




G-8 or G-Zero? Why the West No Longer Sets the Global Agenda
May 18, 2012 

G-8もしくはG-0? なぜ西側諸国はもはやグローバルの政策を設けないのか?

Mark Wilson / Getty Images

G8 foreign ministers (L-R), Koichiro Gemba of Japan, Guido Westerwelle of Germany, Sergei Lavrov of Russia, British Foreign Secretary William Hague, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Alain Juppe of France, John Baird of Canada, Giulio Terzi Di Sant'Agata of Italy, and Catherine Ashton of the European Union, pose for a group photo on April 11, 2012 in Washington, DC. Secretary Clinton hosted this year's G8 Foreign Ministers conference at the Blair House


The spectacle of some of the most powerful leaders in the world gathering at Camp David on Friday for the G-8 summit and then for this weekend’s NATO anniversary in Chicago won’t disguise the fact that things seem to be gradually falling apart. These once mighty symbols of international leadership appear almost paralyzed before the tides of economic, financial and political change. The opening of William Butler Yeats’ 1921 poem that found the best devoid of conviction and the worst filled with passionate intensity reads as if crafted as an elegant introduction to an analysis of the global political moment.

G-8サミットのために金曜日にキャンプデービッドに,そしてそれからシカゴでこの週末のNATOの記念日のために集まった世界の幾人かの世界の最も強力な指導者達のショーは物事が徐々に崩れようとしている事実を隠さなかった。こうしたかっては国際的な指導者達の巨大な象徴は経済的な,金融の、そして政治の変化の流れの前に殆ど麻痺しているようだ。William Butler Yeatsの1921年の詩の冒頭に、信念がまったくないのだが,最悪なのは激しい熱情があるというのがグローバルな政治の現在の分析へのすばらしい紹介として念入りに作られているかのように読めると言うのを発見した。

The G-8 convenes as the euro zone is threatening to unravel, most immediately in the showdown over Germany’s insistence that Greece either swallow the toxic austerity medicine that could kill its economy or see itself banished from the euro zone, potentially triggering global financial losses on the order of $1 trillion. But the forum is unlikely to settle the fate of Greece, much less the underlying tension over policies of austerity to cut spending debt and stimulus policies to revive growth.


When the G-7 was founded in the 1980s its goal was to gather the leaders of the world’s most successful, dynamic economies to plot pathways to further prosperity. Russia was later added to its guest list as a reward for casting off communism rather than as a vote of confidence in its economy. But today, confidence in the group is low. Few seem to believe that the leaders of the U.S., Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada are equipped to tackle the problems facing the world economy. (They effectively admitted their limitations in 2008 when a far wider forum, the Group of 20 — which included the major emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, Turkey and others — to tackle the global financial meltdown.)

G-7は1980年代に創設されたとき、その目標は更なる繁栄のための道筋を計画するために世界で最も成功した、ダイナミックな経済諸国の指導者達を集めることであった。ロシアは後にそのゲストリストに加えられたが、それはその経済に対しての信任投票よりも共産主義を放棄した事に対する褒賞であった。しかし、今日、このグループの中での信任は低い。アメリカ、日本、ドイツ、フランス、イギリス、イタリアそしてカナダの指導者達がこの世界経済が直面しているこの問題に取り組む心構えが出来ていると信じている人は殆どいないようだ。(2008年にグローバルな金融のメルトダウンに取り組む為に、より広範囲なフォーラムであるG-20ー 中国、インド、ブラジル、トルコ、その他の諸国のような主要な新興経済国が含まれるー が出来た時に、彼らはその限界を事実上認めた。)

Those gathering at Camp David on Friday are lacking in both fiscal resources and political authority to take far-reaching steps that might turn the tide.  Each member country faces massive domestic problems whose consequences, given the connections established by globalized capital markets,  could have profound consequences for many of the others. But there are sharp policy differences among them over how to address those challenges, making the G-8 seem somehow less than the sum of its parts.

