Sibling Rivalry on the Job

If your holiday dinners fit any of the usual stereotypes, they probably include awkward conversations and a vow that you'll never sit next to your creepy uncle again. But what if dealing with exhausting family members happened 40-plus hours a week?
The majority of FINS readers report that they'd be apt to take a job that mixed family with business, or one that could require them to deal with someone else's family issues on the job. In FINS' informal online survey, Sign or Decline, 81% of 748 respondents said they'd accept their dream job if their new boss would be the chief executive's daughter. Only 57% of 725 respondents said they'd take it if their boss would be their brother or sister.
FINSの読者の大多数は仕事を家族と一緒に行ってるか もしくは仕事上で,他の誰かの家族の問題を取り扱うために彼らを必要とするような仕事を引き受けがちだと報告している。FINSの非公式な「イエスもしくはノー」のオンラインの調査では748人の回答者のうち81%は彼等の新しい上司が社長の娘であったら,彼等は彼等の理想の仕事を認めると答え,725人の回答者のうち57%だけが彼等の上司が彼等の兄弟姉妹であったら,それを受け入れると答えた。
Family-owned businesses are far from uncommon. According to the Family Firm Institute, 80% to 90% of businesses in the United States were family firms in 2003, and they contributed 64% of the national GDP and employed 62% of Americans. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Labor Economics found that 40% of young men have at some point worked for a company their father also worked for.
Jayne Mattson, senior vice president of client services with Boston career consultancy Keystone Associates, says she's not surprised that people would be willing to take a job under the CEO's child, but cautions that candidates do their due diligence – twice – to make sure it's really the dream opportunity they're looking for.
Jayne MattsonはBoston career consultancy Keystone
Associatesの顧客サービスの上級副社長だが,人々がCEOの息子の下で仕事に就こうとしている事には驚かないと言っているが、それが彼等が求めている本当の理想の機会であるかを確かめるためにそうした人々は相当の配慮をー 2度ー する必要があると警告する。
Why twice? Having a thorough understanding of your new supervisor's management style is important to investigate with any job offer, but when working for the CEO's daughter (or son), you need to also understand the relationship he or she has with their parent in the office, Mattson says. If that relationship isn't professional, you may be subject to the same whims of the parent that the child goes through. When Dad throws a temper tantrum, it will filter down to you. If the family makes decisions based on who they like or don't like, your performance on the job may be irrelevant to getting better pay or promotions, Mattson says.
なぜ2度なのか?あなたの新しい管理者の経営スタイル完全に理 解することは如何なる仕事の申し出を研究する上で重要だ。しかし、CEOの娘(もしくは息子)の為に仕事するとき、あなたは会社に於いて彼もしくは彼女が 彼等の親との関係を理解することもまた重要だとMattsonは言う。その関係が職業上のものでないのであれば,あなたはその子供が経験する親の同じ気ま ぐれに従うことになるかもしれない。親父がかんしゃくを起こすのであれば、それはあなたの所に落ちてくるだろう。その家族が彼等が誰を好きか嫌いかに基づ いて意思決定をするのであれば、仕事に基づいたあなたの実績は給与もしくは昇進にプラスになるのは見当違いかもしれないとMattsonは言う。
When considering working with one of your own kin, however, Mattson says the lines can get blurry fast. "Reporting to a family member is so tricky simply because of the fact that they're family," she says. "They know a lot about you, perhaps to an extent that you wouldn't really want an employer to know." It's also important, again, to not rush into this type of situation without weighing all of the pros and cons. "Part of it is the job itself, but you have to like who you work for as well," says Mattson. "You need to make sure this person has a leadership style you would work well with."
