On both those issues China will find it hard to offer concessions. This week Mr Xi growled that “no country should presume that we will engage in trade involving our core interests or that we will swallow the ‘bitter fruit’ of harming our sovereignty, security or development.”
North Korea offers a chance for China to seem flexible without jeopardising any “core interests” and, indeed, to enhance its own security at the same time. The new treatment of North Korea could also strengthen China’s relations with South Korea, which were damaged by the failure to join the widespread international condemnation of the North for attacks on the South in 2010. And it would offer what Zhu Feng, a scholar at Peking University, calls “a new platform for China and the United States to get closer”.
北朝鮮はいかなる「核心的な利益」を危険にさらさずに中国が柔軟になれそうな、そして実際に同時にそれ自身の安全保障を高める機会を提供している。北朝鮮に対する新たな処遇はまた韓国と中国との関係を強化しうるだろうし、2010年に北朝鮮の韓国への攻撃の広範囲に及んだ国際的な非難に加わる事に失敗してその関係は損なわれた。そしてそれは北京大学の学者であるZhu Fengが「中国とアメリカがより近づく新たなプラットフォーム」と呼んでいるものを提供するだろう。
But Mr Zhu also says China will not want to “corner” North Korea. At a conference in Seoul in December, Teng Jianqun, of the China Institute of International Studies in Beijing, said there were three views about policy on North Korea: that it is a troublemaker which China should abandon and treat as a security problem; that it is nothing to do with China and should be left alone; and that it is an old ally deserving of China’s full support.
しかしZhu氏はまた中国は北朝鮮を「窮地に追い込める」事をしたがらないだろうと言う。12月にソウルのコンファレンスで北京の中国国際研究機関のTeng Jianqunは北朝鮮の政策について3つの考え方があると言った。:中国があきらめて、安全保障問題として処理する問題児;中国とは関係がなく、ほっておくべきだという事。;そして中国の完全な支援に値する古い同盟国であること。
Yet the consensus is that China’s prime interest is stability. The survival of the Kim dynasty ruling North Korea now seems bound up with its nuclear programme. So China may think that stepping up efforts to shut that down would not be in its interest. Certainly many Chinese scholars and, presumably, officials feel exasperated with North Korea and rather embarrassed by its antics. But China fears that collapse of the regime might lead to unrest, refugees crossing into China and the presence of American forces on the other side of China’s own borders. That would be even worse.
Plenty of voices still call for the continued support of the regime. Mr Teng recalled that “old diplomats” complained fiercely when China condemned North Korea’s nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009. And Tang Ge, a commentator whose blogpost is translated on sinonk.com, a website, thunders against those who argue that North Korea no longer matters to China as a “strategic buffer” between it and the American troops in South Korea. On the contrary, he claims, supporting North Korea is a “small-cost big-benefit” activity.
多くの意見はまだこの政権への継続した支援を求めている。Teng氏は中国が2006年並びに2009年の北朝鮮の核実験を非難したとき「年取った外交官」が激しく不満を言った事を思い起こした。そしてTang Geは時事解説者で、彼のブログ記事はウェブサイトのsinonk.comに翻訳されているが、北朝鮮は中国と韓国にいるアメリカ軍との「戦略的な緩衝」として中国にとっての要素ではもはやないと主張する人たちに対して激しく非難している。反対に、彼は北朝鮮を支援する事は「小さな費用で大きな利益」を得る活動だと主張している。
This suggests another way of responding to China’s poor relationships with its other neighbours: to recall that North Korea is an old ally—and as “close as lips and teeth” with China. It is likely to remain so, even if, for now, the lips are pouting and the teeth are grinding.
この事は他の近隣諸国との中国の脆弱な関係に対する答えとしてもう一つのやり方を示唆している。:北朝鮮が古い同盟国である事を思い起こすためにー そして中国と「「唇歯輔車の関係」のように。今までのところは唇はぺらぺらしゃべり、歯はギシギシ言っていても、そうなっているようだ。
金曜日、今日はこれまで。今週は今日で終わりだが、毎日研修の募集で駆けずり回っていた。今日は久しぶりに早く起きた。仕事がたまっているので、この週末も忙しそうだ。胃ことだ。ではまた明日。On both those issues China will find it hard to offer concessions. This week Mr Xi growled that “no country should presume that we will engage in trade involving our core interests or that we will swallow the ‘bitter fruit’ of harming our sovereignty, security or development.”
North Korea offers a chance for China to seem flexible without jeopardising any “core interests” and, indeed, to enhance its own security at the same time. The new treatment of North Korea could also strengthen China’s relations with South Korea, which were damaged by the failure to join the widespread international condemnation of the North for attacks on the South in 2010. And it would offer what Zhu Feng, a scholar at Peking University, calls “a new platform for China and the United States to get closer”.
北朝鮮はいかなる「核心的な利益」を危険にさらさずに中国が柔軟になれそうな、そして実際に同時にそれ自身の安全保障を高める機会を提供している。北朝鮮に対する新たな処遇はまた韓国と中国との関係を強化しうるだろうし、2010年に北朝鮮の韓国への攻撃の広範囲に及んだ国際的な非難に加わる事に失敗してその関係は損なわれた。そしてそれは北京大学の学者であるZhu Fengが「中国とアメリカがより近づく新たなプラットフォーム」と呼んでいるものを提供するだろう。
But Mr Zhu also says China will not want to “corner” North Korea. At a conference in Seoul in December, Teng Jianqun, of the China Institute of International Studies in Beijing, said there were three views about policy on North Korea: that it is a troublemaker which China should abandon and treat as a security problem; that it is nothing to do with China and should be left alone; and that it is an old ally deserving of China’s full support.
