This will hugely benefit Libya, where businesspeople returning to Tripoli will look to Tunis for links and inspiration. The regime replacing Muammar Qaddafi may prove fractious and erratic but should manage to stick together. Here, too, secular-minded liberals will have to share power with Islamists.
この事は大いにリビアに利益をもたらすだろう。そこではトリポリに戻って来ているビジネスマンがテュニスに対して関係と刺激を期待するだろう。 Muammar Qaddafiから置き代わった政権は手に負えず、不安定であるかもしれないが、協力し合ってやって行くようにするべきだ。ここでもまた宗教色のないリベラ ルはイスラム教徒と権力を分かち合わなければならないだろう。
Egypt is by far the biggest prize for democracy in the Arab world—and will muddle ahead. The army, having allowed the people to choose their representatives by the end of 2011, will step back, though keeping a lot of its privileges, and some Egyptians will look to it to protect a secular way of life, as the army used to do in Turkey. As in Tunisia, Egypt’s Islamists, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, will prove the best organised political force in the country, with a quarter or so of the seats in the new parliament. But it, too, will deem it sensible to share power with secularists. And it will help slap down the more extreme Salafists if they seek to stir up animosity with the country’s Christians, who make up around 10% of Egypt’s 87m people.
そして先んじて混乱するだろう。軍は2011年の終わりまでには国民が代表者を選ぶ事を受け入れてきていて、多くの特権を維持するけれども、退くであろうし、そして軍隊がトルコでして来たように、幾人かのエジプト人は宗教色のない生き方を保護する事を望むだろう。 チュニジアに於けるように、エジプトのイスラム教徒はイスラム同胞団によってリードされ、この国に於いて、最も良く組織化された権力であり、新しい議会の4分の一ぐらいの議席を持つだろう。しかし、また無宗教の人々と権力を分かち合う事には分別を持つと思われる。そして、エジプトの人口8700万人の約10%からなるこの国のキリスト教徒に対して、最も過激なサラフィストが敵意を持つようであれば、それを叩く手助けをするだろう。
Across the region, Islamists will make ground but will not—at least at first—seek to win untrammelled power. They will play a cautious and pragmatic game, trying not to frighten the secular majority as they gradually insert their people into the institutions of state, all the while impressing doubters with their high-minded opposition to corruption, a scourge of the region which will not go away in a hurry. The popular appeal of extreme Islamists, such as al-Qaeda, will fade. But jihadists will entrench themselves in Yemen and in Somalia, a member of the 22-country Arab League though it is not ethnically Arab.
Other violent though not religion-driven upheavals will carry on here and there. Syria’s President Bashar Assad is unlikely to last the year in office, as the Sunni majority, including senior military men and businessmen, decide that rule by the president’s Alawite minority, which makes up about a tenth of the population, cannot be sustained. Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh, who fled to Saudi Arabia in mid-2011 after being wounded in an attack on his palace but returned in September, will fail to re-establish himself as his country descends further into strife between its clans and regions.
Assadは政権に一年とは持たないだろう。イエメンのAli Abdullah
But other parts of the Arab world may experience upheavals too. Algeria, whose regime kept a tight lid on dissent throughout 2011, as its president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, has done ever since taking office in 1999, will not be immune to angry calls for change.
しかし、アラブ世界の他の部分はまた、大変動を経験するかもしれない。 Algeriaはその政権がAbdelaziz Bouteflikaを大統領として2011年を通じて,異端者達を厳重に取り締まったが,彼は1999年に政権について以来そうして来ているが,変化に対する怒りの要求を免れることはないだろう。
Free trade in South Korea
Don't shed a tear
Nov 23rd 2011, 2:34 by D.T. | SEOUL
AFTER weeks of stalling, South Korea’s parliament at last has ratified the country’s Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) with America, “Korus”. After calling a surprise vote to catch opponents of the deal off-guard, the ruling Grand National Party (GNP) managed to force it through without the kind of brawl that many were expecting. There was no parliamentary brawl per se, that is—and only a bit of physical scuffling.
何週間もの立ち往生の後で、韓国の議会はついに、この国のアメリカとのFTA(自由貿易協定)「Korus」を承認した。交渉の反対者達の不意をつくためにびっくりさせるような投票をした後で、与党のハンナラ党(GNP)は多くの人たちが予想をしていた騒々しいけんかの類いをせずに法案を強行可決してしまった。議会での騒々しいけんか自体はなかった。すなわち、ー そして多少の物理的な小競り合いだけで。
What caught almost everyone off-guard was the tear-gas canister that was detonated in the debating chamber. South Korean politicians exhibit a great deal of flair when it comes to parliamentary fisticuffs; makeshift battering rams and chainsaws have made appearances, the better to break down doors that might be blockaded by members of an opposing party. Tuesday’s action though, which came courtesy of the Democratic Labour Party’s own Kim Seon-dong, raises the bar on outrageous conduct (the incident was captured on video by GNP member Jung Ok-nim).