金曜日にCamp Davidでのこうした会合は流れを変えるかも知れないような広範囲なステップをとるには金融上の資源と政治的な支配力の双方に於いて欠けている。各メンバー国は大量の国内問題に直面していて、グローバルな資本市場によって確立された関係があるので、その成り行きは他の多くの諸国の成り行きに深く関係しうる。しかし、こうした挑戦にどのように取り組むかについては彼らの間にはっきりした政策の違いがあり、G-8は幾分その各国の部分の総和を下回らせているようだ。

The U.S., still first among equals in the G-8, has become increasingly ungovernable, locked into a pattern of long-term political gridlock that may not be resolved by November’s presidential election. Japan’s ever anemic economy was dealt a body blow by last year’s tsunami and nuclear crises. The northern Europeans are caught between a center-right consensus on austerity and growing calls from Washington and France’s newly elected center-left government for a growth-oriented alternative. 



swingby_blog at 04:47コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 




Binding History between Turkey and Japan
Prior to the Ertugrul Incident, Turkey had admired Japan for being able to succeed in a rapid modernization by absorbing abundant western influences, while maintaining its traditional culture during the Meiji period. Turkish respect later deepened with Japan’s surprise victory against Russia, a long-term enemy of Turkey, in the Russo-Japan War of 1904.


The Ertugrul Incident is included in Turkish school history books, and memorabilia representing the kindness received from Japan are displayed in the Naval Museum in Istanbul. Japan has made efforts to maintain a close relationship with Turkey as well. The Japanese Emperor visits Turkey twice a year. In 1971, Japan’s Overseas Economic Corporation Fund was given to Turkey to build a major dam. In Wakayama, a memorial ceremony to honor the Ertugrul Incident is held every 5 years with collaboration of the Turkish Embassy in Japan. Kushimoto city (in Wakayama) of Japan, and Yakakent and Melcin cities of Turkey, became sister cities after 1964. The Turkish Memorial Museum stands in Kushimoto city symbolizing the friendship between the two countries.


Economically, Japan and Turkey are important trade partners; Turkey exports 21.7% of their tuna to Japan while 12.1% of their automobiles are from Japan. Turkey has established close relationships between big business conglomerates and major foreign auto makers as important enterprises; Toyota with Sabanci, the largest conglomerate in Turkey, play a significant role in supporting Turkey’s economy.


Japan and Turkey share interesting similarities that connect them. Their languages use the agglutinative verb system (two others include Korean and Navajo); it is believed that Japanese language is part of the Altaic family which includes Turkish, and that the speakers of the Altaic language migrated from Turkey to Japan before 2,000 B.C. Many Turks also believe that they share the same ancestors who took separate ways to the west and to the east from the central Asian region.


Beyond the historical ties and similarities between the two countries, the rescue of Turks from the Ertugrul, by Japanese villagers, left an indefinite positive impression of Japan among Turks. In 1985, it was not religious conviction, official contracts, nor financial obligations that prompted Turkey’s heroic act. More than anything, people in Turkey valued the selfless generosity Japan showed to their ancestors.




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 SE Asian History

Repaying of Gratitude -Turkey/Japan Relationship
Japan’s Past Kindness Remembered by Turkey
Mar 28, 2010
Naoko Charity


Japan rescued shipwrecked Turks in 1889. Almost 100 years later, Turkish Airlines sacrificed safety to rescue Japanese during the Iran-Iraq war. In 1985, Turkish Airlines made 215 seats available for Japanese nationals to escape from the increasing danger of the Iran-Iraq War. Many Japanese later found out that Turkey’s actions came from past gratitude for Japans saving of shipwrecked Turkish sailors.


The Ertugrul Incident
 In 1889, an Ottoman Empire battleship, Ertugrul, visited Japan in response to Japan’s imperial family’s visit two years prior. On the return home, the ship became shipwrecked off Kii Oshima (Island), Wakayama Prefecture. The tragedy caused 587 casualties (including death and missing persons).


There were 69 survivors who were able to reach the shore of a small village (currently Kushimoto city). Even through the people in the village were already suffering damage from a Typhoon, they selflessly devoted themselves to take care of the shipwrecked victims by sharing their scarce food and clothes. Money and donations came in from the village and the rest of Japan. Sympathetic to the situation, the Meiji Emperor didn’t hesitate to call out for donations.


In addition to the nationwide efforts, a Japanese business man, Yamada Torajiro, collected 5,000 yen (equivalent of 100 million yen in current value) and traveled to Turkey to personally hand the money to the Turkish government. Yamada continued to stay in Turkey, met with Abdulhamit II, a Sultan of Ottoman Empire, taught Japanese language to its military, and opened the first Japanese souvenir shop in Istanbul. His dedication to Turkey further strengthened the relationship between the two countries during and after the Meiji period.

