The financial crisis has worsened the third problem: raising money. Over 70% of new businesses are launched using savings or assets—particularly houses. The crisis reduced the average net wealth of American households by about 40%. Business founders repeatedly mention other problems too. Venture capitalists are increasingly risk-averse. The Sarbanes-Oxley act imposes additional costs of $1m a year on public companies. Investors no longer bother with “growth stocks” because there is more money to be made in making lots of big trades in established firms. The dramatic decline in the number of firms going public since 2001 is worrying because, over the past four decades, more than 90% of jobs created by start-ups came into being after they went public.
other problems:以下に述べてあること
SOX法:サーベンス・オクスリー法の略称。 正式には「Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002(上場企業会計改革および投資家保護法)」という。 米国の不正会計問題に対処するため、企業会計の信頼性を高め、内部統制を強化することを目的に、企業経営者の責務と罰則を定めた米国連邦法。 日本でも米国SOX法に影響を受け、上場企業及びその連結子会社に対し、会計監査制度の充実と企業の内部統制強化を義務付ける規定(日本版SOX法、J-SOX)が金融商品取引法に盛り込まれ、2008年4月から適用された。
Stop start-up
Congress tried to fix some of these problems with last year’s JOBS act: for example new firms can now apply for exemption from the most onerous parts of Sarbanes-Oxley for five years. But problems such as political uncertainty have worsened. Mr Dearie and Ms Geduldig suggest other, more ambitious reforms such as giving entrepreneurs a special status, under which their new firms would be subject to a flat 5% tax on their income for the first five years. But these reforms will make an absurdly labyrinthine tax system more complicated still. There is a stronger case for reducing regulations and taxes across the board: American firms now pay the highest corporation taxes in the world, for example. Start-ups would gain disproportionately from such reforms.
「JOBS Act」(Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act 雇用創出法)新興企業の資金調達に関する規制を緩和するとともに、すべての企業を対象に株式公開の方法や時期について柔軟性を高める複数の法律をまとめたものだ。
Fixing the small-business problem should be at the top of the political agenda. Some 22m workers are either unemployed or underemployed, or have given up looking for work. If it continues to generate new jobs at its current anaemic rate, America will not return to pre-recession employment levels until 2020. The country is lucky that entrepreneurship is part of its DNA. It seems perverse to put unnecessary obstacles in the path of people whose ambition is to found businesses and hire new workers.
The financial crisis has worsened the third problem: raising money. Over 70% of new businesses are launched using savings or assets—particularly houses. The crisis reduced the average net wealth of American households by about 40%. Business founders repeatedly mention other problems too. Venture capitalists are increasingly risk-averse. The Sarbanes-Oxley act imposes additional costs of $1m a year on public companies. Investors no longer bother with “growth stocks” because there is more money to be made in making lots of big trades in established firms. The dramatic decline in the number of firms going public since 2001 is worrying because, over the past four decades, more than 90% of jobs created by start-ups came into being after they went public.
other problems:以下に述べてあること
SOX法:サーベンス・オクスリー法の略称。 正式には「Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002(上場企業会計改革および投資家保護法)」という。 米国の不正会計問題に対処するため、企業会計の信頼性を高め、内部統制を強化することを目的に、企業経営者の責務と罰則を定めた米国連邦法。 日本でも米国SOX法に影響を受け、上場企業及びその連結子会社に対し、会計監査制度の充実と企業の内部統制強化を義務付ける規定(日本版SOX法、J-SOX)が金融商品取引法に盛り込まれ、2008年4月から適用された。
Stop start-up
Congress tried to fix some of these problems with last year’s JOBS act: for example new firms can now apply for exemption from the most onerous parts of Sarbanes-Oxley for five years. But problems such as political uncertainty have worsened. Mr Dearie and Ms Geduldig suggest other, more ambitious reforms such as giving entrepreneurs a special status, under which their new firms would be subject to a flat 5% tax on their income for the first five years. But these reforms will make an absurdly labyrinthine tax system more complicated still. There is a stronger case for reducing regulations and taxes across the board: American firms now pay the highest corporation taxes in the world, for example. Start-ups would gain disproportionately from such reforms.
「JOBS Act」(Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act 雇用創出法)新興企業の資金調達に関する規制を緩和するとともに、すべての企業を対象に株式公開の方法や時期について柔軟性を高める複数の法律をまとめたものだ。
Fixing the small-business problem should be at the top of the political agenda. Some 22m workers are either unemployed or underemployed, or have given up looking for work. If it continues to generate new jobs at its current anaemic rate, America will not return to pre-recession employment levels until 2020. The country is lucky that entrepreneurship is part of its DNA. It seems perverse to put unnecessary obstacles in the path of people whose ambition is to found businesses and hire new workers.