殆 どすべての人の不意をついた事は議論している部屋で、爆発した催涙ガス弾だった。韓国の政治家は議会での殴り合いになると、大いに才能を発揮する。;一時 しのぎの城を壊す槌と鎖のこが顔を出して、反対派の議員によって封鎖されているドアを壊す為にはこれが良いからだ。しかしながら、火曜日のアクションは民 主労働党(DLP)に所属しているKim Seon-dongによるもので、法外な行為の水準を上げている。(この事件はハンナラ党の Jung Ok-nimによってビデオで撮られた。)
the left-wing minority opposition DLP ought to feel most embarrassed,
the GNP itself is unlikely to be celebrating today’s victory too
loudly. They could have pushed Korus through several weeks ago, but
continuing concerns among voters over income inequality and youth
unemployment have seen the political pendulum making an unusually
pronounced leftward swing. With parliamentary elections due in April,
many GNP members fear losing their seats.
“Angry” young voters are thought to have punished the GNP in October’s Seoul mayoral by-election, selecting the independent Park Won-soon ahead of Na Kyung-won, the ruling party’s candidate. The ratification of Korus without the support of opposition parties could cause further subsidence of the GNP’s ratings in opinion polls. At the time of writing, a group of several thousand anti-FTA protesters was gathered in Yeouido, outside the parliament building.
「怒った」若者の有権者達は10月のソウル市長の補欠選挙でGNPを処罰したと考えられている。与党候補のNa Kyung-wonに対して無所属のPark Won-soonを選んだ。反対派の支援なしで、Korusを承認した事は世論調査に於いてGNPへの評価の更なる地盤沈下を引き起こしうるだろう。書いている時に、数千人の反FTAグループの抗議者達は議事堂の外のYeouidoに集まっていた。
韓国はアメリカとのFTAを締結した。彼らはアメリカとの貿易を有利にするで、自動車を始めとした工業製品の対米輸出がこれで日本よりも有利になる。かっ ての日本の安全保障条約をアメリカと締結したときのようで、国会が相当混乱しているようだ。以上だが、今日はもう少し続けて,アラブの話を久しぶりに行お う。これはエコノミストの記事だ。
One year on
Most Arabs will edge towards democracy—but anti-modernisers will still stand in their way
Nov 17th 2011

The wind of Arab freedom that suddenly began to billow at the beginning of 2011 will gust across the entire Arab world throughout 2012. But it will do so in patches, and inconsistently. In some quarters democracy will begin to entrench itself. In others it will be fended off by autocrats determined not to let it blow their houses down.
2011年の始めに突然押寄せ始めたアラブ自由の風は2012年の間中、アラブの世界全体に吹き荒れるだろう。しかし、それは所々でそうなるだろう し、一貫しないだろう。幾つかの場所では民主主義がその立場を固め始めるだろう。他の場所では彼らの家を吹き飛ばさせないと決めていた専制君主によってそれは回避されるだろう。
The most promising region for democrats will be a swathe of north Africa that runs from Tunisia through Libya to Egypt. Tunisia, in particular, will set a hopeful example for the rest of the Arab world. Its elected constituent assembly will pave the way for a free election under a new constitution. The Islamist Nahda party will emerge as the largest in parliament but with only around a fifth of the vote. As a result, it will become just one part of a broad ruling coalition in which more secular groups will hold a majority. Tunisia’s economy will start to recover.
on demographics. Between 1994 and 2008 American GDP grew 3% a year
while Japan's grew 1.1%. That sounds dismal, but be sure you use the
right benchmark. Japan’s potential growth slowed dramatically in the mid
1990s. As the chart at right illustrates, Japan’s working-age
population at that time began a long decline, shrinking 0.4% per year
over the period while America’s grew 1.2% according to the OECD.