しかしZhu氏はまた中国は北朝鮮を「窮地に追い込める」事をしたがらないだろうと言う。12月にソウルのコンファレンスで北京の中国国際研究機関のTeng Jianqunは北朝鮮の政策について3つの考え方があると言った。:中国があきらめて、安全保障問題として処理する問題児;中国とは関係がなく、ほっておくべきだという事。;そして中国の完全な支援に値する古い同盟国であること。
Yet the consensus is that China’s prime interest is stability. The survival of the Kim dynasty ruling North Korea now seems bound up with its nuclear programme. So China may think that stepping up efforts to shut that down would not be in its interest. Certainly many Chinese scholars and, presumably, officials feel exasperated with North Korea and rather embarrassed by its antics. But China fears that collapse of the regime might lead to unrest, refugees crossing into China and the presence of American forces on the other side of China’s own borders. That would be even worse.
Plenty of voices still call for the continued support of the regime. Mr Teng recalled that “old diplomats” complained fiercely when China condemned North Korea’s nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009. And Tang Ge, a commentator whose blogpost is translated on sinonk.com, a website, thunders against those who argue that North Korea no longer matters to China as a “strategic buffer” between it and the American troops in South Korea. On the contrary, he claims, supporting North Korea is a “small-cost big-benefit” activity.
多くの意見はまだこの政権への継続した支援を求めている。Teng氏は中国が2006年並びに2009年の北朝鮮の核実験を非難したとき「年取った外交官」が激しく不満を言った事を思い起こした。そしてTang Geは時事解説者で、彼のブログ記事はウェブサイトのsinonk.comに翻訳されているが、北朝鮮は中国と韓国にいるアメリカ軍との「戦略的な緩衝」として中国にとっての要素ではもはやないと主張する人たちに対して激しく非難している。反対に、彼は北朝鮮を支援する事は「小さな費用で大きな利益」を得る活動だと主張している。
This suggests another way of responding to China’s poor relationships with its other neighbours: to recall that North Korea is an old ally—and as “close as lips and teeth” with China. It is likely to remain so, even if, for now, the lips are pouting and the teeth are grinding.
この事は他の近隣諸国との中国の脆弱な関係に対する答えとしてもう一つのやり方を示唆している。:北朝鮮が古い同盟国である事を思い起こすためにー そして中国と「「唇歯輔車の関係」のように。今までのところは唇はぺらぺらしゃべり、歯はギシギシ言っていても、そうなっているようだ。
1995年以来、中国の経済は異常な率で成長して来ていて、年平均で9.8%拡大している。しかし、その上昇は多くの人々が思うほど未熟な人の労力に依存していない。Kuijs氏のの計算によれば、雇用の単なる拡大は年成長率を0.7%しか貢献してきていない。農業から経済の他のより生産的な部分への労働の移動は2倍貢献して来ている。しかし、中国はその成長の大半が労働の追加とか移動ではなくて、その向上のお陰だ。ー それは産業の生産性を上げることだ。中国の成功の秘密は労働者を増加させる事ではなくて、新しい資本、技術、そしてノウハウを労働者に与える事だった。
続きを読むSince 1995 China’s economy has grown at an extraordinary rate, expanding by 9.8% a year on average. But its ascent relies less on raw human effort than many people think. By Mr Kuijs’s calculations, the mere expansion of employment has contributed only 0.7 percentage points of its annual growth. The movement of labour from agriculture to other, more productive parts of the economy has contributed twice as much. But China owes the bulk of its growth not to adding labour or moving it, but to augmenting it—raising its productivity within industry. The secret of China’s success lies not in the workers it adds, but in what new capital, technology and know-how adds to its workers.
1995年以来、中国の経済は異常な率で成長して来ていて、年平均で9.8%拡大している。しかし、その上昇は多くの人々が思うほど未熟な人の労力に依存していない。Kuijs氏のの計算によれば、雇用の単なる拡大は年成長率を0.7%しか貢献してきていない。農業から経済の他のより生産的な部分への労働の移動は2倍貢献して来ている。しかし、中国はその成長の大半が労働の追加とか移動ではなくて、その向上のお陰だ。ー それは産業の生産性を上げることだ。中国の成功の秘密は労働者を増加させる事ではなくて、新しい資本、技術、そしてノウハウを労働者に与える事だった。
「オーストラリア国立大学のXin Mengは15都市の数千人の移住者を調査してきた。平均すると彼等は殆ど9年前に最初に農村の故郷を離れた。都市が彼等を二倍の長さ滞在する事を説得出来ると、事実上、移住労働者の供給が倍になると彼女は指摘している。」
China and North Korea
On the naughty step
China continues to fret over its troublesome neighbour
Feb 2nd 2013 | BEIJING
LIKE an indulgent parent forgiving of the most petulant of childish tantrums, China usually cuts North Korea a lot of slack. So when China on January 22nd signed on to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2087, tightening sanctions on North Korea to punish it for a rocket launch in December, its ally was surprised and outraged. Without naming China, a North Korean statement accused it of “abandoning without hesitation even elementary principles”. By the same token, the outside world saw an encouraging sign: perhaps China will at last take serious steps to rein in its pugnacious neighbour’s efforts to build a nuclear arsenal.
That is probably too much to hope. But on North Korea, China might for a while be more aligned than recently with America, Japan and South Korea. China has insisted that its main interest is in regional stability. If so, with North Korea reacting to the UN resolution by threatening to attack South Korea and stage its third test of a nuclear bomb and by vowing never to abandon its nuclear programme, it is hard not to see the country’s regime as a threat.
