


現在、この都市を運営しているそのイスラム教徒達は間違うことは出来ない。木曜日に、イスラム教のシャハーダ(「アッラーの他に神はなく、ムハンマドは使徒である」)を書いた巨大な黒い旗が洗練された複数のアーチを描いた行政区域のビルの正面の広場にある旗竿の頂上に揚げられた。そのビルは部族衣装をまとったHafez Assadの倒れた銅像の近くだった。「明日はもっと良くなるだろう。」と銅像の背中にスプレーで書かれていた。しかし、ラッカの住人のすべてがそうは思っていない。イスラム国家を望んでいる人たちでさえ、ー それが明らかに大多数のようだが、ー そのJabhatの見解が何であるのか慎重になっている。

That Islamists now run this city is unmistakable. On Thursday, a massive black flag bearing the Islamic Shahada (“There is No God but God and Mohammad is his Messenger”) was hoisted atop a flagpole in the square in front of the elegant multi-arched Governorate building, near a fallen bronze statue of Hafez Assad in tribal garb. “Tomorrow will be better” is spray-painted along the statue’s back, but not all of Raqqa’s residents think so. Even those who want an Islamic state–which appears to be a clear majority–are wary of what seems to be Jabhat’s version of it.

現在、この都市を運営しているそのイスラム教徒達は間違うことは出来ない。木曜日に、イスラム教のシャハーダ(「アッラーの他に神はなく、ムハンマドは使徒である」)を書いた巨大な黒い旗が洗練された複数のアーチを描いた行政区域のビルの正面の広場にある旗竿の頂上に揚げられた。そのビルは部族衣装をまとったHafez Assadの倒れた銅像の近くだった。「明日はもっと良くなるだろう。」と銅像の背中にスプレーで書かれていた。しかし、ラッカの住人のすべてがそうは思っていない。イスラム国家を望んでいる人たちでさえ、ー それが明らかに大多数のようだが、ー そのJabhatの見解が何であるのか慎重になっている。 

The Islamists have maintained order, protected property and set up a Hayaa Shariyaa (Shari’a Association) to hear court cases and establish religious classes among other duties. They are working to get civil institutions up and running. In one letter dated March 17, Jabhat al-Nusra said it “invites” former civil servants to return to work. It was signed by the group’s emir in Raqqa, “Your brother in Jabhat al-Nusra, Abu Saad al-Hadrame.” The groups are also looking at how to secure salaries.

このイスラム教徒は秩序を維持し、財産を守り、そして他の業務の中でも裁判事件を公聴し、宗教の階級を確立する為にHayaa Shariyaa(イスラム聖典協会)を立ち上げた。彼らは市民の機関を立ち上げ、運営する為に働いている。3月17日付けの手紙の中に、Jabhat al-Nusra(ヌスラ戦線:シリアの反政府イスラム勢力)は以前の公務員に仕事に戻るように「招待している」と語った。それはラッカのこの集団の首長である「Jabhat al-Nusraの中のあなたの兄弟であるAbu Saad al-Hadrame」による署名だった。この集団はまた給与をどのように確保するかについても考えている。 

But the Jabhat has distributed other pamphlets too, including one a few days ago that called for replacing the tri-starred revolutionary flag with the Islamist black one. “Yes to choosing that the [black] banner ….. be the flag of the Syrian revolution and Syria.” It upset a fair number of people, some of whom simply want a civil state. Others feared that it would serve as an excuse for the regime to brand the city’s residents as extremists, or place Raqqa on a list the U.S. is allegedly putting together of Islamist targets in Syria for potential drone strikes.


At least a few hundred publicly protested against the raising of the black flag in the square outside the governorate, while others complained inside the privacy of their homes. “We all pray, we all say ‘There is no God but God,’ but I will not raise this flag,” an older man said. “Are they trying to breakaway from Syria? From the country of Syria? That [black] flag doesn’t represent me,” said another. “This is an insult to people who died for the revolutionary flag,” one young man said.


