China has done a far better job of eliminating its huge current account and trade surpluses than I expected. The principal domestic cause of this shift has, however, been a surge in investment to still dizzier heights, assisted by appreciations in the real exchange rate. But that makes the domestic adjustment now required even bigger than before the crisis. If the external surplus is to remain a constant share of GDP, while the rate of economic growth slows, an extraordinary turnaround in relative rates of growth of consumption and investment is essential. To put it bluntly, the growth dynamic of the past 15 years must be reversed. Is that feasible? Perhaps. But it requires a huge expansion in consumption relative to investment. Will that happen, while the economy continues to grow? Nobody knows.
April 4, 2012
Reserve currencies: Renminbi not yet ready to challenge the dollar
By Robert Cookson
Renminbi centre: the UK Treasury wants to make London the leading international centre for trade in the Chinese currency
It has become conventional wisdom among many prominent economists, bankers, and politicians that the Chinese currency is on a path that will inevitably make it a global reserve currency to rival the US dollar. So great is the excitement around the future international role of the renminbi that George Osborne, UK chancellor, in January launched an initiative to help London become a global hub for renminbi foreign exchange trading. However, contrary to popular perception, the renminbi’s rise is by no means guaranteed and could take decades, if it happens at all.
中国通貨が必然的にアメリカと競うためにグローバルな準備通貨になるだろう道に向かうことは多くの著名な経済学者達、銀行家、政治家の間で一般の見解になっている。人民元の将来の国際的な役割についての興奮があまりに大きかったので,イギリスの大蔵大臣のGeorge Osborneが1月にロンドンが人民元の外国為替取引のグローバルハブになることを手助けするための構想に着手した。しかしながら、一般的な見方に反して,人民元の台頭は決して保証はされていないし,仮にそうしたことが起こるとしても数十年かかるかもしれない。
Writing in the Financial Times last September, Arvind Subramanian, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics – in an article titled “Coming soon: when the renminbi rules the world” – declared: “internationalising the renminbi has been set in irreversible motion”.
昨年9月にファイナンシャルタイムズに、Arvind Subramanianが書いたが,彼は国際エコノミックスのピーターソン機関のシニアフェローだが,ー 「すぐにやって来る。:人民元が世界を支配する時が。」と言うタイトルの記事の中で。ー 言明した。「人民元の国際化は元に戻せない動きの中にセットされてきた。」
China is certainly big, representing about 10 per cent of global gross domestic product, and growing fast. It will overtake the US as the world’s biggest economy by 2027, according to estimates by Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs. But China’s size does not mean its currency is about to challenge the dollar or the euro – or even the yen or the pound – any time soon.
中国は確かに大きく,世界のGDPの約10%を代表し、そして早く成長している。ゴールドマンサックスのJim O’Neillの予測によると、2027年までに世界最大の経済国家としてアメリカを追い越すだろう。しかし、中国の規模は今にもその通貨がドルもしくはユーロに挑戦しようとしている ー もしくは円やポンドでさえー と言うことを意味しない。
For the renminbi to become a reserve currency, one that is held by central banks as part of their foreign exchange reserves to guard against balance of payments crises, Beijing will need to implement sweeping reforms.
Beyond these general points, specific issues arose over the past explosion in China’s surpluses. These were partly the consequence of interventions in foreign currency markets and consequent accumulation of foreign currency reserves. The latter rose from $170bn in January 2001 to $3.2tn at the end of last year. One tool in the policy box was to sterilise the monetary consequences of these interventions. All these are mercantilist policies.
Moreover, if a country is to have a huge investment boom and a strong external position, consumption normally has to be repressed and savings encouraged. This is what happened: private consumption fell from 46 per cent of GDP in 2000 to just 36 per cent in 2007. Public and private consumption together fell from 62 to 49 per cent of GDP, while gross saving jumped from 38 to 51 per cent of GDP. A substantial part of these savings were invested abroad, in low-yielding assets, at great cost: China’s external reserves are $2,300 for every man, woman and child, or as much as 40 per cent of GDP.