Moreover, Global Times, a Chinese newspaper owned by the Communist Party, chided North Korea for its ungrateful reaction to the efforts China had made to soften the UN resolution, and warned it that if it “engages in further nuclear tests, China will not hesitate to reduce its assistance”. Since North Korea relies on China for fuel and food, that is a potent threat.
Now, more than ever, China might want to seem a contributor to regional peace. Its belligerence over the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands has brought relations with Japan to their worst level since 1945, with China now considering Japan’s proposal for a summit between its prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and the Communist Party leader, Xi Jinping. China’s assertion of territorial claims in the South China Sea has soured relations there, too. The Philippines has been provoked into asking a UN tribunal to rule on whether part of China’s claim has a legal basis.
1995年以来、中国の経済は異常な率で成長して来ていて、年平均で9.8%拡大している。しかし、その上昇は多くの人々が思うほど未熟な人の労力に依存していない。Kuijs氏のの計算によれば、雇用の単なる拡大は年成長率を0.7%しか貢献してきていない。農業から経済の他のより生産的な部分への労働の移動は2倍貢献して来ている。しかし、中国はその成長の大半が労働の追加とか移動ではなくて、その向上のお陰だ。ー それは産業の生産性を上げることだ。中国の成功の秘密は労働者を増加させる事ではなくて、新しい資本、技術、そしてノウハウを労働者に与える事だった。
「オーストラリア国立大学のXin Mengは15都市の数千人の移住者を調査してきた。平均すると彼等は殆ど9年前に最初に農村の故郷を離れた。都市が彼等を二倍の長さ滞在する事を説得出来ると、事実上、移住労働者の供給が倍になると彼女は指摘している。」
China and North Korea
On the naughty step
China continues to fret over its troublesome neighbour
Feb 2nd 2013 | BEIJING
LIKE an indulgent parent forgiving of the most petulant of childish tantrums, China usually cuts North Korea a lot of slack. So when China on January 22nd signed on to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2087, tightening sanctions on North Korea to punish it for a rocket launch in December, its ally was surprised and outraged. Without naming China, a North Korean statement accused it of “abandoning without hesitation even elementary principles”. By the same token, the outside world saw an encouraging sign: perhaps China will at last take serious steps to rein in its pugnacious neighbour’s efforts to build a nuclear arsenal.
That is probably too much to hope. But on North Korea, China might for a while be more aligned than recently with America, Japan and South Korea. China has insisted that its main interest is in regional stability. If so, with North Korea reacting to the UN resolution by threatening to attack South Korea and stage its third test of a nuclear bomb and by vowing never to abandon its nuclear programme, it is hard not to see the country’s regime as a threat.
Moreover, Global Times, a Chinese newspaper owned by the Communist Party, chided North Korea for its ungrateful reaction to the efforts China had made to soften the UN resolution, and warned it that if it “engages in further nuclear tests, China will not hesitate to reduce its assistance”. Since North Korea relies on China for fuel and food, that is a potent threat.
Now, more than ever, China might want to seem a contributor to regional peace. Its belligerence over the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands has brought relations with Japan to their worst level since 1945, with China now considering Japan’s proposal for a summit between its prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and the Communist Party leader, Xi Jinping. China’s assertion of territorial claims in the South China Sea has soured relations there, too. The Philippines has been provoked into asking a UN tribunal to rule on whether part of China’s claim has a legal basis.
The demographic dividend that China has enjoyed in recent decades has kept wage rates low and saving rates high. With fewer children per worker, China has enjoyed a higher income per head, a large chunk of which it has been able to save and invest. The shrinking of the working-age population will put downward pressure on the saving rate and upward pressure on wages, as coastal factories have already found. According to Mr Laurent, the number of 15- to 24-year-olds will shrink particularly quickly, dropping by 38m, or 21%, over the next ten years.
デモグラフィック・ディビデンドdemographic dividend(人口動態によるメリット)とは、労働力人口の比率が上昇することで経済的メリットを得ることで、その状態を人口ボーナスという。日本を始めに、北アジアの諸国は少子化政策を取ったことで、急速な経済成長を達成してきた。
Optimists argue that urbanisation can trump demography. Because 47% of China’s population still resides in the countryside, China’s urban workforce still has room to grow at rural China’s expense. Louis Kuijs of the Royal Bank of Scotland points out that urban employment increased by 12m in 2012 even as rural employment fell by 9m.
楽観主義者達は都市化が人口統計学の切り札になりえると主張する。中国の人口の47%がまだ農村に住んでいるので、中国の都市労働力はまだ農村の中国の犠牲によって成長する余地がある。スコットランドのRoyal BankのLouis Kuijsは農村の雇用が900万人減少したと同時に都市の雇用は2012年に1200万人増加した事を指摘する。
How much surplus labour remains in China’s rural hinterland is a matter of great debate. Some economists think Chinese agriculture can still spare tens of millions of workers. Others, such as Cai Fang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, argue that China exhausted its surplus workers as early as 2004. That does not mean people will stop migrating to the cities. But it does mean that wages will have to rise to attract them because they are also needed in their home villages.
中国の農村の後背地に余剰労働力がどれほどあるのかは大きな議論のあるところだ。幾人かの経済学者は中国の農業はまだ数千万人の労働者を手放すことができると考えている。中国社会科学院のCai Fangのように他の人達は中国は早くも2004年には余剰労働力を使い果たしたと主張している。その事は人々が都市に移住するのを止める事を意味しない。しかし、彼等は故郷の村でも必要とされているので、給与は彼等を引きつけるためにあげなければならない事を意味する。
Xin Meng of Australian National University has surveyed thousands of migrants in 15 cities. On average, they first left their rural homes almost nine years ago. If cities could persuade them to stay twice as long, she points out, they would, in effect, double the supply of migrant labour. But that would require land reform, so that they could sell their rural plots, and reform of China’s household-registration system, so that migrants could settle with their families in cities and use public services now reserved for registered urbanites. When asked how long they would remain if restrictions on migration were relaxed, 62% said they would stay “for ever”.