しかしながら、あなた自身の親族の誰かと仕事をすることを考えると,Mattsonは命令系統が速やかにぼやけてしまうと言う。「家族のメンバーへの報告はただ単に家族だと言う事実のために 大いに用心しなければならないと彼女は言う。「彼等は多分、あなたが雇用主に本当に知ってほしくないことまで、あなたについて多くのことを知っている。」 さらにまた,ことの善し悪しを計らずにこうした類いの状況に急いで飛び込まないようにすることは重要なことだ。「その一部はそれ自身が仕事だが,同様にあなたはあなたが働いている人を好きにならなければならない。」とMattsonは言う。「あなたはこの人があなたとうまく行くリーダーシップスタイルを 持っているか確かめる必要がある。」
She also advises you recall that, family ties or not, businesses encounter problems. "Your brother or sister might make a business decision that you disagree with, for example," she says, "or worse, they might have to fire you, or lay you off because of a restructuring of the organization." Being related to you won't eliminate pressure coming from the top tiers of management or the company's shareholders if something goes awry.
Also consider how your relationship with a family member in business will be viewed by unrelated colleagues. Do you really want to go through your career defending your achievements and accomplishments against complaints of nepotism? Mattson says this can become an overwhelming burden.
ビジネスに於けるファミリーメンバーとあな たとの関係が親族でない仲間からどのように見られているのかもまた考慮せよ。あなたは本当に縁故主義の不満に対してあなたの実績や業績を守るためにあなたのキャリアを乗り切ろうとしているのか?Mattsonはこのことが重度の負荷になりうると言う。
Overall, Mattson says she agrees with FINS readers. "Most people would rightly be less apt to work for a family member than they would be to work for the CEO's child," she says. In both situations, clear boundaries and a measurable performance-tracking system need to be in place. "You might suggest a six-month review," Mattson says. "That way, you can have verification that things are going smoothly and that this relationship is working."
全体的に言えば,MattsonはFINSの読者に賛成していると言う。「多くの人々は間違いなくCEOの子息のために仕事をするよりも家族のメンバーのために仕事をしたくないようだ。」と彼女は言う。双方の状況に於いて、明確な境界線と実績を測定しうる追跡システムが実施される必要がある。「あなたは6ヶ月のレビューを提案するかもしれない。」とMattsonは言う。「そうすれば,あなた は物事がスムースに進んでいることとこの関係が機能していることを検証することができる。」
What Would You Do?
Answer the question and see how you match up with the rest of the FINS community.
You've just been offered your dream job, but... you'll be reporting to the CEO's daughter.
You've just been offered your dream job, but... your brother/sister will be your new boss.
Write to Kelly Eggers
or Decline is a series of questions on FINS.com that ask what you
would do for your dream job. Since its launch late last year, over
100,000 answers have been received and compiled in our database.
Participate in Sign or Decline here.
Kelly Eggersに書け。
Prep Your Date
Even if you say all the right things when schmoozing, your date may slip up. Before the party, "let your date know who's who, what everyone will be wearing, good topics to discuss or issues to avoid completely," says Jill Bremer, an Oak Park, Ill.-based executive coach. "They will be acting as an extension of you at the event, so arm them with everything they need to be successful and make a great impression." If it's not someone you know well, avoid bringing a date altogether.
Keep Your Right Hand Free
Especially if you work at a large firm, holiday parties mean plenty of introductions, so be prepared to shake hands, says Lyudmila Bloch, a New York-based business etiquette coach. Keeping a drink in your left hand leaves keeps you from stumbling when reaching out your right hand for an introduction. "Keep your business cards in your right pocket," Bloch adds. Avoid holding on to anything else such as a plate, computer bag or smartphone.
特にあなたが大きな会社で働いているのであれば,休日のパーティは数多くの紹介の機会を意味する。だから握手する準備をしておけとニューヨークを本拠地とするビジネス礼法のコーチの Lyudmila Blochは言う。あなたの左手で飲み物を持っていれば、紹介する時にあなたの右手を伸ばした時に失敗しないですむ。「あなたの名刺を右のポケットに入れておけ。」とBlochは加えた。食器皿、コンピューターバッグ、もしくはスマートプォンのような他のものをつかんでいないようにしろ。
Thank the Hosts
Don't treat the holiday party as a given. "Show the organizers you appreciate their efforts by thanking them before you leave," Huhman says. "Many companies have cut back on these extravagant expenses, so if you have a company party, you should be thankful." Especially at smaller companies, a more formal way of thanking the hosts such as a handwritten note can show you're enthusiastic to be part of the firm, she says.