Thus, a reduction in the external surpluses has been in the interests of both the rest of the world and China. So how happy should the results make us? The answer is: not ecstatic. First, even a decline in the current account surplus, as a share of GDP, might mean a rising surplus, relative to the rest of the world’s output. In 2008, China’s surplus was $412bn, or 9.1 per cent of GDP. By 2011, it was just under half of the 2008 level, at $201bn. But the share of China’s GDP fell to 2.9 per cent. Suppose the share remained at 2.9 per cent: the surplus would be over $400bn by 2016 if China’s dollar GDP grew at 15 per cent a year. That is a plausible rate, since China’s real exchange rate is likely to appreciate. If one wants to assess the adjustment imposed on others, one has to look at surpluses in relation to their GDP, not China’s.
Second, the domestic counterpart of the external adjustment consisted of ever higher investment as a share of GDP: between 2007 and 2010, the share of investment in GDP rose by close to 7 percentage points. In every year since 2007, real fixed investment has grown faster than GDP. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development made the point in China in Focus: “thus far, the adjustment towards domestic demand has almost entirely reflected strong public infrastructure investment that has been financed off-budget”. Wen Jiabao, the premier, has himself frequently described China’s development as “unbalanced, unsustainable, and uncoordinated.” Unfortunately, the process of eliminating one important imbalance – the external surplus – has exacerbated the most striking of the internal imbalances – the extraordinarily high investment.
第二に、GDPの割合に於いて、だんだん増大する投資からなる対外調整の国内の相手:2007年から2010年までにGDPに於ける投資の割合は7%近くまで上昇した。2007年以来毎年、実質の設備投資はGDPよりも早く伸びてきた。OECDはフォーカス紙にて、主張した。:「今までに、国内需要に向けての調整は殆ど全く強力な公共インフラ投資に反映させて来ていて、それは予算外勘定科目に資金提供して来た。」首相の温家宝は中国の発展を「不均衡の、持続不可能な、協調性の無いもの」と彼自身がしばしば述べてきた。不幸にも、一つの重要な不均衡を除去する過程ー 対外黒字ー は対内均衡を最も顕著に増幅して来た。ー 異常に高い投資。
Suppose that China were to grow over the next decade at the still high rate of 7 per cent a year. Suppose, too, that investment (including investment in inventories) fell from 50 per cent of GDP to a still very high 40 per cent, because a smaller rate of investment is needed to support lower growth. Suppose, too, that the external surplus remained 3 per cent of GDP. To achieve the expected 7 per cent GDP rate of growth, consumption (public and private) needs to grow at a real rate of 9 per cent while investment grows at 4.6 per cent. This would be an astonishing reversal. It would be impossible, without a big shift in the distribution of income towards households. That, in turn, would requite comprehensive reforms in the financial system, in corporate governance and even in the power structure of the country. Moreover, there is a risk that such reform lowers investment far more than it adds to consumption. The result could be a very hard landing.
“We must do what we have to do now, otherwise social security is unsustainable,” Noda said. “We cannot let that happen. Currently, we are covering the cost by issuing deficit-covering bonds, passing the burden to the future generation,” whose debts will be all the higher. Noda also laid out the case for restarting Japan’s nuclear reactors, despite majority opposition to atomic energy in the wake of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant last year.
Currently, Japan is operating just one of its 54 reactors; most of the rest came offline for regularly scheduled maintenance. Because of opposition from local leaders and provincial governors, those temporary halts have turned into open-ended shutdowns. Noda said that if Japan cannot restart its reactors soon, particularly in the nuclear-dependent industrial region of Kansai, corporations could face power shortages and rising energy costs. “I think it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure that there won’t be too much stress on the people and on mid- to small-size corporations,” Noda said. “So we must explain to the people of Japan clearly, with that in mind.”
Special correspondent Yuki Oda contributed to this report.
April 3, 2012
Two cheers for China’s rebalancing
China’s economy is changing. Indeed, it has to change, as I argued two weeks ago (“How to blow away China’s gathering storm clouds”, 20 March 2012). The good news is the scale of the external rebalancing. The bad news is that this is at the cost of larger internal imbalances. China’s balance of payments has been a roller coaster. Thus, between 2003 and 2007, the current account surplus rose from 2.8 per cent to 10.1 per cent of gross domestic product. The surplus then fell sharply, to 2.9 per cent, by 2011. Over the same period, the share of exports and imports in GDP exploded upwards and then fell once again.
