, Bulgarian officials told reporters.