The first worry is over human capital. Entrepreneurs repeatedly complain that they cannot hire the right people because universities are failing to keep pace with a fast-changing job market. Small firms lack the resources to provide training and are consequently making do with fewer people working longer hours.
Exasperation turns to fury when it comes to immigration. Immigrants are responsible for launching about half the country’s most successful start-ups and producing a striking number of its patents. But the authorities do their best to drive them out of the country once they have been educated or to break their spirits on the visa treadmill. The system for skilled workers is skewed towards established firms because it demands guaranteed employment for a certain length of time and forces workers to leave the country if they lose their jobs. Start-ups are turning themselves upside down trying to deal with this problem. The authors came across two heterosexual men who were thinking of taking advantage of new gay-marriage rules and getting hitched so that the foreign-born one could stay in the country. They also found Max Marty, who is raising money to moor a ship in international waters off San Francisco. Foreign-born entrepreneurs will work in the floating office-park and make trips to Silicon Valley.
The second problem is the complexity and cost of government. Entrepreneurs the world over complain about regulations and taxes. But America’s have lots to gripe about: in 2009-11 the Obama administration issued 106 new regulations each expected to have an economic impact of at least $100m a year. Besides this business founders suffer from the constant political uncertainty generated by a combination of ambitious new legislation, such as Obamacare, and ideological trench warfare. The Vanguard Group, an asset-management firm, calculates that since 2011 Washington’s bickering politicians have imposed, in effect, a $261 billion uncertainty tax that has cost up to 1m new jobs.
at the world over:世界中の
不確定要素のある税金 オバマケアのような制度から生じた
The first worry is over human capital. Entrepreneurs repeatedly complain that they cannot hire the right people because universities are failing to keep pace with a fast-changing job market. Small firms lack the resources to provide training and are consequently making do with fewer people working longer hours.
Exasperation turns to fury when it comes to immigration. Immigrants are responsible for launching about half the country’s most successful start-ups and producing a striking number of its patents. But the authorities do their best to drive them out of the country once they have been educated or to break their spirits on the visa treadmill. The system for skilled workers is skewed towards established firms because it demands guaranteed employment for a certain length of time and forces workers to leave the country if they lose their jobs. Start-ups are turning themselves upside down trying to deal with this problem. The authors came across two heterosexual men who were thinking of taking advantage of new gay-marriage rules and getting hitched so that the foreign-born one could stay in the country. They also found Max Marty, who is raising money to moor a ship in international waters off San Francisco. Foreign-born entrepreneurs will work in the floating office-park and make trips to Silicon Valley.
The second problem is the complexity and cost of government. Entrepreneurs the world over complain about regulations and taxes. But America’s have lots to gripe about: in 2009-11 the Obama administration issued 106 new regulations each expected to have an economic impact of at least $100m a year. Besides this business founders suffer from the constant political uncertainty generated by a combination of ambitious new legislation, such as Obamacare, and ideological trench warfare. The Vanguard Group, an asset-management firm, calculates that since 2011 Washington’s bickering politicians have imposed, in effect, a $261 billion uncertainty tax that has cost up to 1m new jobs.
at the world over:世界中の
不確定要素のある税金 オバマケアのような制度から生じた
Not open for business
America’s engines of growth are misfiring badly
Oct 12th 2013 |From the print edition
START-UPS have always been at the heart of America’s economic success. Companies that are five years old or younger account for all of the country’s net job creation. They also account for the bulk of innovation. Established firms are usually in the business of preserving the old world; start-ups are under more pressure to come up with new ideas, and if they do so they usually create lots of new jobs. But these growth machines have broken down. America is not producing as many start-ups as it did a decade ago and those that have been created are providing fewer jobs—less than five each, compared with an historical average of about seven. Start-ups created 2.7m new jobs in the 2012 financial year compared with 4.7m in 1999.
The financial crisis clearly bears a lot of the blame for reducing America’s stock of capital and animal spirits. But it is only a partial explanation. The decline in the number of firms going public began in 2001. And these problems are continuing to delay the recovery despite the federal government pump-priming the economy and keeping interest rates near zero.