第 一に人口統計について。1994年から2008年までアメリカのGDPは年間3%成長し、一方日本は1.1%成長した。それは弱々しい印象を与える。しか し、あなたは正しい基準を必ず利用するべきだ。日本の成長の可能性は1990年代半ばに劇的に減速した。右の例示の図のようにOECDによれば、その時点で、日本の労働可能人口は長い減少が始まり、一定期間、毎年0.4%減少し、一方で、アメリカは1.2%成長している。
That 1.6 point differential can explain most of the difference in growth. Japanese productivity growth averaged a perfectly respectable 2.1% from 1994 to 2008, the same as America’s. At the time it was a disappointment because it was a sharp deceleration from prior decades. In retrospect, though, it may have been inevitable given that Japan had, technologically, almost caught up to America. (An overregulated and inefficient service sector made it difficult to close the remaining gap.)
Of course, poor policy and the dynamics of post-crisis deleveraging played a part. Japan has underperformed even its lowered benchmark; unemployment has trended higher. But when extrapolating to the United States, the demographic outlook should get more attention than it does.
Second, fiscal policy. In April, 1997, the government raised Japan’s consumption tax. That is now routinely cited as a cautionary tale against premature fiscal tightening since it was followed by a steep recession. But a closer examination suggests the tax increase alone cannot explain the length and depth of the 1997-98 slump. Private consumption actually grew in the quarter after the tax increase.
Two other massive shocks played important parts. In July, Thailand devalued, touching off the Asian crisis, a major negative for Japanese exports. Then, in November, a series of banks and investment banks collapsed: Sanyo Securities, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank, Yamaichi Securities and Tokuyo City Bank. “Major financial institutions collapsed almost on a weekly basis in the month of November 1997,” a retrospective by the BIS notes.
2つの他の大きな打撃が重要な役割を果たした。7月にタイが平価を切り下げ、アジア危機を誘発した。日本の輸出にとって大きなマイナス要因であった。それから、 11月には一連の銀行や投資銀行が倒産した。:三洋証券、北海道拓殖銀行、山一証券、徳陽シティ銀行。「主要な金融機関が1997年11月の月に殆ど毎週倒産した。」国債決済銀行の記録による回顧では。
It was, for Japan, tantamount to Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Washington Mutual going bust all at once. The following year, Long Term Credit Bank failed. These events did enormous damage to financial-market confidence and contributed to a serious credit crunch.
それは日本にとって Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Washington Mutualが一度に倒産するのに等しかった。その次の年、長期信用銀行が倒産した。これらの出来事が金融市場の信頼に対して多大な損害であり、重大な信用逼迫に寄与した。
credit crunch:金融が極端に逼迫すること。金融収縮、信用収縮。金融機関が貸し渋りのスタンスを強めて金融が萎縮、企業が割高の金利支払いを覚悟してもなお資金借り入れができなくなるような状況。
This does not exonerate the fiscal tightening; it was, and remains, an error. But the more important lesson is that bad luck is as important as bad policy. Analysing the consequences of any policy must incorporate how bad luck may skew the outcome. The Japanese government wouldn’t have raised taxes if it had known what was in store. Fiscal tightening for America is a bad idea in its own right, but it’s particularly ill advised given that stuff happens. Like Europe.
Until recently, it had been assumed that whatever their differences, Republicans and Democrats could come together to protect a tax cut for working people amid an extremely fragile recovery. The failure to reach any supercommittee deal may have poisoned the water sufficiently to cast even that into doubt.
How long might an impasse persist? With an election looming in November of 2012, it is difficult to imagine matters getting any easier. Republicans have drawn a line in the sand on the raising of new revenue to help close the deficit, and Democrats are unwilling to support big spending cuts without at least some contribution on the revenue side. Neither group will want to face voters having stepped away from that principle.
どれほどの期間行き詰まりが続くのだろうか?2012年の11月に選挙が迫っているので、物事がより容易に進むのを想像する事は難しい。共和党は赤字をな くす手助けをする為に新たな収入を起こすために譲れない一線を示して来ていて、そして民主党は少なくとも収入面からの寄与なしで大きな支出削減を支援しよ うとはしていない。どっちのグループもその原則から一歩はなれて、投票者達に直面しようとはしないだろう。
impossible to say what the composition of Congress might look like
post-election, but the fiscal cuts scheduled for the end of next year
are bigger still; they include the expiration of the Bush tax cuts
(again) as well as the automatic cuts that kick in as a result of the
supercommittee's superfailure.
If this Congress can't agree on anything before the election, and the new Congress is no better, then the drag on the economy from government will grow from small but manageable to debilitating.