この全国的な取り組みに加えて、日本人のビジネスマンの山田寅次郎は5,000円(現在の価値で一億円に相当)を集めて、個人的にトルコの政府にそのお金を渡す為にトルコへ旅行した。山田は引き続きトルコに滞在し、オスマントルコのサルタンであるAbdulhamit IIと会い、その軍隊に日本語を教え、そしてイスタンブールに最初の日本のお土産屋を開いた。彼のトルコへの献身は明治時代の後になっても両国間の関係を更に強化した。

Turkey’s Rescue Mission of Japanese during the Iran-Iraq War
  In 1985, almost 100 years following the shipwreck, as the Iran-Iraq war worsened, Sadam Hussein threatened that all aircraft over Iraq would be shot down within 40 hours. Immediately, foreign residents of Iraq began the evacuation with their national carriers. However, Japanese in Teheran found themselves stuck without assistance from their own country; Japanese SDF (Self Defense Force) was restricted under the Constitution not to engage in the rescue mission, and Japanese Airlines, concerned about a lack of safety guarantee, hesitated to fly into Iran.


No foreign carriers were willing to take risks to save foreign nationals. To everybody’s’ astonishment, Turkish Airlines, with a personel made up of many volunteers, offered over 200 seats to save Japanese, without a guarantee of safety. Meanwhile, a partial evacuation of Turks had to be accomplished by car. When the Japanese passengers heard a voice from the cockpit - “Welcome to Turkey” - tears fells down from their eyes. Later, Prime Minister Koizumi personally visited the pilot to show gratitude for his bravery.



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Belgian police are investigating the firebombing of Belgium’s biggest Shia mosque in March, which killed the imam. The suspect they arrested claims to be a Salafist (hardline Sunni) protesting against Shia backing for the Syrian regime. Grieving worshippers chanted Shia slogans at the scene, eerily echoing far bloodier incidents in places such as Pakistan (recent examples include a murderous grenade assault on a Sunni demonstration in April and an attack on a bus in February that killed 18 Shia passengers).


European Shia-Sunni acrimony is part of a many-sided contest over the future of the continent’s tens of millions of Muslims, says Jonathan Laurence, a scholar at Boston College. The religious authorities in migrant-sending countries like Turkey and Morocco struggle to keep their people loyal to their own varieties of Sunni practice: they see Shia Islam and hardline Sunni groups like the Salafists as equally dangerous and insidious temptations for their sons and daughters in Europe.

ヨーロッパのシーア派ースンニ派の刺々しさは大陸の数千万人のイスラム教徒の将来にわたって多面的な論争の一部であるとボストン大学の研究者であるJonathan Laurenceは言う。トルコやモロッコのような移民を送っている諸国の宗教の権力者達は彼等自身のスンニ派の多様な習わしに対してこの人たちに忠誠心を保つよう努力している。:彼等はシーア派のイスラム教とサラフィストのような強硬派のスンニ派はヨーロッパの彼等の子女に対する等しく危険、かつ油断のならない誘惑としてみている。

Strife even reaches places like South-East Asia where few Shias live. Malaysia has presented itself to the world as a tolerant Muslim-majority state. But it bans the preaching of Shia Islam, with particular ferocity since December 2010, when dozens of Shias were arrested. They say they were merely practising their faith (which is legally allowed), not preaching it.


Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a Qatar-based preacher often described as the de facto spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, has recently kept up a barrage of verbal attacks on the Shias. He is president of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, a loose Brotherhood-inspired body designed to pronounce on issues of common concern to Muslims. Founded in the friendlier climate of 2004, its top ranks also include Shia clergy.

Yusuf al-Qaradawiはカタールを本拠地とする説教師で、イスラム同胞団の事実上の精神的な指導者としてしばしば言われていて、最近シーア派による言葉による攻撃の集中砲火を浴びて来た。彼はイスラム教学者国際連合の議長で、この組織はイスラム教徒に対する共通の関心事の課題を公表する為に企画された緩いイスラム同胞団に啓発された団体だ。2004年のより友好的な状況の時に設立され、トップの人たちはシーア派の聖職者もまた含まれている。

Time was when Mr Qaradawi praised the feats of Hizbullah, the Iranian-backed Shia militia in Lebanon, as fighters against Israel. But in recent punditry he has stressed the gap between Sunni and Shia beliefs and passionately called for regime change in Syria, where, among other things, a Sunni majority is rebelling against a ruling elite whose Alawite belief is a Shia offshoot. Senior Shia clergy have deplored his hardening line. Mr Qaradawi, whose utterances command attention from Marseilles to the north Caucasus, also backs Bahrain’s Sunni rulers in their anti-Shia stance.