オーストラリア国立大学のXin Mengは15都市の数千人の移住者を調査してきた。平均すると彼等は殆ど9年前に最初に農村の故郷を離れた。都市が彼等を二倍の長さ滞在する事を説得出来ると、事実上、移住労働者の供給が倍になると彼女は指摘している。しかし、その事は土地の改革を必要とするだろう。そこで、彼等は農村の区画を売ることができる。そして中国の世帯登録システムの改革があり、そこで、移住者は都市に彼等の家族と住むことができ、現在、登録した都市の住人に確保された公共サービスを利用することができる。移住の制限が緩和されるとどれほど長く彼等は滞在するかと聞かれた時に62%が「永住」するだろうと言った。
As they age, migrants may no longer be suitable for factory jobs that require dextrous fingers, or for some construction work, which requires a strong back. But as Yao Yang of Peking University points out, these older workers could take over service jobs in supermarkets and health spas or as security guards which are now done by youngsters. That would free young people to man China’s assembly lines.
彼等が年を取ってくると移住者は手先の器用さを要求される工場の仕事にはもはや向かないかもしれない。もしくは建設作業にも。そこでは体力が要求されるからだ。しかし、北京大学のYao Yang はこうした年寄りの労働者はスーパーマーケットや健康施設のでサービスの仕事や若い人が現在行っている保安要員のような仕事を引き受ける事が出来ると指摘する。その事は若い人たちを中国の組み立てラインに配置させる事を可能とするだろう。
The demographic dividend that China has enjoyed in recent decades has kept wage rates low and saving rates high. With fewer children per worker, China has enjoyed a higher income per head, a large chunk of which it has been able to save and invest. The shrinking of the working-age population will put downward pressure on the saving rate and upward pressure on wages, as coastal factories have already found. According to Mr Laurent, the number of 15- to 24-year-olds will shrink particularly quickly, dropping by 38m, or 21%, over the next ten years.
デモグラフィック・ディビデンドdemographic dividend(人口動態によるメリット)とは、労働力人口の比率が上昇することで経済的メリットを得ることで、その状態を人口ボーナスという。日本を始めに、北アジアの諸国は少子化政策を取ったことで、急速な経済成長を達成してきた。
Optimists argue that urbanisation can trump demography. Because 47% of China’s population still resides in the countryside, China’s urban workforce still has room to grow at rural China’s expense. Louis Kuijs of the Royal Bank of Scotland points out that urban employment increased by 12m in 2012 even as rural employment fell by 9m.
楽観主義者達は都市化が人口統計学の切り札になりえると主張する。中国の人口の47%がまだ農村に住んでいるので、中国の都市労働力はまだ農村の中国の犠牲によって成長する余地がある。スコットランドのRoyal BankのLouis Kuijsは農村の雇用が900万人減少したと同時に都市の雇用は2012年に1200万人増加した事を指摘する。
How much surplus labour remains in China’s rural hinterland is a matter of great debate. Some economists think Chinese agriculture can still spare tens of millions of workers. Others, such as Cai Fang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, argue that China exhausted its surplus workers as early as 2004. That does not mean people will stop migrating to the cities. But it does mean that wages will have to rise to attract them because they are also needed in their home villages.
中国の農村の後背地に余剰労働力がどれほどあるのかは大きな議論のあるところだ。幾人かの経済学者は中国の農業はまだ数千万人の労働者を手放すことができると考えている。中国社会科学院のCai Fangのように他の人達は中国は早くも2004年には余剰労働力を使い果たしたと主張している。その事は人々が都市に移住するのを止める事を意味しない。しかし、彼等は故郷の村でも必要とされているので、給与は彼等を引きつけるためにあげなければならない事を意味する。
Xin Meng of Australian National University has surveyed thousands of migrants in 15 cities. On average, they first left their rural homes almost nine years ago. If cities could persuade them to stay twice as long, she points out, they would, in effect, double the supply of migrant labour. But that would require land reform, so that they could sell their rural plots, and reform of China’s household-registration system, so that migrants could settle with their families in cities and use public services now reserved for registered urbanites. When asked how long they would remain if restrictions on migration were relaxed, 62% said they would stay “for ever”.
オーストラリア国立大学のXin Mengは15都市の数千人の移住者を調査してきた。平均すると彼等は殆ど9年前に最初に農村の故郷を離れた。都市が彼等を二倍の長さ滞在する事を説得出来ると、事実上、移住労働者の供給が倍になると彼女は指摘している。しかし、その事は土地の改革を必要とするだろう。そこで、彼等は農村の区画を売ることができる。そして中国の世帯登録システムの改革があり、そこで、移住者は都市に彼等の家族と住むことができ、現在、登録した都市の住人に確保された公共サービスを利用することができる。移住の制限が緩和されるとどれほど長く彼等は滞在するかと聞かれた時に62%が「永住」するだろうと言った。
As they age, migrants may no longer be suitable for factory jobs that require dextrous fingers, or for some construction work, which requires a strong back. But as Yao Yang of Peking University points out, these older workers could take over service jobs in supermarkets and health spas or as security guards which are now done by youngsters. That would free young people to man China’s assembly lines.