Two things to remember about Japan
Nov 14th 2011, 22:57 by G.I. | WASHINGTON
JAPANESE policymakers must watch Europe’s unfolding train wreck with mixed feelings. On the one hand, they take no joy in the economic and financial damage a vital trading partner is inflicting on itself. On the other hand, for a change they’re not the ones whose judgment is being dissected, debated and criticised.
日本の政治家達は複雑な感情で ヨーロッパで起こっている容易ならぬ事態を見守らねばならない。一方、彼らは極めて重要な貿易のパ−トナーが自ら苦しめられている経済並びに財務上の損害に少しも楽しくない。他方で、この変化に対して彼らはその判断が分析され、議論され、批判される対象ではない。
That changes for one night, however. Tonight in my old stomping ground of Toronto, the following proposition will be debated: “Be it resolved that North America faces a Japan-style era of high unemployment and slow growth.” Paul Krugman and David Rosenberg take the “pro” side, while Larry Summers and Ian Bremmer represent the “con” side.
しかしながら、それは一夜で変化する。今夜、トロントの私の昔の行きつけの場所で、次の提案が議論された。:「北アメリカが高い失業率と低成長の日本型の時代に直面している事を決議する。」Paul KrugmanとDavid Rosenbergが賛成派で、一方、Larry SummersとIan Bremmerが反対派を表明している。
Japan has been studied so thoroughly that I may subtract rather than add value here. Nonetheless, there are two things I find get less attention than they deserve. They come in the form of a pop quiz:
1. How much of the gap between Japanese and American economic performance since the mid-1990s can be explained by demographics?
2. How much did fiscal tightening contribute to Japan’s steep recession of 1998?
The answer to (1) is “more than you think”, and the answer to (2) is “less than you think”. Okay, I don't really know what you think. Still, when I learned the answers, I was surprised.
1. 1990年代半ばからの日本とアメリカの経済実績の格差の大きさは人口統計によってどのように説明しうるのか?
2. 財務上の引締めは1998年の日本の急激な景気後退にどれほど貢献したのか?
It is also a test for Mr Obama’s new strategy of coping with China’s rise by “pivoting” American foreign policy more towards Asia. He must stand up to the unions in the car industry which have long bellyached about the imbalance of trade with Japan. He should energetically promote the potential gains for jobs of his pro-Asia strategy—both at home and abroad. America should also stress that the TPP is meant to engage and incorporate China, rather than constrain it.
また、TPPはよりアジアに向けての「向きを変えた」アメリカの外交政策によって、中国の隆盛に対処するオバマ氏の新たな戦略に対する試金石でもある。彼は長い間日本との貿易不均衡にくどくど不平を言って来ている自動車産業の組合のために立ち上がらなければならない。彼は精力的に彼のアジア志向の戦略によって雇用を獲得する可能性を促進しなければならない。ー 国内でも海外でも。アメリカはTPPが中国を封じ込めるよりも引きつけ、包含する事を意味する事もまた強調するべきだ。
Such steps would help win support in Japan, while costing America little. And in joining the TPP, Japan would be forced to reform hidebound parts of its economy, such as services, which would stimulate growth. A revitalised Japan would add to the dynamism of a more liberalised Asia-Pacific region. That is surely something worth fighting for.
The supercommittee flops: Do-nothing Congress may find a way to raise taxes
Nov 21st 2011, 16:39 by R.A. | WASHINGTON
supercommittee has failed. When Congress finally struck its deal to
raise the debt ceiling during the summer, it agreed to find just over a
trillion in budget savings through a bipartisan committee (said
supercommittee), which would be empowered to develop recommendations
that would then be subject to a Congressional vote in a process
mercifully stripped of most of the procedural bottlenecks that now choke
so much legislation.
Should Congress fail in this endeavour, a number of automatic cuts would instead kick in in 2013. The nastiness of the proposed cuts was supposed to encourage lawmakers to strike a deal. Instead, it seems that they'll strike out. It now appears that Congressional leaders have been unable to reach a consensus.
This failure is leading some to wonder whether debt worries might hamstring a struggling American economy. Eventually, perhaps, but not yet; for now, crisis is sending international investors rushing into the arms of the Treasury, and the yield on 10-year American debt is back below 2%. A bigger concern is the rising possibility that Congress will be unable to prevent a big fiscal tightening from occurring at the end of the year.
Last year, as part of the deal to extend the expiring Bush tax cuts, Congress approved a stimulative payroll tax cut and an extension of federal emergency unemployment benefits. Both are scheduled to expire at the end of the year. Should they do so, the economy may face a fiscal hit next year equivalent to about 2 percentage points of growth.
