The same is true on Israel’s southern flank. Jihadi groups have made a battleground of Egypt’s largely ungoverned Sinai peninsula. And in the Gaza Strip, militant Palestinian groups such as Islamic Jihad have launched scores of rockets toward Israel’s civilian population. The groups are all more radical than Hamas, the militant organization that won Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, and a year later took over Gaza outright.
Israel regards Hamas as a terrorist organization, but the rising challenge from more radical groups has prompted some Israeli opinion leaders to officially recognize it as a government. In a column published on the news site Ynet by former national security adviser Giora Eiland, the operative logic was the same that led Israeli jets to government targets in Syria: “The more Gaza is a state, and the more we treat it as one, we’ll have more stimuli against it, stimuli which can force it to maintain peace and quiet, which is our main interest.”The same holds true to the north, of course. What’s less clear is how much of the Syrian state actually remains to be engaged, or deterred, by Israel’s military.
イスラエルはハマスをテロリスト集団と見なしているが、しかし更に過激な集団からの増加する攻撃が彼らを政府として公式に認識するように何人かのイスラエルで影響力をもつ人たちを刺激している。前国家安全保障担当補佐官であるGiora Eilandが、ニュースサイトYnetに書いたコラムによると、 軍事行動の論理はシリア内の政府の標的にイスラエルの戦闘機を向かわせるのと同じだと書いている。:「ガザが国家であり、そして我々がガザを国家として扱えば扱う程、我々はそレに対してより刺激となり、その刺激が平和と静寂を維持させるようとするだろうし、そうしたことが、我々の大きな関心事である。」 当然だが北部においても同じことが当てはまる。実際にはシリアの国のどの程度が、イスラエル軍によって関与しまたは抑止されているのかという事は明らかではない。
Microsoft Admits to Searching Blogger’s Emails
Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan March 21, 2014
The tech giant admits it searched a blogger's emails during an internal investigation into a former employee who was accused of leaking company secrets, saying in this case it “took extraordinary actions"
Microsoft admitted Thursday that it searched a blogger’s emails during an internal investigation into who leaked company secrets. John Frank, the company’s deputy general counsel said in a statement that Microsoft “took extraordinary actions in this case,” the Associated Press reports. In September 2012, Microsoft searched the Hotmail account and instant messages of a blogger who was communicating with a former software architect for the company, Alex Kibkalo.
マイクロソフトは木曜日、会社の機密情報を漏らした人物を内部調査している際に、ブロガーのEメールを調べたことを認めた。会社の副法律顧問のJohn Frankはマイクロソフトは「この問題で行き過ぎた行動を行なった」と発表したことをAP通信が報道した。2012年9月に、マイクロソフトは、会社の元ソフトウェア開発者であるAlex Kibkaloと接触していた、あるブロガーのHotomailのアカウントとインスタントメッセージを調査していた。
Kibkalo was named in an FBI complaint filed on Monday, but the blogger was not identified, the AP reports. Kibkalo allegedly shared tweaks to the Windows 8 RT operating system and software tools that could have aided hackers in navigating and activating Microsoft programs. Kibkalo’s cloud account, which he allegedly used to share files with the blogger, was also searched. Kibkalo has since located to Russia, according to authorities.
complaint :告訴
Israel regards Hamas as a terrorist organization, but the rising challenge from more radical groups has prompted some Israeli opinion leaders to officially recognize it as a government. In a column published on the news site Ynet by former national security adviser Giora Eiland, the operative logic was the same that led Israeli jets to government targets in Syria: “The more Gaza is a state, and the more we treat it as one, we’ll have more stimuli against it, stimuli which can force it to maintain peace and quiet, which is our main interest.”The same holds true to the north, of course. What’s less clear is how much of the Syrian state actually remains to be engaged, or deterred, by Israel’s military.
イスラエルはハマスをテロリスト集団と見なしているが、しかし更に過激な集団からの増加する攻撃が彼らを政府として公式に認識するように何人かのイスラエルで影響力をもつ人たちを刺激している。前国家安全保障担当補佐官であるGiora Eilandが、ニュースサイトYnetに書いたコラムによると、 軍事行動の論理はシリア内の政府の標的にイスラエルの戦闘機を向かわせるのと同じだと書いている。:「ガザが国家であり、そして我々がガザを国家として扱えば扱う程、我々はそレに対してより刺激となり、その刺激が平和と静寂を維持させるようとするだろうし、そうしたことが、我々の大きな関心事である。」 当然だが北部においても同じことが当てはまる。実際にはシリアの国のどの程度が、イスラエル軍によって関与しまたは抑止されているのかという事は明らかではない。
Microsoft Admits to Searching Blogger’s Emails
Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan March 21, 2014
The tech giant admits it searched a blogger's emails during an internal investigation into a former employee who was accused of leaking company secrets, saying in this case it “took extraordinary actions"
Microsoft admitted Thursday that it searched a blogger’s emails during an internal investigation into who leaked company secrets. John Frank, the company’s deputy general counsel said in a statement that Microsoft “took extraordinary actions in this case,” the Associated Press reports. In September 2012, Microsoft searched the Hotmail account and instant messages of a blogger who was communicating with a former software architect for the company, Alex Kibkalo.