Follow-Up With Those You Meet
Keeping in touch after the holiday fete can go a long way in cementing new work connections. "Whenever possible, follow up with people you have met by sending them an article or information about the areas that they are interested in," Weintraub says. Don't send a follow-up email that's too wordy and write something that doesn't require a lengthy response. Scheduling a lunch or coffee date is another option.
Don't be a Downer
Whether you're bonding over some company gossip or simply airing your frustrations with your company, the holiday party is not the place to do it. "You want to appear as an upbeat, positive, can-do type of person," says Barbara Pachter, a Cherry Hill, N.J.-based business etiquette expert. Complaining during a holiday party can feel natural. "It's easy to do since there is a lot of bad news in today's business world -- people being laid off, others having a hard time finding work -- the ones that are working are doing more with less," Pachter says.
あなたがある企業のうわさ話で固まっていたり,単にあなたの企業の欲求不満をさらけ出したりしようとなかろうと、休日のパーティはそれをするための場所ではない。「あなたは陽気で、積極的で、出来るタイプの人として現れたい。」とCherry Hill, N.J.を本拠地としたビジネス礼法専門家のBarbara Pachterは言う。休日のパーティでの不満をいうことは自然に感じるようだ。「今日のビジネス世界に於いて多くの悪いニュースがあるのでそうしやす い。ー 解雇される人々、仕事を見つけることが困難な人たちー 仕事をしている人たちは少ない労力でより多くのことをしている。」とPachterは言う。
Keep it Casual
No matter who you're speaking to, there's no need to act like you're at a business meeting. Keep the conversation casual and avoid talking shop. "The holiday party is not the place to complain about your boss, pitch your next great idea, or lobby for your next promotion," Lett says. Instead, speak about light-hearted topics such as an upcoming vacation, wedding or holiday plans. "Basically, you need to crow a little about the good things you do that will make you memorable to the person you are talking with," Lett explains. Later in the year, the brief interaction may help break the ice.
あなたが誰と話をしていようとあなたはあなたがビジネスの会議にいるように行動する必要はない。打ち解けた会話を行い,そして商売の話は避けろ。「休日の パーティはあなたのボスについての不満を言ったり、あなたの次の大きな考えを投げたり、もしくはあなたの次のプロモーションを工作したりする場ではな い。」とLettは言う。そのかわり,今度の休暇,結婚もしくは休日の計画のような軽い話題について話をしろ。「基本的に、あなたが話をしている人にあなたを印象づけようとしている良いことについてすこしばかり吹聴する必要がある。」とLettは説明する。年内にはこの短い交流がきっかけを作る手助けをするかもしれな い。
Charm Significant Others
Your boss's significant other has more power than it may appear -- it's often the person he or she trusts most. At the party, give them special attention. "Strike up a conversation with your colleagues' significant others," suggests career expert Heather Huhman, founder of Come Recommended, a Washington, D.C.-based marketing and public relations firm. "Making friends with these people can help influence your future career path -- both within the organization and outside of it."