Qaradawi氏がヒズボラの功績を讃えたときだった。この組織はイスラエルに対抗する戦士達としてレバノンにいるイランが支援しているシーア派の民兵である。しかし、最近の消息筋によれば、彼はスンニ派とシーア派の信条のギャップを気に病んでいて、そして激しくシリアの政権の変更を求めた。そこではとりわけ、大多数のスンニ派が、支配しているエリート層に対して反乱していて、この支配層のアラワイトの信条はシーア派の分派だ。シーア派の上級の聖職者は硬化した路線を遺憾に思って来ている。Qaradawi氏の発言はマルセーユから北コーカサスまで注目を集めていて、また、かれは反シーア派の立場で、バーレーン(ペルシャ湾内にある島およびそれ を主島とする島から成る独立国; もと英国保護領; 首都 Manama)のスンニ派の支配者を支持している。



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  In 2009, al-Qaeda’s branches in Yemen and Saudi Arabia merged to become AQAP and set up operations inside Yemen. The leader of the group is Yemeni, but many of the other senior operatives are Saudi, and AQAP has continued to attract radicals from the kingdom. The Saudis have used their vast network of tribal and family connections inside Yemen to infiltrate jihadist cells and tribal communities — something the Americans could never do, Alani said.

2009年にイエメンとサウジアラビアのアルカイダの支部はAQAPに統合され、イエメンの内部に作戦行動の計画を立てた。このグループの指導者はイエメン人であるが、他の上級工作員の多くはサウジアラビア人であり、AQAPはその王国から過激派を引き込み続けて来た。このサウジアラビア人はイエメン内の部族や家族の繋がりの膨大なネットワークを利用して来ていてジハードの集団や部族の社会に潜入して来た。ー アメリカ人に決して出来ない事だとアラーニは言った。

 In a 2010 plot  to down cargo planes, and in the most recent plan, it was intelligence from Saudis inside Yemen that thwarted disasters over U.S. skies, according to American and Saudi officials. “They’re very good on Yemen because it’s the same tribe, the same language, the same people, the same culture,” said a former CIA official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing operation.


  The recent political chaos in Yemen, which has allowed al-Qaeda to secure territory in the southern part of the country, has sharpened Saudi concern about its neighbor’s stability. The United States also has stepped up airstrikes against AQAP in recent months, including drone operations. “Even with the drone strikes, the air raids, the Americans need someone on the ground,” Alani said. “The Saudis are the ones who can pinpoint targets for the Americans.” Finn and Miller reported from Washington. Staff writer Sari Horwitz and staff researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report.



The sword and the word
In the struggle between the two strands of Islam, the Sunnis are on the rise
May 12th 2012 



IT SEEMED historic. Muslim scholars, 170 in number and representing nine schools of legal thought (including four main Sunni ones and two Shia), gathered in Amman and declared that, whatever their differences, they accepted the others’ authority over their respective flocks. Implicitly, at least, they were renouncing the idea that their counterparts were heretics. Some called that meeting in Jordan in 2005 the biggest convergence since 969, when a Shia dynasty took over Egypt.


Many of the globe-trotting greybeards who met there, and at a similar gathering in Qatar in 2007, remain actively and optimistically engaged. But seen from the outside, feuds between Sunnis, who make up roughly 80% of the world’s Muslims, and the Shia minority (most of the rest), remain savage and are, in some ways, worsening.


In conservative Sunni monarchies (especially those with restless Shia populations) dislike and suspicion of Iran, the Shia bastion, is running higher than ever. Theology intertwines with geopolitics—and an incipient strategic-arms race. Far beyond the Gulf or Middle East, from western Europe to North America, Sunni agitation (often Saudi-sponsored) is intensifying against the supposed heresies contained in Shia teaching.