彼等が年を取ってくると移住者は手先の器用さを要求される工場の仕事にはもはや向かないかもしれない。もしくは建設作業にも。そこでは体力が要求されるからだ。しかし、北京大学のYao Yang はこうした年寄りの労働者はスーパーマーケットや健康施設のでサービスの仕事や若い人が現在行っている保安要員のような仕事を引き受ける事が出来ると指摘する。その事は若い人たちを中国の組み立てラインに配置させる事を可能とするだろう。
1月18日に国家統計局(NBS)は労働年齢の中国人の数が昨年合計で345万人減少したと発表した。人口統計学の緩慢な世界の中で、それは大きな変換点だ。過去35年間にわたる中国人の労働力の動員は世界を揺るがして来た。グローバルな経済がこのような余分な労働力の追加によって利益を受けた事はかってなかった。現在、この追加の労働力は終わった。ー そして中国だけではない。
China’s population
Peak toil
In the first of two articles about the impact of China’s one-child policy, we look at the shrinking working-age population
Jan 26th 2013 | HONG KONG
ON JANUARY 18th the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced that the number of working-age Chinese shrank last year by a total of 3.45m. In the slow-moving world of demography, that is a big turning point. The mobilisation of Chinese labour over the past 35 years has shaken the world. Never before has the global economy benefited from such an addition of extra human exertion. Now the additions are over—and not just in China.
1月18日に国家統計局(NBS)は労働年齢の中国人の数が昨年合計で345万人減少したと発表した。人口統計学の緩慢な世界の中で、それは大きな変換点だ。過去35年間にわたる中国人の労働力の動員は世界を揺るがして来た。グローバルな経済がこのような余分な労働力の追加によって利益を受けた事はかってなかった。現在、この追加の労働力は終わった。ー そして中国だけではない。
One statistical scruple must be acknowledged. In the past the NBS has counted anyone between 15 and 64 years old as of working age. That age range is consistent with international convention and China’s own statistical yearbook. But in announcing the decline last week, the NBS adopted a narrower definition: 15- to 59-year-olds. By doing so, it drew early attention to a demographic downturn that will soon apply to 15- to 64-year-olds and to the population as a whole. Ma Jiantang, head of the NBS, said he did not want the population data to be “drowned in a sea of figures” released at the same time.
一つの統計的な小さな部分を認めなければならない。過去に、NBSは労働年齢の15才から64才までのすべてを合計して来た。その年齢の範囲は国際的な慣習と中国自身の統計年鑑に於いて首尾一貫している。しかし、しかし、先週その減少を発表した時にNBSは狭い定義を採用した。:15才から59才。そうすることによって、人口動態の下降に早い時期に注目させ、それから15才から64才を採用し、全体の人口を採用するだろう。NBSの局長であるMa Jiantangは人口データがそれに加えて発行された「数字の海に溺れる」ことを求めないと言った。
The new statistics will amplify calls for reform of China’s one-child policy. Mr Ma reiterated his support for it, but also said that China should study “an appropriate, scientific population policy” in light of changing circumstances.
China’s one-child policy is not quite as strict as its name implies. Once all its exceptions are taken into account, it permits about 1.47 children per woman. If the policy were relaxed dramatically, would China’s population explode again? Clint Laurent of Global Demographics, a research firm, is often asked this by clients, some of whom hope to profit from a baby boom. But he has to disappoint them. He says the best contraception is “affluence and education”. Many Chinese women would not have a second child even if they were allowed to. And if all restrictions were lifted, the fertility rate would probably settle at about 1.62, according to S. Philip Morgan of Duke University and his co-authors.
中国の一人っ子政策はその名称が暗示するほど厳格ではない。すべての例外が考慮されると1人の女性あたり約1.47人が許可される。この政策が劇的に緩和されれば、中国の人口は再び爆発するだろうか?調査企業のグローバル人口統計学のClint Laurentはしばしば顧客からこのことを聞かれていて、その幾人かはベビーブームからの影響を期待している。しかし、彼はその事に失望しなければならない。ベストの避妊は「豊かさと教育」だと言う。多くの中国の女性は彼等が許されていても2人目の子供を持たないだろう。そして、デューク大学のS. Philip Morganと彼の共著者によれば、すべての制約が撤廃されたとしても出生率は多分ほぼ1.62に落ち着くだろう。
Despite these assurances, China’s policymakers will be slow to tweak the policy. And even if it is relaxed, it will take at least 15 years for any second children to reach working age. What will happen to China’s economy in the interim?
China’s population
Peak toil
In the first of two articles about the impact of China’s one-child policy, we look at the shrinking working-age population
Jan 26th 2013 | HONG KONG
ON JANUARY 18th the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced that the number of working-age Chinese shrank last year by a total of 3.45m. In the slow-moving world of demography, that is a big turning point. The mobilisation of Chinese labour over the past 35 years has shaken the world. Never before has the global economy benefited from such an addition of extra human exertion. Now the additions are over—and not just in China.
1月18日に国家統計局(NBS)は労働年齢の中国人の数が昨年合計で345万人減少したと発表した。人口統計学の緩慢な世界の中で、それは大きな変換点だ。過去35年間にわたる中国人の労働力の動員は世界を揺るがして来た。グローバルな経済がこのような余分な労働力の追加によって利益を受けた事はかってなかった。現在、この追加の労働力は終わった。ー そして中国だけではない。
One statistical scruple must be acknowledged. In the past the NBS has counted anyone between 15 and 64 years old as of working age. That age range is consistent with international convention and China’s own statistical yearbook. But in announcing the decline last week, the NBS adopted a narrower definition: 15- to 59-year-olds. By doing so, it drew early attention to a demographic downturn that will soon apply to 15- to 64-year-olds and to the population as a whole. Ma Jiantang, head of the NBS, said he did not want the population data to be “drowned in a sea of figures” released at the same time.