あなたの上司の他の重要な人たちは外見以上に力を持っている。ー その人がしばしば彼もしくは彼女がもっとも信頼してている人だ。そのパーティでは彼等に特別な注意を払え。「あなたの同僚の他の重要な人達との会話を始めろ。」とワシントンD.C.を本拠地としたマーケティングと広報の企業であるCome Recommendedの創業者の、キャリア専門家のHeather Huhmanは提案する。「こう言う人たちと友人になることはあなたの将来のキャリアパスへの影響を手助けすることができる。ー 組織内に於いてもそして組織外に於いても。」
Avoid Black
While a low-cut blouse or anything too daring is inappropriate, women can experiment with color, says Lett. "If you are a woman, don't wear all black -- wear a bright color or unusual color accent so you will be easier to remember," she says. "Also, don't wear strapless dresses – when you sit down at a table, you will look naked to anyone sitting across the table from you." Men can wear a more festive tie-shirt combination.
襟ぐりの深いブラウスもしくはあまりに大胆なものは不適切であるし,女性は色彩を試すことができるとLettは言う。「もしあなたが女性であれば,真っ黒の服装をしては行けない。ー 明るい色を着たりもしくは独特な色をアクセントに使えば,あなたは覚えられやすいだろう。」と彼女は言う。「また、肩ひものないドレスを着るな。ー あなたがテーブルについたらあなたはあなたのテーブルの向かいに座っている誰にでも裸に見えるだろう。」男はより華やいだネクタイとワイシャツのコンビネーションを着ても良い。

Career Advice
Holiday Party Rules: No Black, Avoid Drunks and Kiss Up to the Boss
Dec 22 2011
By Alina Dizik
As most people have figured out by now, the annual holiday party isn't an opportunity to get sloppy drunk and paw your favorite co-worker. In fact, few things can derail your career faster than acting inappropriately at such a work event. Office parties can, however, work to your advantage and become an opportunity to advance your career. The casual atmosphere allows you to chat up the boss or break the ice with a new colleague. To optimize your time at the soiree, create specific goals to help you focus; it's not enough to vow you'll stay away from the cocktail station and appetizer trays.
"The most important thing is to remember it's still a work function – it's not just your friends gathering for a good time," says Cynthia Lett, an executive coach and executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based International Society of Protocol and Etiquette Professionals. There are plenty of surprising ways to make the most of your holiday party, here's how:
「もっとも重要なことはまだ職務中であることを覚えていることだ。ー ここは楽しい時間をあなたの友人と過ごす場ではない。」ワシントンを本拠地とした礼儀作法専門家の国際協会の幹部コーチでまた専務理事である Cynthia Lettは言う。あなたの休日パーティの殆どを造るための驚くべき多くの方法がある。それはこうだ。 :
Be Ready for Intoxicated Partygoers
"Much has been written about not overdoing alcohol at holiday parties but you also need to be ready to respond in a professional and gracious manner to people who haven't listened to that tip," says management professor Joseph Weintraub, Director of the Babson Coaching for Leadership and Teamwork Program at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass. If you're stuck conversing with a coworker or manager who's had too many drinks, Weintraub recommends walking away as soon as possible before the person gets even more intoxicated. Use your smartphone as an excuse, he suggests. "In a business setting, being careful that we are not associated with people saying or doing inappropriate things is always important in managing one's career."
「休日のパーティでのアルコールのとりすぎについて多くのことが書かれてきているが,また、その助言に耳を貸さなかった人たちに対する専門的で,丁重なやり方で答える準備をする必要がある。」とWellesley, Massのバブソン大学のLeadership and Teamwork Programのバブソンコーチングの理事Joseph Weintraub経営管理教授が言う。飲み過ぎた同僚もしくはマネージャーとの会話にはまってしまったら, Weintraubはその人がもっと酔っぱらう前に出来るだけ早くその場を立ち去ることを進める。言い訳としてあなたのスマートフォンを使うと良いと彼は提案する。「ビジネス環境に於いて我々は不適切なことを言ったり、したりするひとを仲間に入れないことに慎重であることは出世するためには絶えず重要なことだ。」
Speak to the Higher-Ups
It's easy to mingle with your lunch buddies or spend the night sending out tweets. Instead, get out of your comfort zone and "use the party to have the upper level executives learn who you are – to put a face to your name," says Lett. Though it can seem intimidating, a quick chat during the holiday party can go a long way toward cementing your work relationship. Before the party starts decide which execs you're eager to chat with and anything you'd like to mention in the conversation. "Have a hit list of the people you would like to meet, so you can measure your own performance," says Jeffrey Jones, managing director of Human Factor International, a Hong Kong-based executive and trans-cultural coaching firm.