保守的なスンニ派の君主国に於いて(特に落ち着きの無いシーア派の人口の国において)シーア派の橋頭堡であるイランへの嫌悪と疑いが今まで以上に高くなって来ている。神学は地政学ー そして初期の戦略的軍備競争と絡み合っている。湾岸と中東を遥かに越えて、西欧ヨーロッパから北アメリカまで、スンニ派の煽動(しばしばサウジアラビアがスポンサーとなって)はシーア派の教義に含まれている想定された異端信仰に対して増大して来ている。



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When AQAP leaders tapped the informant for the latest assignment, the former agency official said, CIA and Saudi counterparts assembled plans to use him to recover the device. The breakup of the bomb plot was followed by an airstrike Sunday that killed a senior militant in Yemen,  Fahd al-Quso. He was implicated in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 U.S sailors. 

AQAPの指導者達は最新のアサイメントで、この密告者を選んだ時に、元諜報機関の役人が言ったが、CIAとサウジアラビアの相方は機器を回収する為に彼を利用する計画をまとめた。イエメンのFahd al-Qusoで一人の上級の過激派を殺害した日曜日の空爆の後に

<米艦コール襲撃事件:2000年10月12日に発生したアメリカ海軍のアーレイ・バーク級ミサイル駆逐艦コール(USS Cole, DDG-67)に対する自爆攻撃 

Concerns of security, leaks Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are investigating whether changes need to be made at domestic airports or whether protections abroad need to be improved. “I’m not at all confident about our ability to stop weapons like this,” said Schiff, adding that the security of U.S.-bound planes was of particular concern.

下院情報特別委員会のAdam B. Schiff議員(民主党カリフォリニア)は安全保障への懸念を漏らして、国土安全保障省とFBIは変更が国内の飛行場になされる必要があるかどうか、もしくは海外での予防が改善される必要があるかどうか調査していると言った。「私はこのような武器を阻止する為の我々の能力について全く自信がない。」とSchiffは言って、アメリカ行きの飛行機には特に懸念される事を付け加えた。

Also Wednesday, U.S. officials said Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. had ordered a review of leaks across all 16 agencies in the intelligence community to search for sources of information regarding the airline bomb plot. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House intelligence committee, said on Fox News that additional intelligence “opportunities were lost” in Yemen because of the flow of leaks. 

また、水曜日にアメリカの役人は国家情報の理事であるJames R. Clapper Jr. は飛行機爆弾計画に関して情報源を捜査する為に諜報組織のすべての16の機関にまたがって漏洩の査察を命令した。Mike Rogers議員(共和党ーミシガン)は下院情報委員会の議長だが、FOXニュースで、情報が遺漏した為にイエメンで追加の情報入手の「機会が失われた」と言った。

A U.S. official briefed on the case said the Saudi informant in Yemen may have been pulled out of the country prematurely because of concern about public disclosures about the plot. The informant, even after receiving the bomb, was awaiting further instructions, which meant that he was in position to continue providing intelligence for some time, the official said.


 The  foiling of the plot revealed the closeness of the U.S.-Saudi partnership in the fight against AQAP. And it showcased the ability of the Saudis to infiltrate an adversary that is as determined to attack the kingdom as it is the United States. Saudis’ integral role Saudi Arabia’s chief counterterrorism official survived a 2009 AQAP assassination attempt. The group also launched several unsuccessful operations against key Saudi installations, sending Saudi operatives based in Yemen back across the border to strike at their homeland, according to Saudi and American analysts.


  “The Saudis have an ability to operate well against the network, and that’s why they are so critical to this and so deeply involved in these kinds of operations,” said Juan Zarate, who was a counterterrorism official in the George W. Bush administration and is now a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The Yemeni group is in some respects an outgrowth of Saudi Arabia’s internal campaign against al-Qaeda that began in earnest in 2003, after deadly bombings in the capital, Riyadh, that targeted compounds used by Western expatriates. A harsh crackdown followed, and the rout of al-Qaeda forced a number of operatives across the border into Yemen.

「このサウジアラビア人はこのネットワークに対して上首尾に軍事行動をする能力を持っていて、彼らはこうした事に対して極めて重要で、そしてこうした類いの軍事行動に深く関わった理由だ。」とJuan Zarateは言ったが、彼女はGeorge W. Bush政権に於いてテロ対策の役人で、現在は戦略並びに情報研究センターの上級顧問をしている。



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