一つの統計的な小さな部分を認めなければならない。過去に、NBSは労働年齢の15才から64才までのすべてを合計して来た。その年齢の範囲は国際的な慣習と中国自身の統計年鑑に於いて首尾一貫している。しかし、しかし、先週その減少を発表した時にNBSは狭い定義を採用した。:15才から59才。そうすることによって、人口動態の下降に早い時期に注目させ、それから15才から64才を採用し、全体の人口を採用するだろう。NBSの局長であるMa Jiantangは人口データがそれに加えて発行された「数字の海に溺れる」ことを求めないと言った。
The new statistics will amplify calls for reform of China’s one-child policy. Mr Ma reiterated his support for it, but also said that China should study “an appropriate, scientific population policy” in light of changing circumstances.
China’s one-child policy is not quite as strict as its name implies. Once all its exceptions are taken into account, it permits about 1.47 children per woman. If the policy were relaxed dramatically, would China’s population explode again? Clint Laurent of Global Demographics, a research firm, is often asked this by clients, some of whom hope to profit from a baby boom. But he has to disappoint them. He says the best contraception is “affluence and education”. Many Chinese women would not have a second child even if they were allowed to. And if all restrictions were lifted, the fertility rate would probably settle at about 1.62, according to S. Philip Morgan of Duke University and his co-authors.
中国の一人っ子政策はその名称が暗示するほど厳格ではない。すべての例外が考慮されると1人の女性あたり約1.47人が許可される。この政策が劇的に緩和されれば、中国の人口は再び爆発するだろうか?調査企業のグローバル人口統計学のClint Laurentはしばしば顧客からこのことを聞かれていて、その幾人かはベビーブームからの影響を期待している。しかし、彼はその事に失望しなければならない。ベストの避妊は「豊かさと教育」だと言う。多くの中国の女性は彼等が許されていても2人目の子供を持たないだろう。そして、デューク大学のS. Philip Morganと彼の共著者によれば、すべての制約が撤廃されたとしても出生率は多分ほぼ1.62に落ち着くだろう。
Despite these assurances, China’s policymakers will be slow to tweak the policy. And even if it is relaxed, it will take at least 15 years for any second children to reach working age. What will happen to China’s economy in the interim?
カッコ内は千人単位の住民の数 横軸は000km単位
The sun's still not quite set
Jan 23rd 2013, 15:17 by Economist.com
The imperial residue of overseas territories
SINCE 1946, the United Nations has compiled a list of the world's “Non-Self-Governing Territories”: overseas domains it considers, in effect, to be colonies. Since then 100-odd entries have come and gone. Leavers may gain full independence (such as Cameroon or Singapore) or merge more or less fully with their parent nation (Puerto Rico or French Guiana). Today the number of entries has dwindled to just 15, most of which are British, or 16 if you include ambiguous Western Sahara.
Only three of the remaining listings are the subject of conflicting claims by other nations. Two are British-ruled; the third is Western Sahara. The dispute between Britain and Argentina over sovereign rights to the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) turned into war in 1982. It flared up this month with the publication of tit-for-tat open letters in national newspapers. Britain's Foreign Office has also recently complained to the Spanish government over incursions into Gibraltar's territorial waters. Achieving self-determination through referenda for both territories was listed as a priority in the British Government’s mid-term review on January 7th. The Falkland Islanders are due to vote in March.
残りのリストの3つだけが他の国によって紛争の主張の対象になっている。2つは英国が支配している。;3番目は西サハラだ。フォークランド諸島 (Malvinas) に対する主権の権利に対して英国とアルゼンチンとの間の紛争は1982年に戦争となった。それは全国紙上での報復の公開質問状の公表によって今月火がついた。イギリスの外務省はまた最近、ジブラルタルの領海への侵入に対してスペイン政府に苦情を申し入れてきた。双方の領土に対して国民投票を通じて自主的な決定をする事は、1月7日の英国政府の中間見直しにおける優先事項としてリストされた。フォークランド諸島の住民達は3月に投票することになっている。
Such territorial disputes usually centre on history and the inhabitants' choice of national identity, but also geography: the territory's proximity to the claimant's national boundaries and its distance from the “occupying country’s” shores. As the graphic below demonstrates, the distances between administrative capitals and their listed territories are indeed vast. The Falkland Islands' capital Stanley lies some 12,650 km from London. Luckily for Britain and other former imperial powers, proximity is not the defining factor in deciding rightful rule (and if it were, the entire UN list of territories—and previous versions—would be up for grabs).
そのような領土紛争は通常、歴史と国のアイデンティティに対する住民の選択に重点をいているが、また地理にも。:要求者の国境に対する領土の近接性と「占領している市域の」沿岸からの距離。下記の図が示しているように、政権の首都とそのリストされている領土との間の距離は実に広大だ。フォークランド諸島の首都スタンレーはロンドンから12,650kmほどある。幸運にもイギリスやその他の以前の帝国の権力者達にとって近接性は正当な支配を決定する上での決定的な要素ではない。(そしてもしそうであったとすれば国連の全体の領土のリストはー そして以前のバージョンもー 誰もが手に入れてしまうだろう。)
The UN lists only inhabited territory. A host of other, unpopulated, territories would be open to scrutiny on grounds of proximity, or lack of it: swathes of Antarctica for example. Norway's Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic is the most remote island on the planet, lying furthest from any other land mass. But at a meagre 12,700 km from Oslo it cannot compete with some inhabited British, French or American islands for the furthest distance from the motherland.