あなたの昼食仲間に参加したり、もしくは夜メッセージを送るために時間を過ごすことは簡単だ。そのかわり,あなたの安堵の時間帯から抜け出し,そして「上級幹部にあなたが誰かを知ってもらうためにパーティを利用しろ。ー 名前と顔をはっきりさせるために。」とLettは言う。それは緊張しそうに見えるけれども、休日のパーティでのちょっとした雑談があなたの仕事関係を強固にすることに大いに役立つことができる。パーティが始まる前にどの上司とあなたが雑談したいのか、そしてその会話の中であなたが言いたいことを決めろ。「あなたが会おうとする人の面談リストを持て。そうすればあなたは自分自身で実績を評価出来る。」と香港を本拠地とした役員に対して、異文化をコーチする企業のHuman Factor Internationalの経営者であるJeffrey Jonesが言う。
When I visited the Karmapa in August, stern-faced Indian authorities subjected each visitor to a careful baggage check and pat-down far more rigorous than those required for meetings with some world leaders. He may have been granted refuge by India after fleeing a homeland where his spiritual belief was twisted to the diktat of the state, but the Karmapa, in some ways, still seemed a young man imprisoned. Unlike the Dalai Lama, who maintains a jovial global presence, the Karmapa in public appears serious and cautious. Nevertheless, Tibet-watchers say his theology is impressive, and I saw his handsome young face on posters across Dharamsala next to that of the smiling Dalai Lama.
私が8月にカルマパを訪問した時、恐ろしい顔をしたインド当局は幾人かの世界の指導者達と一緒に会議に出席する人たちよりも、はるかに厳重な注意深い荷物検査と身体検査を各訪問者に受けさせた。彼の精神的な信条がその国家の独裁的な命令に歪められた祖国を逃れた後にインドによって難民として認められて来て いるのかもしれない。がしかし、カルマパはある点ではまだ、獄中の若者のようだった。陽気なグローバルな存在感を維持しているダライラマと違って、人前でのカルマパは真面目で、用心深く見える。にもかかわらず、チベットの観察者達は彼の神学理論は深い感銘を与えると言っていて、微笑んでいるダライラマのポ スターの隣にダラムサーラ中の彼の若い均整のとれた若い顔のポスターを私は見た。
The Karmapa is a singular international figure. First, his selection was agreed upon by both Chinese authorities and the exiled Dalai Lama, who Beijing accuses of secretly plotting for Tibetan independence—a charge the Tibetan spiritual leader denies. (In the 1990s, the Dalai Lama and the Chinese picked different boys as the new Panchen Lama, the second-highest Tibetan Buddhist figure, and the Dalai Lama’s choice has not been seen in public since he was a small child.)
カルマパは並外れた国際的な人物だ。第一に彼を選択する事は中国当局と亡命したダライラマの双方によって、合意されている。北京はダライラマをチベット独立を密かに計画した事を責めている。ー チベットの精神的な指導者が否定している容疑(1990年代において、ダライラマと中国人は違った子供達を新たなパンチェンラマとして選び、これは2番目に高位なチベット仏教徒の地位であり、そして、ダライラマの選択した子供は小さいときから人前に見られる事はなかった。)
Second, even though he imbibed patriotic propaganda during his childhood in Tibet, the Karmapa still made the momentous decision to flee to India where he could express his spiritual devotion and love for the Dalai Lama fully. Nevertheless, the Chinese have shied away from publicly criticizing him, like they do the Dalai Lama. Instead, Beijing sticks to the fiction that he is merely studying abroad for an unspecified period of time. Perhaps that’s why so many spiritually yearning Chinese feel no qualms about visiting Dharamsala for an audience with him—and why they used to leave packets of Chinese yuan as donations.