In orthodox theory the level of current account surpluses and deficits reflect voluntary decisions to save and invest: countries with surplus savings, such as China, export capital while countries with a deficit import it. Surplus countries enjoy a higher return on savings; deficit countries enjoy a lower cost of investment. Everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. It seems peculiar that a poor country exports capital to rich ones, as China has done, but there is no reason, in this view, to question the wisdom of the underlying choices.
Unfortunately, this Panglossian view is hardly plausible after the repeated shocks in international finance over the past three decades, which culminated with the crisis in high-income countries that broke out in 2007. The US, in particular, proved incapable of using its capital inflows wisely: they financed fiscal deficits and the construction of unneeded houses. Of course, the US is largely to blame for this sad outcome, as are other capital-importers. But large external deficits also have a contractionary impact on demand. This did not seem to matter when the latter was strong. it matters a great deal now when it is weak.
By Chico Harlan April 19

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, seen here in November 2011, says Japan must hike taxes and restart nuclear reactors.
TOKYO — Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Thursday that he faces policymaking challenges “weightier” than those of his predecessors, adding that the country can no longer afford to delay decisions about its most divisive issues, including a tax hike and the restarting of its nuclear reactors. “The greatest problem in Japanese politics over the last two decades is that we put off what needed to be done,” Noda said. “We are at the point to make tough decisions.”
東京ー 日本の総理大臣野田佳彦は前任者達よりも「重たい」政策立案の挑戦に直面していると木曜日に言った。この国家はその最も軋轢を生じている意思決定を遅らせることはもはや出来ないと付け加えた。増税と原子炉の再稼働を含めて。「過去20年の日本の政治の最大の問題は我々がされねばならないことを先延ばししたことだ。」と野田は言った。「我々はまさに困難な意思決定をしようとしている。」
Noda’s call for urgency hints at diminished faith in Tokyo’s fractious political system, a source of tension for the Obama administration ahead of the prime minister’s April 30 trip to Washington. No recent Japanese prime minister has lasted long enough in office to realize his major policy goals, and Noda faces much the same political combat — within his own party and between his party and the opposition — that has undone his predecessors.
野田の緊急の要請は東京の手に負えない政治システムに中に先細った信頼の可能性をほのめかしている。これは4月30日のワシントンへの首相の訪問の前のオバマ政権に対する緊張の源泉だ。最近の日本首相は主要な政策目標を実現するまで長くその職に就いたことはなかった。そして、野田はその似たり寄ったりの政治の戦いに直面してる。ー 彼自身の党の内部で,そして彼の党と野党との間でー そのことは彼の前任者達が出来なかったことだ。
In an interview with The Washington Post, Noda portrayed himself as a pragmatist who would appeal directly to the public, presenting a detailed case for his policies. He said that a restart of nuclear reactors, for instance, would lower operating costs of businesses and prevent energy shortages in Japan’s sweltering summer. A consumption tax increase would ease fears about ballooning national debt and prevent a collapse of the aging country’s strained social security system, he said.
Noda acknowledged that such proposals are “not so popular among the people.” Nor are they uniformly supported by the ruling Democratic Party of Japan. The approval rating for Noda’s cabinet fell this month below 30 percent, a level from which Japan’s five previous, short-lived prime ministers never rebounded. Noda said it remains an open question whether politicians here can “stand firm for the national interest.” “In that respect,” he said, “I’m confronting a difficult situation.”
Noda will arrive in Washington with little evidence of progress. Although Japan has spent almost two years debating participation in a regional free-trade pact that involves the United States, Tokyo hasn’t made a final decision. The Trans-Pacific Partnership would open new markets for Japan’s exporters, but it would also endanger the country’s domestic agriculture industry, long protected by high tariffs. Noda had hoped to be able to tell President Obama during their meeting that Japan would join the pact, but he acknowledged just days ago that he couldn’t, according to the Kyodo news agency.