The sun's still not quite set
Jan 23rd 2013, 15:17 by Economist.com
The imperial residue of overseas territories
SINCE 1946, the United Nations has compiled a list of the world's “Non-Self-Governing Territories”: overseas domains it considers, in effect, to be colonies. Since then 100-odd entries have come and gone. Leavers may gain full independence (such as Cameroon or Singapore) or merge more or less fully with their parent nation (Puerto Rico or French Guiana). Today the number of entries has dwindled to just 15, most of which are British, or 16 if you include ambiguous Western Sahara.
Only three of the remaining listings are the subject of conflicting claims by other nations. Two are British-ruled; the third is Western Sahara. The dispute between Britain and Argentina over sovereign rights to the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) turned into war in 1982. It flared up this month with the publication of tit-for-tat open letters in national newspapers. Britain's Foreign Office has also recently complained to the Spanish government over incursions into Gibraltar's territorial waters. Achieving self-determination through referenda for both territories was listed as a priority in the British Government’s mid-term review on January 7th. The Falkland Islanders are due to vote in March.
残りのリストの3つだけが他の国によって紛争の主張の対象になっている。2つは英国が支配している。;3番目は西サハラだ。フォークランド諸島 (Malvinas) に対する主権の権利に対して英国とアルゼンチンとの間の紛争は1982年に戦争となった。それは全国紙上での報復の公開質問状の公表によって今月火がついた。イギリスの外務省はまた最近、ジブラルタルの領海への侵入に対してスペイン政府に苦情を申し入れてきた。双方の領土に対して国民投票を通じて自主的な決定をする事は、1月7日の英国政府の中間見直しにおける優先事項としてリストされた。フォークランド諸島の住民達は3月に投票することになっている。
Such territorial disputes usually centre on history and the inhabitants' choice of national identity, but also geography: the territory's proximity to the claimant's national boundaries and its distance from the “occupying country’s” shores. As the graphic below demonstrates, the distances between administrative capitals and their listed territories are indeed vast. The Falkland Islands' capital Stanley lies some 12,650 km from London. Luckily for Britain and other former imperial powers, proximity is not the defining factor in deciding rightful rule (and if it were, the entire UN list of territories—and previous versions—would be up for grabs).
そのような領土紛争は通常、歴史と国のアイデンティティに対する住民の選択に重点をいているが、また地理にも。:要求者の国境に対する領土の近接性と「占領している市域の」沿岸からの距離。下記の図が示しているように、政権の首都とそのリストされている領土との間の距離は実に広大だ。フォークランド諸島の首都スタンレーはロンドンから12,650kmほどある。幸運にもイギリスやその他の以前の帝国の権力者達にとって近接性は正当な支配を決定する上での決定的な要素ではない。(そしてもしそうであったとすれば国連の全体の領土のリストはー そして以前のバージョンもー 誰もが手に入れてしまうだろう。)
The UN lists only inhabited territory. A host of other, unpopulated, territories would be open to scrutiny on grounds of proximity, or lack of it: swathes of Antarctica for example. Norway's Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic is the most remote island on the planet, lying furthest from any other land mass. But at a meagre 12,700 km from Oslo it cannot compete with some inhabited British, French or American islands for the furthest distance from the motherland.
カッコ内は千人単位の住民の数 横軸は000km単位
何年もの間、中国を観察している人たちの間で、ありふれたことになって来ている。ー そして中国をリードする人たちの間でもー 増大する不平等は国家の継続する成長、発展と安定にとっての最大の脅威として目立っていることだ。ほぼ3年前に首相温家宝は社会の富の「パイ」を大きくし、それを分配する仕事をもっと上手にこなすと約束した。彼の政府は「断固として拡大する所得のギャップを逆流させる」だろうと彼は言った。
Income inequality
Delta blues
Jan 23rd 2013, 5:41 by T.P. | BEIJING
FOR YEARS it has been a commonplace among those who watch China—and among those who lead it—that growing inequality is among the greatest threats to the nation’s continued growth, development and stability. Nearly three years ago the premier, Wen Jiabao, promised both to make the “pie” of social wealth bigger, and to do a better job of distributing it. His government, he said, would “resolutely reverse the widening income gap”.
何年もの間、中国を観察している人たちの間で、ありふれたことになって来ている。ー そして中国をリードする人たちの間でもー 増大する不平等は国家の継続する成長、発展と安定にとっての最大の脅威として目立っていることだ。ほぼ3年前に首相温家宝は社会の富の「パイ」を大きくし、それを分配する仕事をもっと上手にこなすと約束した。彼の政府は「断固として拡大する所得のギャップを逆流させる」だろうと彼は言った。
But for such an important issue, China has done a remarkably poor job of measuring and reporting on it. The Gini coefficient, a 101-year-old statistical tool that can be applied to many different indicators, is among the most widely used measures of income inequality around the world. Yet China went 12 years without formally disclosing its figures.
That changed last Friday, January 18th, when the National Statistical Bureau released a slew of data showing that China’s Gini number stood at 0.474 in 2012 (where a coefficient of zero would correspond to a perfectly equal society and a score of 1 would go to the society in which one person took absolutely everything). Though this is above the threshold of 0.4 that is sometimes reckoned to be a sign of potentially destabilising inequality, it is also down from the peak level of 0.491, recorded in 2008. These numbers put China in roughly the same range as America. There are plenty of countries that are more unequal than China, and still more countries that are less so.
But there are also plenty of serious questions about the accuracy of the newly released figures. In a blog post, a prominent Chinese economist, Xu Xiaonian, compared the newly reported Gini numbers to a “fairy tale”. Indeed, in Chinese policy circles, doubts about methodological difficulties of calculating the Gini coefficient are not new, and have been cited as justification for China’s reluctance to report it.