Another pamphlet pictorially depicts what is considered appropriate dress for Muslim women. Some of the Muslim women in the city wear jeans, tight shirts, and hijabs although most wear abayas out in public. According to the pamphlet, trousers are out, as are wrist-to-ankle abayas (or black cloaks) that come in at the hip, or buttoned up wrist-to-ankle overcoats that suggest a hip or shoulders. The only form of dress with a green tick beside it is an amorphous cloak of black material and a waist-length headscarf that also completely covers a women’s face. On a recent afternoon, five women passed around the pamphlet, before derisively dismissing it. “I won’t cover my face regardless of what happens!” said one. “This is our clothing,” said another, pointing to her long-sleeved, ankle length, emerald green dress and lilac headscarf. “What’s wrong with this?”





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Samer博士は32才の内科医で、反乱が始まる前は外科医になる為の勉強をしていた。彼の完璧な軍服、黒のブーツ、黒の軍帽は人目を引いた。彼はサラフィーの慣習に従ってもじゃもじゃの黒いあごひげを生やしている。(髭は無い)そして、彼は彼自身を述べる為に司令官よりもむしろイスラム教徒の用語の「首長」を使うけれども、彼はGauloises blondesを吸う。ー タバコを禁止ているJabhat al-Nusraのような超保守主義でない。この医者はこの都市が陥落した後ですぐに掲載されたアマチュアのビデオに出た。その中で、ラッカの市長と現地のバース党の指導者との間に長椅子に座っていた。この2人の男は反乱軍に身柄を拘束されている。「それは2階で撮影された。」Samer博士はこのビデオに言及して言う。

Dr. Samer, a 32 year-old physician who was studying to be a surgeon before the rebellion began, cuts an imposing figure in his full military uniform, black boots and black beret. He wears his bushy black beard in the manner of a Salafi (without a mustache) and although he used the Islamist term “emir” rather than commander to describe himself, he smokes Gauloises blondes–unlike ultraconservative Muslims like Jabhat al-Nusra who forbid the practice. The doctor appeared in an amateur video posted shortly after the city’s fall. In it, he’s seated on a couch between Raqqa’s governor and the local Ba’ath party leader, two men who remain in rebel detention. “That was filmed upstairs,” Dr. Samer says, referring to the video.

Samer博士は32才の内科医で、反乱が始まる前は外科医になる為の勉強をしていた。彼の完璧な軍服、黒のブーツ、黒の軍帽は人目を引いた。彼はサラフィーの慣習に従ってもじゃもじゃの黒いあごひげを生やしている。(髭は無い)そして、彼は彼自身を述べる為に司令官よりもむしろイスラム教徒の用語の「首長」を使うけれども、彼はGauloises blondesを吸う。ー タバコを禁止ているJabhat al-Nusraのような超保守主義でない。この医者はこの都市が陥落した後ですぐに掲載されたアマチュアのビデオに出た。その中で、ラッカの市長と現地のバース党の指導者との間に長椅子に座っていた。この2人の男は反乱軍に身柄を拘束されている。「それは2階で撮影された。」Samer博士はこのビデオに言及して言う。


His unit is now based in the governor’s home, a palatial mansion that could rival any of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s. No less than seven green-hued chandeliers hang from the dining room ceiling. There’s a sauna and a steam room. The gilded bust of former Syrian President Hafez Assad that once adorned the spacious marble-tiled entrance now sits outside the house’s high black-and-gold metal gate. “Tyrant” is spray painted in blue across its head. Yet little else seems to have been removed. The china and crystal glassware remain in their cabinets, tapestries still hang from the walls, and furniture remains in its place.

彼の組織は現在、以前のイラクのサダムフセインの如何なるものにも匹敵しうる宮殿のような大邸宅である市長の家を本拠地にしている。7つもの緑色のシャンデリアがダイニングルームの天井から吊られている。サウナとスチームルームがある。広々とした大理石のタイルの入り口をかって飾っていた前のシリアの大統領Hafez Assadの金ぴかの胸像は現在、この家の高い黒と金の金属の門の外にある。「暴君」とその頭に青くスプレーでペイントされている。けれども殆ど何も移動されていないようだ。陶器とクリスタルグラス製品は食器棚にのこされ、タペストリーはまだ壁から吊るされ、そして家具はそのままになっている。