マイクロソフトは木曜日、会社の機密情報を漏らした人物を内部調査している際に、ブロガーのEメールを調べたことを認めた。会社の副法律顧問のJohn Frankはマイクロソフトは「この問題で行き過ぎた行動を行なった」と発表したことをAP通信が報道した。2012年9月に、マイクロソフトは、会社の元ソフトウェア開発者であるAlex Kibkaloと接触していた、あるブロガーのHotomailのアカウントとインスタントメッセージを調査していた。
Kibkalo was named in an FBI complaint filed on Monday, but the blogger was not identified, the AP reports. Kibkalo allegedly shared tweaks to the Windows 8 RT operating system and software tools that could have aided hackers in navigating and activating Microsoft programs. Kibkalo’s cloud account, which he allegedly used to share files with the blogger, was also searched. Kibkalo has since located to Russia, according to authorities.
complaint :告訴
“We hold the Assad regime responsible for what happens in its territory,” Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon explained in a statement, “and if it continues to collaborate with terrorists striving to hurt Israel then we will keep on exacting a heavy price from it and make it regret its actions.”
strive to:目指す
「我々はシリア国内で起こることはアサド政権の責任だと考えている」と、イスラエルの国防相Moshe Ya’alonは声明文で説明し、「そしてもしアサド政権がイスラエル人を攻撃することもくろんでいるテロリストに協力し続けるならば、後に我々はそれからの重い代償を要求し続け、そしてそうした活動を後悔させるだろう。」
In the Israeli media, blame for the strike was laid at the feet of Hizballah, the Shiite militia that supports Assad. No evidence was provided, but Hizballah had vowed revenge for Israel’s Feb. 24 attack on a weapons convoy. It was the sixth such airstrike aimed at preventing Hizballah from moving advanced weapons systems out of Syria, but the first to hit inside Lebanon, the militia’s home base.
Laid at the feet of:に責任を負わせる
Hizballah is a non-state actor mostly in name. It fields some 20,000 fighters and possesses a huge military infrastructure. But while many of the fighters are working in Syria, where they have helped turned the tide of the war toward Assad, the organization’s infrastructure is based in Lebanon. And for political reasons, Israel is not eager to send its planes where their bombs would be seen as punishing not only Hizballah but also the Lebanese state that the West, including Israel, prefers to shore up as a counterweight.
in name:名目上
turned the tide of the war:戦争の流れを変える
shore up:持ちこたえる、補強する、支える
“For us it’s very important to give the Lebanese Armed Forces its sovereignty, its ability to carry out its duty,” a senior Israeli officer on the Lebanese border told TIME in a January interview. Already arrayed along Israel’s border with Lebanon, Hizballah is also now free to operate along the portions of the border with Syria still controlled by Assad’s forces. However, in a stretch of border that for several miles abuts territory held by the Free Syrian Army—the most moderate of the rebel groups—Israel will even allow the FSA to leave its wounded fighters near the fence for retrieval by the Israelis, who take them to Israeli hospitals for treatment.
for retrieval:救助するために
「我々にとって、レバノンの軍隊に、任務を遂行するための能力である統治権を与えることは重要である」と、レバノンの国境でイスラエルの高官が、タイム誌の1月のインタビューで言った。既にHizballahはレバノンとのイスラエル国境沿いに配置されており、彼らは現在、アサドの軍隊によって未だに管理されているシリア国境の一部にそって軍事行動を自由に行なってもいる 。しかしながら、数マイルに渡ってFree Syrian Army(FSA)—最も穏健な抵抗勢力—によって保有された地域に隣接している国境一帯で、イスラエルはFSAに対して、国境フェンス近くに、イスラエル人が救助するために負傷したFSA兵士を残していくことを許しており、イスラエル人はそうした負傷兵を治療するためにイスラエルの病院に連れて行っている。
Farther to the south, however, where the borders of Israel, Syria and Jordan come together, Syrian territory is held by rebels of a more fundamentalist streak, according to Israeli officials. Across the entire theater of war, the most effective militias remain those aligned with al-Qaeda.“What we see is many organizations from the area coming to power,” says the senior Israeli officer, “and all these organizations have a common enemy, which is us.”
theater of war:戦場
aligned with:協調する
strive to:目指す
「我々はシリア国内で起こることはアサド政権の責任だと考えている」と、イスラエルの国防相Moshe Ya’alonは声明文で説明し、「そしてもしアサド政権がイスラエル人を攻撃することもくろんでいるテロリストに協力し続けるならば、後に我々はそれからの重い代償を要求し続け、そしてそうした活動を後悔させるだろう。」
In the Israeli media, blame for the strike was laid at the feet of Hizballah, the Shiite militia that supports Assad. No evidence was provided, but Hizballah had vowed revenge for Israel’s Feb. 24 attack on a weapons convoy. It was the sixth such airstrike aimed at preventing Hizballah from moving advanced weapons systems out of Syria, but the first to hit inside Lebanon, the militia’s home base.