Three years ago John Dearie and Courtney Geduldig, who both worked for the Financial Services Forum, which represents America’s biggest financial institutions, came up with an inspired idea. Why not ask entrepreneurs themselves what is going wrong? Both big multinationals and established small firms have lots of representatives in Washington, DC. Entrepreneurs are too busy inventing their companies to spend time lobbying. The pair organised meetings and conducted lots of polls. Across a vast and diverse country they heard the same message from everyone they asked: entrepreneurship is in a parlous state. And everyone pointed to the same problems. The result is a new book, “Where the Jobs Are”, which should be dropped onto the heads of America’s squabbling politicians.
Not open for business
America’s engines of growth are misfiring badly
Oct 12th 2013 |From the print edition
START-UPS have always been at the heart of America’s economic success. Companies that are five years old or younger account for all of the country’s net job creation. They also account for the bulk of innovation. Established firms are usually in the business of preserving the old world; start-ups are under more pressure to come up with new ideas, and if they do so they usually create lots of new jobs. But these growth machines have broken down. America is not producing as many start-ups as it did a decade ago and those that have been created are providing fewer jobs—less than five each, compared with an historical average of about seven. Start-ups created 2.7m new jobs in the 2012 financial year compared with 4.7m in 1999.
The financial crisis clearly bears a lot of the blame for reducing America’s stock of capital and animal spirits. But it is only a partial explanation. The decline in the number of firms going public began in 2001. And these problems are continuing to delay the recovery despite the federal government pump-priming the economy and keeping interest rates near zero.
Three years ago John Dearie and Courtney Geduldig, who both worked for the Financial Services Forum, which represents America’s biggest financial institutions, came up with an inspired idea. Why not ask entrepreneurs themselves what is going wrong? Both big multinationals and established small firms have lots of representatives in Washington, DC. Entrepreneurs are too busy inventing their companies to spend time lobbying. The pair organised meetings and conducted lots of polls. Across a vast and diverse country they heard the same message from everyone they asked: entrepreneurship is in a parlous state. And everyone pointed to the same problems. The result is a new book, “Where the Jobs Are”, which should be dropped onto the heads of America’s squabbling politicians.
Unlike some of China’s recent infrastructure extravagances, the diversion project addresses a serious problem. China is dangerously short of water. While the south is a lush, lake-filled region, the north—which has half the population and most of the farmland—is more like a desert. The international definition of water stress is 1,000 cubic metres of usable water per person per year. The average northern Chinese has less than a fifth of that amount. China has 20% of the world’s population but only 7% of its fresh water. A former prime minister, Wen Jiabao, once said water shortages threaten “the very survival of the Chinese nation”.
The shortage is worsening because China’s water is disappearing. In the 1950s the country had 50,000 rivers with catchment areas of 100 square kilometres or more. Now the number is down to 23,000. China has lost 27,000 rivers, mostly as a result of over-exploitation by farms or factories. Water shortages impose big costs. China is hoping for a shale-gas revolution but does not have enough water for it since most of the gas reserves are in the driest parts of the country. The World Bank puts the cost of China’s water problems—mostly damage to health—at 2.3% of a year’s GDP.
貯水池 catchment area:集水地域
Right problem, wrong solution
China clearly needs to do something—but not the South-North diversion project. Aside from the massive cost, the two rivers involved have very different ecosystems and taking water from one to the other could do irreparable environmental harm. The bits that have been finished already have killed many organisms. China’s vast engineering projects could also hurt its neighbours. The diversion scheme is just one of several proposals for the rivers of southern China, including the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra and Mekong, which could affect a billion people who live downstream. And all those projects would increase the amount of water in China by only a few percentage points.
ブラマプトラ川◆チベット自治区のヒマラヤ山脈(Himalaya Range)に発してインドのアッサム(Assam)州を西流しバングラデシュに入りガンジス川(Ganges River)に合流した後ベンガル湾(Bay of Bengal)に注ぐ大河。全長2900キロメートル。チベット自治区内での名称はツァンポ川(Zangbo River)、バングラデシュ内での名称はジャムナ川(Jamuna River)
The government is approaching the water problem from the wrong end. Damming or diverting rivers tackles only supply—increasing available water by capturing more of what flows through rivers or by moving water from one river to another. The government would do better to focus on demand, reducing consumption of water in order to make better use of limited supplies. Water is too cheap in most cities, usually costing a tenth of prices in Europe. Such mispricing results in extravagance. Industry recycles too little water; agriculture wastes too much. Higher water prices would raise costs for farms and factories, but that would be better than spending billions on shipping water round the country.