タペストリー : 横糸で模様を作り、縦糸が見えないようにした織物の工芸品。古代ギリシャ時代から作られていたが、14世紀のヨーロッパで発展、フランスのアラスが中心地となって城や宮殿の壁を飾った。16世紀になるとフランドル地方がヨーロッパの生産の拠点となった。伝統的には竪機を使って織るが、19世紀後半にはジャカード織機で作られるようになった。

“The governor will be treated as he deserves,” Dr. Samer says. “He is being interrogated. His positives will be weighed against his negatives and he will be treated according to Shari’a [law].” The doctor would not say if he still has the two regime men, or if they’ve been handed over to Jabhat al-Nusra, which is more likely. However, he said he is prepared to consider a prisoner swap: “We are ready if the regime wants to do something, we will consider it, for the sake of not spilling blood.”

「市長は報いを受けるにふさわしいように扱われるだろう。」とSamer博士は言う。「彼は尋問されている。彼の肯定的な側面はネガティブな側面に対して比較検討されるだろう。そして彼はイスラム聖典に従って取り扱われるだろう。Samer博士はまだ2人の政府の男を保有しているどうか、もしくは彼らが可能性は高いが、Jabhat al-Nusraに引き渡されているかどうかは語ろうとしない。しかしながら、彼は囚人の交換を考慮することが準備されていると言った。:「我々はその政権が何かをしようとしたいのであれば、血を流さないで、我々はそれを考える準備がある。」

There are other prisoners too. There were at least 140 with the doctor’s unit according to his military spokesman, Abu Abdullah, although 40 were released. The others, who are mainly soldiers and security men, await trial in Shari’a courts. 

他の囚人達もいる。彼の軍のスポークスマンAbu Abdullahによれば、40人は釈放されたけれども、この医者の組織に少なくとも140人はいた。その他の人たちは主に兵士と治安の人たちで、イスラム法廷での裁判を待っている。



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So why and how did this happen in Raqqa? Put simply, it’s because the regime had diluted its forces here, deploying them to other parts of the country, and because the forces aligned against Assad were mainly Islamists, largely outside the broad umbrella of the more secular, loosely organized, and in some cases poorly disciplined Free Syrian Army (FSA).


The offensive was spearheaded by Jabhat al-Nusra (which the U.S considers a terrorist group with ties to al-Qaeda), the Salafist Ahrar al-Sham brigade and Jabhat al-Wahda al-Tahrir al-Islamiya (a grouping of some two dozen battalions)–all non-FSA groups who prefer the term Mujahedin (holy warriors) to revolutionaries, the label many FSA use to describe themselves.

攻撃はJabhat al-Nusra(ヌスラ戦線:シリアの反政府イスラム勢力)(アメリカはそれをアルカイダと結びついたテロのグループと考えている)、サラフィストのAhrar al-Sham旅団そしてJabhat al-Wahda al-Tahrir al-Islamiya(2ダースほどの大隊の集団)によって陣頭指揮が執られた。ー 全てが自由シリア軍でない集団で、革命家に対してムジャヒディン(イスラム聖戦士)と言う言葉を好んでいる。反乱軍の多くの自由シリア軍は彼ら自身を言い表す為に使っている。
A special unit of Ahrar al-Sham called Liwa Omana al Raqqa (or the Brigade of Security for Raqqa) was tasked with securing government installations after they fell, protecting public and private property and maintaining services to the city. The unit was specifically formed with this aim, according to its commander, Abu Tayf, a history graduate who used to work in real estate. “We had sleeper cells inside the city for a long time. When we entered the city, they rose and implemented the plan,” he says. “The project was devised a long time ago.” 

 Liwa Omana al Raqqa(もしくはラッカの為の保安旅団)と呼ばれているAhrar al-Shamの特別な集団は彼らが崩壊した後の政府の基地を守ることを任務として、公共並びに民間の財産を保護し、この都市に対しての行政を維持している。この集団はこの目的で特別に形成され、その司令官 Abu Tayfによって。彼は不動産会社で働いていた歴史専攻の大学院生だった。「我々はこの都市の中に長い間スリーパー組織を持っていた。我々がこの都市に入った時彼らは立ち上がり、計画を実行した。」と彼は言う。「このプロジェクトは大分前に考案された。」


There are also spray-painted messages around the city warning against theft. “A thief’s hand will be cut. Signed Jabhat al-Nusra” is plastered in many places, including outside the Real Estate Bank, which like the other banks in the city, is guarded by Nusra.