Negotiations also remain at a standstill on the relocation of an inner-city Marine air station in Okinawa, with leaders in Tokyo unable to soften local opposition to a proposed new site on a less populated part of the island. Analysts in Tokyo say that Noda will fight for the free-trade and base issues only if he resolves his stated top priority — raising the consumption tax. Noda, a former finance minister who took office seven months ago, has vowed to stake his political life on the tax increase, which would be used to fund mounting social security costs. When Noda’s cabinet submitted the tax bill last month, however, several members resigned in protest. The opposition, meanwhile, senses a political opportunity to force Noda from office over the issue and then begin the debate anew.
交渉はまた沖縄の過密地区の海兵隊空軍基地の移転で行き詰まっている。東京の指導者達はその島のあまり人のすんでいない部分への提案した新たな場所に対する現地の反対を和らげることができないでいる。東京のアナリスト達は野田は彼が彼の言った最優先の課題ー 消費税の増税を解決して初めて、この自由貿易と基地問題に向けて戦うだろうと言っている。野田は7ヶ月前に就任した前任の財務大臣で、この増税に彼の政治生命をかけると断言していた。これは増大している社会保障費用の資金供給のために利用されるだろう。野田政権が先月課税法案を提出したとき、しかしながら、幾人かのメンバーは反対して、党を脱会した。その間、野党はこの件で野田を政権から追放して改めて議論を始める政治的な好機だと感じている。
Back in Japanese hands
Kazuo Hirai’s new strategy gives Sony’s business a blurry future
Apr 14th 2012 TOKYO

No hurrahs for Hirai
IT IS too much to expect one man single-handedly to rescue Sony, the Japanese firm which formerly made world-beating electronic products but is now almost as well-known for making losses. Even so, Kazuo Hirai, who unveiled his outlook for the company on April 12th less than a fortnight after taking its management back into Japanese hands, has had a tumultuous start.
On April 10th the company predicted it would lose 520 billion yen ($6.5 billion) in the fiscal year that ended on March 31st, the biggest loss in its 65-year history. The new forecast, twice as bad as had been expected as recently as February, clobbered its shares, which have fallen by 40% in a year. The increased losses stemmed largely from an accounting charge: in the company’s fourth consecutive year of red ink, Sony decided it could no longer carry tax losses as an asset. “The news hit me hard,” Mr Hirai admitted.
But paper losses aside, the underlying electronics business is also bleeding money. Mr Hirai laid out aggressive targets to improve performance, though he offered few concrete ideas on how to achieve them. Interestingly, he named three products as core to Sony: digital imaging, including cameras; gaming; and mobile phones. Conspicuous by their absence were televisions.
They are not just a problem for Sony, which has lost money on the business for eight years. Sharp and Panasonic, its two main Japanese rivals, are also likely to lose money on TVs this year, as well as on other parts of their electronic businesses. (On April 10th, Sharp, too, issued a profit warning). What makes televisions such a millstone for these firms is that none has the guts to exit the business completely; nor are they aggressively revamping it. Instead they lean towards what Yoshiharu Izumi of J.P. Morgan, a securities firm, calls “managed decline”.
それらはソニーだけの問題ではなかった。それは8年間この商売で金を失って来た。シャープやパナソニック、この2つの主要な日本の競合は彼らの電子ビジネスの他の部品と同様に、今年テレビで損失を出したようだ。(4月10日にシャープもまた業績下方修正を発表した。)このような企業がテレビにそのようなマイルストーンを設定した事は全くこの事業からの撤退をする度胸を持っていないと言う事だ。;もしくは積極的にそれを改革しようとしていないと言う事だ。その代わり、彼らは証券会社のJ.P. MorganのYoshiharu Izumiが「管理された落ち込み」と呼んだものに向かって、かしいでいる。
Mr Hirai had already announced that Sony’s TV production goal would be halved, from 40m units to 20m. There was little to suggest he has any higher hope for TVs than to turn a profit in the year ending March 2014. However, he left open the possibility of alliances with other Japanese television makers: talk of such co-operation has grown since Sharp was part-sold to Taiwan’s Hon Hai, Apple’s main supplier, last month.