Development plans should also be rewritten with an eye to the shortage. China is building cities of a million people in the Gobi desert. That makes no sense. The government should stop boosting demand for water in places that have none. China should also fine polluters. According to the land ministry, more than half the groundwater in northern China is too dirty for people to wash in, let alone drink, and some is so poisonous it cannot even be used in the fields. Reducing pollution would not just improve Chinese people’s health, but would also do more than building any number of dams to increase available supplies of usable water. China’s engineers have performed amazing feats in the course of its development. But the water problem is best solved by its economists and environmental regulators.
Unlike some of China’s recent infrastructure extravagances, the diversion project addresses a serious problem. China is dangerously short of water. While the south is a lush, lake-filled region, the north—which has half the population and most of the farmland—is more like a desert. The international definition of water stress is 1,000 cubic metres of usable water per person per year. The average northern Chinese has less than a fifth of that amount. China has 20% of the world’s population but only 7% of its fresh water. A former prime minister, Wen Jiabao, once said water shortages threaten “the very survival of the Chinese nation”.
The shortage is worsening because China’s water is disappearing. In the 1950s the country had 50,000 rivers with catchment areas of 100 square kilometres or more. Now the number is down to 23,000. China has lost 27,000 rivers, mostly as a result of over-exploitation by farms or factories. Water shortages impose big costs. China is hoping for a shale-gas revolution but does not have enough water for it since most of the gas reserves are in the driest parts of the country. The World Bank puts the cost of China’s water problems—mostly damage to health—at 2.3% of a year’s GDP.
貯水池 catchment area:集水地域
Right problem, wrong solution
China clearly needs to do something—but not the South-North diversion project. Aside from the massive cost, the two rivers involved have very different ecosystems and taking water from one to the other could do irreparable environmental harm. The bits that have been finished already have killed many organisms. China’s vast engineering projects could also hurt its neighbours. The diversion scheme is just one of several proposals for the rivers of southern China, including the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra and Mekong, which could affect a billion people who live downstream. And all those projects would increase the amount of water in China by only a few percentage points.
ブラマプトラ川◆チベット自治区のヒマラヤ山脈(Himalaya Range)に発してインドのアッサム(Assam)州を西流しバングラデシュに入りガンジス川(Ganges River)に合流した後ベンガル湾(Bay of Bengal)に注ぐ大河。全長2900キロメートル。チベット自治区内での名称はツァンポ川(Zangbo River)、バングラデシュ内での名称はジャムナ川(Jamuna River)
The government is approaching the water problem from the wrong end. Damming or diverting rivers tackles only supply—increasing available water by capturing more of what flows through rivers or by moving water from one river to another. The government would do better to focus on demand, reducing consumption of water in order to make better use of limited supplies. Water is too cheap in most cities, usually costing a tenth of prices in Europe. Such mispricing results in extravagance. Industry recycles too little water; agriculture wastes too much. Higher water prices would raise costs for farms and factories, but that would be better than spending billions on shipping water round the country.
Development plans should also be rewritten with an eye to the shortage. China is building cities of a million people in the Gobi desert. That makes no sense. The government should stop boosting demand for water in places that have none. China should also fine polluters. According to the land ministry, more than half the groundwater in northern China is too dirty for people to wash in, let alone drink, and some is so poisonous it cannot even be used in the fields. Reducing pollution would not just improve Chinese people’s health, but would also do more than building any number of dams to increase available supplies of usable water. China’s engineers have performed amazing feats in the course of its development. But the water problem is best solved by its economists and environmental regulators.
Water in China
Desperate measures
Rivers are disappearing in China. Building canals is not the solution
Oct 12th 2013 |From the print edition
CHINA’S emperors regarded control over water as one of the principal ways of controlling the country. They poured their kingdom’s resources into vast projects such as the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou, which was finished in about 500AD. The country’s Communist leaders have inherited this passion. Eight of the nine members of the previous Politburo’s standing committee were engineers and a former president, Hu Jintao, was a water engineer. The country has built as many large dams as the rest of the world put together.
大運河 中国東部,北京から杭州まで通じる運河
The Grand Canal now forms a link in one of the biggest engineering projects the world has ever seen, whose first stage is due to open by the end of this year. It goes by the unlovely name of the South-North Water Diversion Project. If it is ever finished it will move water along 2,000 miles of new canals, some of them across the Himalayan plateau, from the Yangzi in the south to the Yellow River in the north, at a cost of more than $50 billion.