また都市一帯に泥棒を警告しているスプレーで書いたメッセージがある。「泥棒の手は切断される。Jabhat al-Nusra(ヌスラ戦線:シリアの反政府イスラム勢力)より」が多くの場所に貼付けられている。不動産銀行の外にも。そこは都市の他の銀行のように、ヌスラによって守られていた。

Several commanders of various Islamist units said they prevented some FSA units from entering the city, either during or after the battle, because they feared they might be more interested in looting than fighting. In at least one instance, an FSA unit was turned away by force, after an exchange of gunfire. “We did not forbid the free army, we forbade people who we suspected wanted to cause trouble in the city,” says Dr. Samer, “emir” of Jabhat al-Wahda al-Tahrir al-Islamiya who formerly went by the nom de guerre Abu Hakam. “I’m talking about certain individuals or battalions, but we don’t forbid people from Jihad.”

さまざまなイスラム教徒の組織の幾人かの司令官達は幾つかのFSA組織が戦闘の間もしくはそのあとで、この都市に入ってくるのを阻止したと言った。と言うのは彼らは戦うよりも略奪することにより関心があったかも知れないことを恐れたからだ。少なくとも1つの例で、FSA組織は交戦の後で、力ずくで、追い払われた。「我々は自由軍を禁じなかった。我々はこの都市の中の問題を起こしたがっていると我々が疑っている人々を禁じた。」とSamer博士は言っている。彼はJabhat al-Wahda al-Tahrir al-Islamiyaの「首長」で以前、Abu Hakamと言う偽名で通っていた。「私は特定の個人とか大隊について言っている。しかし、我々はジハードからの人々を禁じない。」

FSA:反体制派の「自由将校団運動」(Free Officers Movement)のニックネームを持つ「自由シリア軍」(FSA)という武装組織



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しかしラッカ市の中のここでは、Tal Abyadを横切ったトルコの国境から数百キロあるが、戦争の傷跡は薄れている。戦闘機は空中にまだ轟音をたてているが、主に17師団の中の包囲された兵士たちを助けるためで、今月初めからの報告にもかかわらず、この都市への空爆や火砲爆撃は現在まれだ。

But here in Raqqa city, some 100 kilometers from the Turkish border crossing of Tal Abyad, the scars of war are faint. Warplanes still rumble in the air, mainly to aid the men besieged in Division 17, but, despite reports from earlier in the month, airstrikes and artillery shelling in the city are now rare.

しかしラッカ市の中のここでは、Tal Abyadを横切ったトルコの国境から数百キロあるが、戦争の傷跡は薄れている。戦闘機は空中にまだ轟音をたてているが、主に17師団の中の包囲された兵士たちを助けるためで、今月初めからの報告にもかかわらず、この都市への空爆や火砲爆撃は現在まれだ。

The dusty streets are swept clean, unlike so many other areas in Syria where the state’s power has collapsed along with its services, and festering piles of fly-ridden garbage crowd the streets. The power outages are brief in most parts of the city although there have been days-long blackouts in areas around some damaged government buildings. 


The mobile phone service ceased a few days ago but the landlines still work. There is fresh fruit and meat in the markets (albeit at inflated prices), and most of the stores along the main thoroughfare of Tal Abyad street are open, selling everything from carpets and women’s clothing to hardware and leather shoes. There are, however, long lines of people outside the bakeries, which only operate at night because Assad’s warplanes generally don’t fly in the dark. (In other parts of Syria, people waiting outside bakeries during the day have been the victims of air strikes.)