しかし、新たに発行された数字の精度について深刻な数多くの疑問もある。ブログ投稿の中に、著名な中国の経済学者Xu Xiaonianは新たに報告されたジニ係数を「おとぎ話」と比較した。実際に中国の政策を作成しているグループの中に、ジニ係数を計算する方法論的な難しさについての疑念は新しい事ではなし、それを報告する中国の認めたくない事を正当化するものとして言及されて来た。
Despite that official reluctance, hints and titbits have dribbled out before. Bo Xilai, the senior leader who was at the centre of last year’s most spectacular political scandal, used his final public appearance last March to reveal that China’s Gini coefficient had exceeded 0.46—and to suggest that increasingly concentrated wealth marked a failure of socialism.
その公式な認めたがらない事にもかかわらず、ヒントやちょっとしたものが以前少しずつ出ていた。薄煕来は昨年、最も人の目を引いた政治スキャンダルの中心にいた最高幹部だが、中国のジニ係数が0.46を越えた事を知らせることで、昨年の3月に最後の公衆の面前に現れるために利用した。ー そして増大する富の集中は社会主義の失敗を示す事を示唆するために。
Far more substantial than that last-ditch effort of a besieged politician was the academic study released in December 2012 which put China’s Gini number at an alarming 0.61, making it a contender for the dubious honour of nearly topping of the world’s inequality rankings (though still it would have fallen a good bit behind South Africa, which scores a contemporary world-beating 0.70).
If the official numbers released this week are to be believed, “Grandpa” Wen successfully kept his promise of three years ago and reversed a trend that was going the wrong way. But he took office nearly ten years ago, touting his determination to look out for China’s less-well-off. And the same set of official figures shows that income inequality is almost exactly where it was in 2003, recent reversals notwithstanding. The current premier is due to leave his post in March. Whichever estimate of China’s Gini coefficient is closest to the truth, there can be no doubting that his successor will have plenty more to do when it comes to distributing or redistributing that still-expanding pie.これはエコノミストだ。
Income inequality
Delta blues
Jan 23rd 2013, 5:41 by T.P. | BEIJING
FOR YEARS it has been a commonplace among those who watch China—and among those who lead it—that growing inequality is among the greatest threats to the nation’s continued growth, development and stability. Nearly three years ago the premier, Wen Jiabao, promised both to make the “pie” of social wealth bigger, and to do a better job of distributing it. His government, he said, would “resolutely reverse the widening income gap”.
何年もの間、中国を観察している人たちの間で、ありふれたことになって来ている。ー そして中国をリードする人たちの間でもー 増大する不平等は国家の継続する成長、発展と安定にとっての最大の脅威として目立っていることだ。ほぼ3年前に首相温家宝は社会の富の「パイ」を大きくし、それを分配する仕事をもっと上手にこなすと約束した。彼の政府は「断固として拡大する所得のギャップを逆流させる」だろうと彼は言った。
But for such an important issue, China has done a remarkably poor job of measuring and reporting on it. The Gini coefficient, a 101-year-old statistical tool that can be applied to many different indicators, is among the most widely used measures of income inequality around the world. Yet China went 12 years without formally disclosing its figures.
That changed last Friday, January 18th, when the National Statistical Bureau released a slew of data showing that China’s Gini number stood at 0.474 in 2012 (where a coefficient of zero would correspond to a perfectly equal society and a score of 1 would go to the society in which one person took absolutely everything). Though this is above the threshold of 0.4 that is sometimes reckoned to be a sign of potentially destabilising inequality, it is also down from the peak level of 0.491, recorded in 2008. These numbers put China in roughly the same range as America. There are plenty of countries that are more unequal than China, and still more countries that are less so.
But there are also plenty of serious questions about the accuracy of the newly released figures. In a blog post, a prominent Chinese economist, Xu Xiaonian, compared the newly reported Gini numbers to a “fairy tale”. Indeed, in Chinese policy circles, doubts about methodological difficulties of calculating the Gini coefficient are not new, and have been cited as justification for China’s reluctance to report it.
しかし、新たに発行された数字の精度について深刻な数多くの疑問もある。ブログ投稿の中に、著名な中国の経済学者Xu Xiaonianは新たに報告されたジニ係数を「おとぎ話」と比較した。実際に中国の政策を作成しているグループの中に、ジニ係数を計算する方法論的な難しさについての疑念は新しい事ではなし、それを報告する中国の認めたくない事を正当化するものとして言及されて来た。
Despite that official reluctance, hints and titbits have dribbled out before. Bo Xilai, the senior leader who was at the centre of last year’s most spectacular political scandal, used his final public appearance last March to reveal that China’s Gini coefficient had exceeded 0.46—and to suggest that increasingly concentrated wealth marked a failure of socialism.
その公式な認めたがらない事にもかかわらず、ヒントやちょっとしたものが以前少しずつ出ていた。薄煕来は昨年、最も人の目を引いた政治スキャンダルの中心にいた最高幹部だが、中国のジニ係数が0.46を越えた事を知らせることで、昨年の3月に最後の公衆の面前に現れるために利用した。ー そして増大する富の集中は社会主義の失敗を示す事を示唆するために。
Far more substantial than that last-ditch effort of a besieged politician was the academic study released in December 2012 which put China’s Gini number at an alarming 0.61, making it a contender for the dubious honour of nearly topping of the world’s inequality rankings (though still it would have fallen a good bit behind South Africa, which scores a contemporary world-beating 0.70).