第二に、彼はチベットでの少年時代に愛国的なプロパガンダを受け入れているにもかかわらず、カルマパはそれでも、重大な意思決定をして、インドに逃げ、そこで、ダライラマを完全に精神的な献身と愛を表現する事がで来た。にもかかわらず、中国人はダライラマにしているように、彼を公に批判する事は避けて来た。その代わり、 北京は彼が不特定期間、単に海外で勉強していると言う作り話に執着している。多分そのことで、あまりに多くの精神的に慕っている中国人が彼に拝謁する為にダラムサーラを訪問する事に良心の呵責を感じていないし、ー そして彼らが人民元の小さな包みを献金して来ている。
The local court will examine the evidence presented by Indian police and rule on whether a criminal case should go forward. “At no point of time His Holiness was ever called or examined by the investigating agency,” said a statement released on Thursday from the Karmapa’s office, which reiterated that he had no involvement in any of the order’s financial affairs. Several of his followers have also been charged with conspiracy, a crime that can carry a two-year prison sentence.
Meanwhile, a series of self-immolations by Tibetan clerics this year has underscored the desperation many Tibetans feel about their lives under Chinese rule. A past filled with religious strictures and persecution was precisely why the Karmapa said he escaped Tibet for India. Now, the Himachal Pradesh court will have to decide whether he will experience a difficult future in his new home, as well.
その間、チベットの聖職者達による幾人かの今年の焼身自殺は多くのチベット人の中国支配下に於ける彼らの生活について感じている絶望感を強調している。宗教上の非難と迫害に埋められた過去はまさしく、なぜカルマパがチベットからインドへ逃れたのか彼が言った理由だった。現在Himachal Pradeshの裁判所はその上、彼の新しい故郷で、彼が困難な将来を経験するかどうか決定しなければならないだ ろう。
Indian Police Charge a Tibetan Spiritual Leader with Financial Conspiracy
By Hannah Beech | December 9, 2011

The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje sits during a session of the Global Buddhist Congregation to commemorate the 2,600th year of Sambodhiprapti, or the enlightenment of Buddha, in New Delhi, India, Monday, Nov. 28, 2011. The waiting room in the Tibetan Buddhist monastery in northern India is unremarkable, save for the small signs pasted on the wall: “Kindly do not make any offerings in foreign currency.” Many of the pilgrims who have come to pay homage to the Karmapa—the third-most senior cleric in Tibetan Buddhist cosmology who is believed to be the 17th incarnation of a 900-year-old holy spirit—are Chinese travelers, who stuff thick bundles of Indian rupees into envelopes. There is not a Chinese yuan in sight.
北インドのチベットの仏教徒の修道院の待合室は壁に貼られた小さな言葉を除くと取り立てて言うほどのものはない。:「どうぞ外国通貨で施し物をしないように。」カルマパー チベット仏教の宇宙の中で第三番目に高位の聖職者で、900才の神聖な霊魂の17世の神の化身であると信じられている。ー に敬意を払うために来ている多くの巡礼者達は中国人の旅行者達であり,彼等は封筒の中にインドルピーの分厚い束を詰め込んでいる。みたところ中国の人民元ではない。
The signs are a consequence of a kerfuffle earlier this year that erupted in Dharamsala, the Indian hill station where the Tibetan exile community has coalesced. On Dec. 8, Indian police announced that they had officially charged the Karmapa with conspiracy nearly a year after the authorities found more than $1 million in various foreign currency at the monastery where he lives. The charge sheet was filed at a district court in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, where Dharamsala is located, even though earlier this year the Union Home Ministry in New Delhi indicated the Karmapa, whose full name is Ogyen Trinley Dorje, had been absolved of wrongdoing. The senior Tibetan monk’s aides say that the money, much of it Chinese yuan, was from his devotees and that he is not involved in any of his order’s financial dealings. Since then, the waiting-room signs have gone up, they say, to avoid further controversy.