携帯電話サービスは数日前に止まったが、地上の通信線はまだ機能している。市場には新鮮な果物や肉はある。(暴騰した価格ではあるけれども)そして、Tal Abyad の大通りに沿った殆どの店は開いていて、絨毯や女性の衣類から金物類や革靴まで何でも売っている。しかしながら、パン屋の外には人々の長い列があり、アサドの戦闘機は大抵暗い時には飛ばないので、夜だけ営業している。(シリアの他のところでは日中パン屋の外で待っている人々は空爆の犠牲になって来ていた。)

Perhaps what is most striking is that only a handful of the sand-colored flat-roofed three and four story buildings in this city have been damaged by fighting–or its aftermath. Even some of Bashar Assad’s portraits remain in place. There’s one on the outer facade of the office of the Agricultural Worker’s Union, another on the civil engineering faculty as well as a two-starred Syrian regime flag flitting above the three-story women’s hospital. (The secularist rebels have a three-starred flag; the Islamist have variations of a black banner with Koranic script.)


According to the locals, the battle here was brief. It started in earnest at dawn on March 2. Regime forces positioned in the five checkpoints ringing Raqqa City either retreated into the city or were overrun within a day or so. Several security outposts inside the city were also abandoned, the men inside fleeing to either the military or the political security branches, the two sites that saw fierce clashes which nonetheless only lasted three days. The governor and the local head of the ruling Ba’ath party were both detained. By March 7, Raqqa city had fallen to the rebels.

地元住民によれば、ここでの戦いは短かった。3月2日の夜明けに本格的に始まった  ラッカ市を取り囲んだ5つの検問所の中に配置された政府軍は一日かそこらで、この都市の中に撤退したかもしくは制圧された。この都市の中の幾つかの防衛拠点もまた放棄された。内部の将兵は軍隊もしくは行政の防衛の拠点に逃げ、その2拠点は激しい戦闘をしたが、にもかかわらず、わずか3日間しか持たなかった。市長と支配しているバース党の現地の長は両方とも拘留された。3月7日にラッカ市は反乱軍に落ちてしまった。

So far, the city has avoided the disorder of a post-regime security vacuum. Very few homes were looted. The banks and the money in them have been secured, while government and security offices were not ransacked, and the paperwork within them not burned. Instead the files have been collected and are being studied. The city’s two churches in this majority Sunni Muslim area are untouched and protected, although the townsfolk speak of Alawites being killed just for being Assad’s co-religionists. 




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The quiet turnaround in the dollar helps explain why GDP has continued to grow and why the stock market has kept rising despite tax increases and spending cuts that are eating into the living standards of many Americans. There’s no guarantee, of course, that this trend will continue. But for the time being, all of America’s trading partners appear to be pursuing policies that will weaken their currencies. Japan’s new central bank chief, in fact, has called explicitly for devaluing the yen to stimulate the Japanese economy.


Quantitative easing in the U.S. – and the increase in the money supply that it produces – could still undermine the value of the dollar over the long term. So could runaway spending. The best policies for America now would concentrate on reining in entitlements rather than trying to reduce the short-term deficit further, either with tax increases or spending cuts beyond what’s already scheduled. It also makes sense to encourage the domestic energy boom, which will not only improve America’s security but also give both the economy and the dollar a little extra lift – perhaps for decades to come.

アメリカに於ける金融緩和ー そしてそれが作り出す資金供給の増加ー はまだ、長期的にドルの価値を弱体化させうる。だから支出を増加させうる。現在アメリカの最善の政策は現在計画されている以上の増税もしくは支出削減とともに更なる短期的な赤字を減らそうとするよりも、エンタイトルメントを抑制することに集中することだろう。また国内のエネルギーの急成長を促進することは筋が通っていて、それはアメリカの安全保障を改善するばかりでなく、経済とドルを少しばかり余分に持ち上げる力を与えるだろう。ー 多分これからの数十年の間。


How Islamist Rebels in Syria Are Ruling a Fallen Provincial Capital
By Rania Abouzeid / Raqqa City
March 23, 2013


Chaos and Killing in Syria: Photos of a Slow-Motion Civil War

A man runs amongst rubble as smoke rises from buildings damaged by what activists said were missiles fired by a Syrian Air Force fighter jet loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in Raqqa province, eastern Syria, on March 12, 2013.


