helicopter buzzed to and fro, hour after hour, high above Hong Kong’s
shining harbour and glistening skyscrapers, a bright red advertising
banner trailing behind. What unmissable opportunity was it selling?
Government bonds, that’s what, yielding as little as 0.6%.
ヘリが香港の照り返す港と光を反射する摩天楼、その背後にたなびく鮮やかな赤い宣伝の垂れ幕の上高くを行ったり来たり、一時間毎に飛び交っていた。それはどんな見逃せない好機を売っていたのか? 国債。それは何だ。利回りはわずか0.6%しかない。
bonds were issued on August 17th by China’s Ministry of Finance in its
own currency, the yuan. That would not normally be a banner-waving
event. But what made this sale notable was its size—20 billion yuan
($3.1 billion)—and its buyers: offshore investors in Hong Kong. It
represents by far the biggest issue of “dim sum” bonds, securities
denominated in the currency of mainland China, but sold in Hong Kong,
where people like to eat dumplings, pork buns and other tasty morsels
known as dim sum. It therefore marks another step in the globalisation
of the redback.
first such bond was sold by China Development Bank in 2007. The bank has
since been followed by more than 80 other issuers, including the World
Bank, a Russian bank, McDonald’s, Volkswagen and a casino operator.