America's economy has looked surprisingly buoyant in recent months, but few expect growth to continue to accelerate. A tightening of that magnitude would push America uncomfortably close to the threshold of recession, and that's assuming no new headwinds, as from a euro-zone collapse.
ア メリカの経済はこの数ヶ月、驚くほど上昇傾向にあるようだ。しかし、成長が加速し続けると期待している人は殆どいない。この規模の引き締めはアメリカを不快なほどに不況への入り口に近づけさせるだろうし、そして、ユーロ圏の崩壊からのような新たな逆風が無いと仮定している。
Regional trade deals are not always a good idea. If they distract policymakers from global trade liberalisation, they are to be discouraged. But with the Doha round of global trade talks showing no flicker of life, there is little danger that the TPP will derail a broader agreement; and by cutting barriers, strengthening intellectual-property protections and going beyond a web of existing trade deals, it should boost world trade.
The creation of a wider TPP is still some way off. For it to come into being its architects—Mr Obama, who faces a tough election battle next year, and Japan’s Yoshihiko Noda, who faces crony politics laced with passionate protectionism—need to show more leadership.
より広範囲のTPPの創設にはまだ幾分距離がある。それが開拓者となる為にはー オバマ氏が来年には厳しい選挙に直面していて、そして日本の野田佳彦は熱烈な保護主義が盛り込まれた排他的な政治に直面していて、ー よりリーダーシップを示す必要がある。
The Noda showdown
Mr Noda’s announcement on November 11th that Japan was interested in
joining the TPP negotiations was an exceedingly bold move. Signing up
would mean dramatic changes in Japan, a country which has 800% tariffs
on rice and exports 65 vehicles to America for every one that is sent
to Japan. Mr Noda’s move could also transform the prospects of the
TPP, most obviously by uniting two of the world’s leading three
economies but also by galvanising others. Until he expressed an
interest, Canada and Mexico had also remained on the sidelines.
Unwittingly or not, Mr Noda has thrust mercantilist Japan into a
central position on a trade treaty in which free movement of
everything except labour is on the table.
Immense obstacles loom for Mr Noda. He came into office in September casting himself as a conciliator of Japan’s warring political factions. Many of those groups are opposed to the TPP. Farm co-operatives, which feather many a politician’s nest, argue that it would rob Japan of its rice heritage. Doctors warn of the risks to Japan’s cherished health system. Socialists see the TPP as a Washington-led sideswipe at China, which had hoped to build an East Asian trade orbit including Japan. Mr Noda will have to contend not just with opposition from rival parties but also with a split on the issue inside his Democratic Party of Japan.
図りしれない障害が野田氏にのしかかっている。彼は9月に首相となり、日本のいがみ合う政治の派閥の調停者としての役割を担っている。これらのグループの多くはTPPに反対している。農業協同組合は多くの政治家に資金を提供して来ていて、それが日本から米の伝統を奪うかもしれない事を主張している。医者は日本の大事にされている健康システムの危険を警告している。社会主義者達はワシントン主導で中国を横から叩く道具としてTPPを見ていて、それが日本を含めて、東アジアの貿易勢力圏を作る事を望んできていた。野田氏は敵対するグループからの反対と戦うだけでなく、また、民主党内部の意見の対立とも戦わねばなら ない。
Since Honolulu, Mr Noda has already pandered to protectionists by watering down his message. Having beamed next to Mr Obama in a summit photo, he then protested that the White House had overstated his intention to put all goods and services up for negotiation. Polls, however, suggest the Japanese are crying out for leadership on the issue, not pusillanimity. More support the idea of entering TPP negotiations than oppose it. On their behalf Mr Noda should lead Japan forthrightly into the discussions, confident that the country can bargain well enough to give its sacred industries such as farming and health care time to adjust.
ホノルル以来、野田氏は彼のメッセージを和らげることによって、すでに保護主義者達におもねてきている。 サミットの写真ではオバマ氏の隣に顔を輝かせていたが、ホワイトハウスが彼の意図をすべての商品とサービスを交渉の場に出すと言うように誇張したとして抗議した。しかしながら、世論調査では日本人が臆病ではなく、この課題にリーダーシップが必要であると示唆している。多くの人たちは反対するよりかはTPP の交渉に参加する考えを支持している。彼らの為に、野田氏は、この国が農業や健康医療のような聖域産業を調整するための時が到来した事を確信して、話し合う事が出来る事を確信して率直にこの議論の中で、日本をリードするべきである。