平井氏はソニーのテレブの製造目標は4000万台から2000万台の半分になるだろうと既に公表して来た。彼は2014年3月に終わる年度に利益を出すよりも、テレビに対して如何なるより高い望みを持っていない事を暗示していた。しかしながら、彼は他の日本のテレビの製造業者達との提携の可能性をオープンにしておいた。:そのような協調の話は先月、シャープがアップルへの主な供給業者である台湾のHon Haiへ部分譲渡をして以来、持ち上がって来ていた。
Analysts hope that, being Japanese, Mr Hirai will have more success than his Welsh-born predecessor, Sir Howard Stringer (now Sony’s chairman), in uniting Sony’s 168,000 employees behind a call for reform. But apart from repeating “Sony will change” any number of times in his opening presentation, there was not much evidence of new thinking. He mentioned 10,000 job cuts, but at least 3,000 of these will be accounted for by spinning off companies. To those worried about Sony’s decline, it is whole divisions, not jobs, that need to be cut, in order to focus on what the company does best. Sadly, that message did not come through.
日本人である平井氏は彼のウェールズ生まれの先任者であるHoward Stringer卿(現在のソニーの会長)よりも更に成功するだろうし、改革の呼びかけの背後にいるソニーの168,000人の従業員を団結させるだろうとアナリスト達は希望する。しかし、彼のオープニングの発表で、何度も「ソニーは変わるだろう。」と言う事を繰り返した事はさておき、新しい考え方にあまりその証拠はなかった。彼は一万人の雇用削減を言ったが、少なくともこれらの3,000人は分離独立するだろう。ソニーの衰退を心配する人たちにとって、雇用ではなく削減する必要があるのはすべての事業部で、この企業がベストを尽くすものに焦点を当てる為に。悲しい事に、そのメッセージは伝わって来なかった。
Iran would probably withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, under which its uranium is watched by the International Atomic Energy Agency. At that point its entire programme would go underground—literally and figuratively. If Iran decided it needed a bomb, it would then be able to pursue one with utmost haste and in greater secrecy. Saudi Arabia and the others might conclude that they, too, needed to act pre-emptively to gain their own deterrents.
イランは多分、非拡散防止条約から撤退するだろう。そこではウランは国際原子力エネルギー機関によって、監視されている。その時点で、この全部の核開発プログラムは地下に潜るだろう。ー 文字通りにそして文字通り出なくても。イランが核爆弾が必要だと意思決定しているのであれば、最大限の性急さと更なる秘密裏にそのことを続行することができるだろう。サウジアラビアとその他の諸国は彼らもまた彼ら自身の核兵器を得る為に先制して行動する必要があると結論するかもしれない。
Perhaps America could bomb Iran every few years. But how would it know when and where to strike? And how would it justify a failing policy to the world? Perhaps, if limited bombing is not enough, America should be aiming for an all-out aerial war, or even regime change. Yet a decade in Iraq and Afghanistan has demonstrated where that leads. An aerial war could dramatically raise the threat of retaliation. Regime change might produce a government that the West could do business with. But the nuclear programme has broad support in Iran. The idea that a bomb is the only defence against an implacable American enemy might become stronger than ever.
Get real
That does not mean the world should just let Iran get the bomb. The government will soon be starved of revenues, because of an oil embargo. Sanctions are biting, the financial system is increasingly isolated and the currency has plunged in value. Proponents of an attack argue that military humiliation would finish the regime off. But it is as likely to rally Iranians around their leaders. Meanwhile, political change is sweeping across the Middle East. The regime in Tehran is divided and it has lost the faith of its people. Eventually, popular resistance will spring up as it did in 2009.
A new regime brought about by the Iranians themselves is more likely to renounce the bomb than one that has just witnessed an American assault. Is there a danger that Iran will get a nuclear weapon before that happens? Yes, but bombing might only increase the risk. Can you stop Iran from getting a bomb if it is determined to have one? Not indefinitely, and bombing it might make it all the more desperate. Short of occupation, the world cannot eliminate Iran’s capacity to gain the bomb. It can only change its will to possess one. Just now that is more likely to come about through sanctions and diplomacy than war.