Raqqa City was once dubbed the “hotel of the revolution” because it became home to hundreds of thousands of people displaced from fighting elsewhere who sought refuge in a place considered firmly in the grip of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Earlier this month, however, the city in north central Syria, which was late to the anti-government revolt, became known for something else: It is the first and only provincial capital that Assad’s regime has completely lost—with the rebels taking control of it within the span of a week.

ラッカ市はかって「革命のホテル」と呼ばれていた。というのはシリアの大統領バッシャール・アサドの支配がしっかりしていると考えられていた場所に避難を求めていた、戦っているどこかからか移動して来た数万人の人々にとっての故郷になったからだ。しかしながら、今月初めにシリアの中央北部の都市、そこは反政府の反乱に対して遅れているところだったが、他のことで知られるようになった。:アサド政権が完全に失った初めての唯一の省都だ。ー 一週間で、その管理を奪った反乱軍とともに。

The regime will likely lose the entire province within days. There are only three remaining regime outposts in this vast eastern tribal area that extends all the way to the Turkish border: there’s Division 17 a few kilometers outside the city; the military airport at Tabqa about 40-to-50 kilometers away, and Brigade 93 in Ain Issa, some 70 kilometers away. All three positions are under heavy rebel attack and government counter-attack.

この政権は数日で、この省のすべてを失ったようだ。トルコの国境へとずっと伸びているこの広大な東部の部族地帯の中に残っている政権の前哨基地は3つしかない。:この都市の外、わずか数キロのところに第17師団がある。;約40から50キロ離れてタブカに軍用飛行場があり、そして70キロほど離れたところに、Ain Issaに第93旅団がある。3つのすべての陣地はかなりの反乱軍の攻撃と政府軍の反撃下にある。



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A weak currency can bolster a country’s economy in the short run, by making goods cheaper for foreign buyers and thereby encouraging exports. But over the longer term, a robust economy is typically accompanied by a strong currency. A currency rises in value when more foreign money is flowing in than is flowing out. These inflows occur not only because of export sales but also because foreigners see investment opportunities or are seeking safe places to park their cash. As a result, a stronger dollar is a bellwether of an improving economy and a brighter outlook for U.S. stocks. And there are three reasons economists think the dollar’s rise could continue:


Other major countries are worse off economically. The U.S. economy may be sluggish, but it has grown for 14 straight quarters since the recession ended in mid-2009. By contrast, the Eurozone economies shrank last year and are expected to contract further this year. Moreover, two of the most troubled countries are Italy, which just had an indecisive election, and Cyprus, where yesterday the parliament rejected a plan to levy a one-time tax of up to 10% on bank deposits to raise money for a bailout. The U.K. is on the verge of its third recession since 2008. And China is retrenching because it fears a potential financial crisis. By comparison the U.S. economic outlook appears rather tranquil.


  Other major currencies are still overvalued. One way to assess currencies is to compare how much they can buy in their own countries (known as purchasing power parity). By this measure, the euro, the yen, and the British pound are still overvalued by anywhere from 2% to 10%. Other currencies, such as the Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, and Swiss franc are even more overvalued. The only important exception to this pattern is China, which has long held down the value of its currency to encourage exports. The likelihood is that some of the overvalued currencies will depreciate in the coming months, thereby increasing the relative value of the U.S. dollar. If that does happen, the U.S. will not only remain an economic safe haven attracting investors who want to escape economic turmoil, but also an attractive place to invest for those who want to move out of declining currencies.


The U.S. dollar could become a sort of petrocurrency. Russia, as well as much of the Middle East, has long been sustained by the value of their energy exports. Now the current energy boom in the U.S. could help boost the dollar in two important ways. First, petroleum imports have turned down for the first time since the early 1980s. U.S. imports of foreign oil have fallen 40% over the past seven years, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, which predicts that the U.S. could achieve self-sufficiency in petroleum within the next two decades. That helps our balance of trade. And second, to the extent that overall energy costs rise more slowly, most sectors of the economy will enjoy slightly lower inflation pressures and slightly higher growth. That in turn will improve profits and support the economic recovery.




swingby_blog at 06:19コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 



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