Regarding the American cabinet
All the president's men and women
Feb 8th 2013, 11:21 by T.P. | BEIJING
IN THE months since China implemented its once-a-decade leadership transition, American policymakers have been watching closely to see whether changes in personnel might augur any change in Chinese policy toward the United States. As the year of the dragon draws to a close and Barack Obama busies himself trying to replace many of his most senior officials for his second term, it is China’s turn to wonder what his new team means for what is (arguably?) the world’s most important bilateral relationship.
Mr Obama’s cabinet reshuffle affects three top positions—the secretary of state, secretary of defence, and secretary of the treasury—whose holders must devote a great deal of their time and attention to China.
オバマ氏の内閣改造は3つのトップポジションに影響している。ー 国務長官、国防長官、財務長官ー その人たちは中国に多くの時間と関心を捧げなければならない。
Compared with their American counterparts, analysts in China have much more to work with as they try to sort the new scene. In contrast to the figures atop China’s black box of a political system, the incoming American officials have left career-long paper trails from their many public speeches, press interviews, congressional testimony and legislative votes.
Zhu Chenghu, a general in the People’s Liberation Army, told state-run media that the incoming secretary of state, John Kerry, a former senator and presidential candidate, “will be more moderate” on the issue of China’s dispute with Japan over a set of tiny, uninhabited islands in the East China sea. The islands are called the Senkakus by Japan, and the Diaoyus by China. On February 4th, when Mr Kerry replaced Hillary Clinton as America’s top-ranked diplomat, General Zhu was prompted to remark that the change “represents an opportunity to redirect Washington’s course”.
Zhu Chenghuは人民解放軍の将軍だが、新しく就任する国務長官のJohn Kerryは元上院議員で、大統領候補だったが、東シナ海の一連の小さな人の住んでいない諸島に対して中国の日本との紛争の問題に関して「穏健だろう」と国営のメディアに語った。この諸島は日本では尖閣諸島と呼ばれていて、中国では釣魚島と呼ばれている。2月4日にKerry氏がアメリカのトップの外交官としてHillary Clintonに入れ替わった時にZhu将軍はこの変更は「ワシントンの再び向きを変える機会を表している」と即座に述べた。
Wang Dong, the director of the Centre for North-East Asian Strategic Studies at the Beijing University School of International Studies, agrees. “We know Kerry well. He has a reputation for being moderate and thoughtful, not overly forceful or muscular with his language,” Mr Wang says, adding that this marks a contrast with the impression of Mrs Clinton that tends to be held in China. “If Kerry can put more emphasis on co-operation, it will make a big difference.”
Wang Dongは北京大学国際研究学院の北東アジア戦略研究センターの理事だが、合意している。「我々はKerryをよく知っている。彼は穏健で、思慮深いと言う評判があり、過度に強引になったり、口の聞き方が強くなったりしない。」とWang氏は言って、クリントン女史が中国で維持されがちであった印象と対照的であることを付け加えた。「もしKerryが協力をより強調することが出来れば、大きな違いを生むだろう。」
水曜日、今日はこれまで。今日は雨だが、だんだんこれから暖かくなって行く。今日は衆議院議員になった松田さんの報告会が横浜である。ではまた明日。All the president's men and women
Feb 8th 2013, 11:21 by T.P. | BEIJING
IN THE months since China implemented its once-a-decade leadership transition, American policymakers have been watching closely to see whether changes in personnel might augur any change in Chinese policy toward the United States. As the year of the dragon draws to a close and Barack Obama busies himself trying to replace many of his most senior officials for his second term, it is China’s turn to wonder what his new team means for what is (arguably?) the world’s most important bilateral relationship.
Mr Obama’s cabinet reshuffle affects three top positions—the secretary of state, secretary of defence, and secretary of the treasury—whose holders must devote a great deal of their time and attention to China.
オバマ氏の内閣改造は3つのトップポジションに影響している。ー 国務長官、国防長官、財務長官ー その人たちは中国に多くの時間と関心を捧げなければならない。
Compared with their American counterparts, analysts in China have much more to work with as they try to sort the new scene. In contrast to the figures atop China’s black box of a political system, the incoming American officials have left career-long paper trails from their many public speeches, press interviews, congressional testimony and legislative votes.
Zhu Chenghu, a general in the People’s Liberation Army, told state-run media that the incoming secretary of state, John Kerry, a former senator and presidential candidate, “will be more moderate” on the issue of China’s dispute with Japan over a set of tiny, uninhabited islands in the East China sea. The islands are called the Senkakus by Japan, and the Diaoyus by China. On February 4th, when Mr Kerry replaced Hillary Clinton as America’s top-ranked diplomat, General Zhu was prompted to remark that the change “represents an opportunity to redirect Washington’s course”.
Zhu Chenghuは人民解放軍の将軍だが、新しく就任する国務長官のJohn Kerryは元上院議員で、大統領候補だったが、東シナ海の一連の小さな人の住んでいない諸島に対して中国の日本との紛争の問題に関して「穏健だろう」と国営のメディアに語った。この諸島は日本では尖閣諸島と呼ばれていて、中国では釣魚島と呼ばれている。2月4日にKerry氏がアメリカのトップの外交官としてHillary Clintonに入れ替わった時にZhu将軍はこの変更は「ワシントンの再び向きを変える機会を表している」と即座に述べた。
Wang Dong, the director of the Centre for North-East Asian Strategic Studies at the Beijing University School of International Studies, agrees. “We know Kerry well. He has a reputation for being moderate and thoughtful, not overly forceful or muscular with his language,” Mr Wang says, adding that this marks a contrast with the impression of Mrs Clinton that tends to be held in China. “If Kerry can put more emphasis on co-operation, it will make a big difference.”
Wang Dongは北京大学国際研究学院の北東アジア戦略研究センターの理事だが、合意している。「我々はKerryをよく知っている。彼は穏健で、思慮深いと言う評判があり、過度に強引になったり、口の聞き方が強くなったりしない。」とWang氏は言って、クリントン女史が中国で維持されがちであった印象と対照的であることを付け加えた。「もしKerryが協力をより強調することが出来れば、大きな違いを生むだろう。」