南水北調(中: 南水北調工程)は、中国南方地域の水を北方地域に送り慢性的な水不足を解消する構想(プロジェクト)の事
Water in China
Desperate measures
Rivers are disappearing in China. Building canals is not the solution
Oct 12th 2013 |From the print edition
CHINA’S emperors regarded control over water as one of the principal ways of controlling the country. They poured their kingdom’s resources into vast projects such as the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou, which was finished in about 500AD. The country’s Communist leaders have inherited this passion. Eight of the nine members of the previous Politburo’s standing committee were engineers and a former president, Hu Jintao, was a water engineer. The country has built as many large dams as the rest of the world put together.
大運河 中国東部,北京から杭州まで通じる運河
The Grand Canal now forms a link in one of the biggest engineering projects the world has ever seen, whose first stage is due to open by the end of this year. It goes by the unlovely name of the South-North Water Diversion Project. If it is ever finished it will move water along 2,000 miles of new canals, some of them across the Himalayan plateau, from the Yangzi in the south to the Yellow River in the north, at a cost of more than $50 billion.
南水北調(中: 南水北調工程)は、中国南方地域の水を北方地域に送り慢性的な水不足を解消する構想(プロジェクト)の事
APEC can try to co-ordinate these confusing and in some ways competitive processes, in the hope of bringing it all together in a grand Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific. And it can encourage members to renew efforts to complete a global round—which economists concur is much the best option. But APEC itself is not where the action is.
If the TPP succeeds, for example, it will need its own secretariat. Some of those working in APEC’s secretariat in Singapore wonder if this means that, in a few years time, they will be out of a job.
Thirdly, the world has changed since 1989. There is now no shortage of forums for leaders to meet. In Asia there is the East Asia Summit in Brunei on October 10th, at which Mr Obama is also to be a no-show this year, and the Asia-Europe Meeting. Globally there is the G20 as well of course as the longer-standing United Nations General Assembly. As for trade, that is what the WTO is for, and it is holding its own ministerial conference in Bali in December.
東アジアサミット: ASEAN(東南アジア諸国連合)の10か国に日本・中国・韓国・オーストラリア・ニュージーランド・インド・米国・ロシアを加えた18か国が参加する首脳会議。経済連携の強化、エネルギーやテロ問題など域内の共通課題について関係各国間で対話するための枠組み構築などを目的とする。東アジア共同体の創設も視野に入れている。第1回サミットは2005年12月にマレーシアのクアラルンプールで開催された。EAS(East Asia summit)。東アジア首脳会議。
The bureaucratic and academic industry APEC spawned has built a cadre of strong supporters of the process. That includes some of the press, who, this occasional visitor feels, are treated better and better as leaders’ meetings go by. The goody-bags in the press kits were always generous (I still wear my APEC 1996 T-shirt from Subic Bay in the Philippines) but getting more so. This year, in addition, free foot-massages and day-long sightseeing tours were on offer. The media centre is magnificent. Just one thing is missing. What the press really needs, just like APEC, is a story.
APEC can try to co-ordinate these confusing and in some ways competitive processes, in the hope of bringing it all together in a grand Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific. And it can encourage members to renew efforts to complete a global round—which economists concur is much the best option. But APEC itself is not where the action is.
If the TPP succeeds, for example, it will need its own secretariat. Some of those working in APEC’s secretariat in Singapore wonder if this means that, in a few years time, they will be out of a job.
Thirdly, the world has changed since 1989. There is now no shortage of forums for leaders to meet. In Asia there is the East Asia Summit in Brunei on October 10th, at which Mr Obama is also to be a no-show this year, and the Asia-Europe Meeting. Globally there is the G20 as well of course as the longer-standing United Nations General Assembly. As for trade, that is what the WTO is for, and it is holding its own ministerial conference in Bali in December.
東アジアサミット: ASEAN(東南アジア諸国連合)の10か国に日本・中国・韓国・オーストラリア・ニュージーランド・インド・米国・ロシアを加えた18か国が参加する首脳会議。経済連携の強化、エネルギーやテロ問題など域内の共通課題について関係各国間で対話するための枠組み構築などを目的とする。東アジア共同体の創設も視野に入れている。第1回サミットは2005年12月にマレーシアのクアラルンプールで開催された。EAS(East Asia summit)。東アジア首脳会議。
The bureaucratic and academic industry APEC spawned has built a cadre of strong supporters of the process. That includes some of the press, who, this occasional visitor feels, are treated better and better as leaders’ meetings go by. The goody-bags in the press kits were always generous (I still wear my APEC 1996 T-shirt from Subic Bay in the Philippines) but getting more so. This year, in addition, free foot-massages and day-long sightseeing tours were on offer. The media centre is magnificent. Just one thing is missing. What the press really needs, just like APEC, is a story.