この形跡が今年のこれまでの大騒ぎの成り行きで、それ はチベットの亡命コミュ二ティが連合しているインドの避暑地のダラムサーラで起こった。12月8日にインドの警察が彼らの住んでいる修道院で様々な外国通 貨で100万ドル上を当局が発見した後ほぼ一年経った後で,カルマパを陰謀で公式に告発したことを公表した。今年のこれまでにニューデリーの連邦内政省が 、彼のフルネームはOgyen Trinley Dorjeであるが、カルマパに犯罪が免責されたことを知らせたけれども、犯罪事件簿がHimachal Pradeshのインドの州の地区裁判所に保管された。そこはダラムサーラがあるところだ。上層のチベット僧の側近達はその多くが人民元であるがそのお金 は敬虔な信者達からで、彼は彼の命令による金融取引に関与していないと言う。それ以来、彼らが言うには余計な議論を避ける為に待合室の言葉が出てきた。
After fleeing Tibet in 1999 in a dramatic voyage that echoed the snow-bound escape of the Dalai Lama four decades before, the Karmapa has resided in India. But his flight to freedom has not brought him full liberty. After he arrived as a 14-year-old in Dharamsala, whispers circulated among excitable members of the Indian media circles that the Karmapa might be a Chinese spy. How else could he have escaped Beijing’s watchful eye, they wondered—even though he and his supporters dismiss such allegations.
ダライラマが40年前に雪で立ち往生した逃亡に賛成した劇的な旅として1999年にチベットから逃 げた後、カルマパはインドに住んで来た。しかし、彼のこの自由への逃避は彼に完全な自由をもたらしてきていない。彼が14才の時にダラムサーラに到着した 後で、カルマパは中国のスパイかもしれないというインドのメディアの仲間の興奮し易いメンバーの間でささやかれた。他にそうでなければ彼が北京の監視の目 を逃れる事がで来たのか彼らは不思議に思った。ー 彼と彼の仲間がそうした主張をはねのけたとしても。
Then as India’s relations with China have warmed and the surviving Tibetan community in northern India views this geopolitical development with wariness, the Karmapa’s movements have been carefully circumscribed by the Indian government. He cannot travel freely in India without prior government approval. Until 2008, the Karmapa was not even allowed documents to go overseas.
それから中国とインドとの関係が活気づいて来ていて、北部インドの生き延びているチベットのコミュニティが注意深くこ の地政学的な展開を見て来ているので、このカルマパの動きはインド政府によって注意深く制限されて来ている。彼は事前に政府の許可なしではインドの中を自 由に旅行できない。2008年までカルマパは文書さえ海外へ送る事は許可されなかった。
Furthermore, because of a rift within the Tibetan Buddhist Kagyu sect in which some adepts believe a rival Indian monk is the true Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje does not live in the 16th Karmapa’s monastic seat in Sikkim, northern India. Instead, he has taken refuge in the Gyuto monastery near Dharamsala, which adheres to the Dalai Lama’s Gelugpa sect, not the Kagyu order. The Karmapa’s supporters say they are now gathering funds to build him his own house of worship. Hence the piles of cash.
さ らに、チベット仏教徒カギュ派内部に対立があって、幾人かの熟練者達が対抗しているインドの僧侶が本当のカルマパOgyen Trinley Dorjeで、彼は北インドのシッキムで16世のカルマパの僧院のところに住んでいないと信じている。その代わり、彼はダラムサーラのギュート僧院に逃げ て来ていて、そこはカギュー派の指示ではなく、ダライラマのゲルグパ派に忠実である。カルマパの支持者達は彼の為に彼自身の礼拝堂を建てる資金を現在集め ていると言っている。それ故に、現金の山。