Laid at the feet of:に責任を負わせる
Hizballah is a non-state actor mostly in name. It fields some 20,000 fighters and possesses a huge military infrastructure. But while many of the fighters are working in Syria, where they have helped turned the tide of the war toward Assad, the organization’s infrastructure is based in Lebanon. And for political reasons, Israel is not eager to send its planes where their bombs would be seen as punishing not only Hizballah but also the Lebanese state that the West, including Israel, prefers to shore up as a counterweight.
in name:名目上
turned the tide of the war:戦争の流れを変える
shore up:持ちこたえる、補強する、支える
“For us it’s very important to give the Lebanese Armed Forces its sovereignty, its ability to carry out its duty,” a senior Israeli officer on the Lebanese border told TIME in a January interview. Already arrayed along Israel’s border with Lebanon, Hizballah is also now free to operate along the portions of the border with Syria still controlled by Assad’s forces. However, in a stretch of border that for several miles abuts territory held by the Free Syrian Army—the most moderate of the rebel groups—Israel will even allow the FSA to leave its wounded fighters near the fence for retrieval by the Israelis, who take them to Israeli hospitals for treatment.
for retrieval:救助するために
「我々にとって、レバノンの軍隊に、任務を遂行するための能力である統治権を与えることは重要である」と、レバノンの国境でイスラエルの高官が、タイム誌の1月のインタビューで言った。既にHizballahはレバノンとのイスラエル国境沿いに配置されており、彼らは現在、アサドの軍隊によって未だに管理されているシリア国境の一部にそって軍事行動を自由に行なってもいる 。しかしながら、数マイルに渡ってFree Syrian Army(FSA)—最も穏健な抵抗勢力—によって保有された地域に隣接している国境一帯で、イスラエルはFSAに対して、国境フェンス近くに、イスラエル人が救助するために負傷したFSA兵士を残していくことを許しており、イスラエル人はそうした負傷兵を治療するためにイスラエルの病院に連れて行っている。
Farther to the south, however, where the borders of Israel, Syria and Jordan come together, Syrian territory is held by rebels of a more fundamentalist streak, according to Israeli officials. Across the entire theater of war, the most effective militias remain those aligned with al-Qaeda.“What we see is many organizations from the area coming to power,” says the senior Israeli officer, “and all these organizations have a common enemy, which is us.”
theater of war:戦場
aligned with:協調する
ギリシアの市場への復帰 道楽息子 国債発行は1つの節目であるが、未だ道のりは長い。(3) イスラエルは凶暴な軍隊がもたらす脅威が増大しているのでシリアを攻撃している。
Yet adopting those reforms and sustaining previous efforts are essential. The IMF has estimated that reforms could boost GDP by 4% over five years and by 10% in the long term. The reform fatigue in Athens may be understandable but it betrays a reluctance to accept that the country was the architect of its misfortune. Greece entered the crisis as a dysfunctional state with an impaired economy. It is hard to imagine the country sustaining a decade or more of self-denial if left to its own devices. The grumpy political mood in Greece suggests that it has not fully got the message about how much more has to be done.
if left to its own devices:放っておけば
Israel Strikes Syria as Threats From Rogue Forces Grow
Karl Vick @karl_vick March 19, 2014
There's no evidence the Syrian government was involved in setting up a booby trap that injured four Israeli soldiers, but Israel's defense minister says it holds "the Assad regime responsible for what happens in its territory" as Syria's civil war spirals out of control
booby trap:仕掛け爆弾
spirals out of control:手に負えない状況に陥る
The wave of airstrikes Israel carried out on Syria overnight not only demonstrated how it’s being drawn into the civil war there, but also the challenges awaiting Israelis on a battlefield crowded with non-state actors. Israel launched the attacks, which the Syrian government said killed one soldier and injured seven, to retaliate for the injuries to four of its own soldiers by a booby trap buried along the border fence with Syria the day before. The device was detonated after the Israelis left their armored vehicle to proceed on foot toward a shepherd, who may have been stationed near the fence to draw them toward the bomb according to the Israeli military. It was the fourth violent incident on Israel’s northern border this month, and the first to result in injuries, one of them serious.
be drawn into:引き込まれる
non-state actor:非国家主体
armored vehicle:装甲車両
proceed on:進む
Yet there was no sign that the Syrian military was involved in placing the booby trap or was involved its detonation. Israel apparently struck a divisional headquarters, a training base, and an artillery battery because those sites were fixed, near the border, and available as targets. It may not have had any other options. Of the four known armies operating on the northern side of the border fence, only one, clad in the fatigues of the Syrian Armed Forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, has a fixed address. So that’s where the missiles were directed.
artillery battery:砲撃台
not any other options:他に取りえる選択の自由がない
日曜日。今日はこれまで。昨日はJoseph Nyeのソフトパワーの議論をして、そのあと2セッションの講義があった。あっという間の一日だった。今日は朝スケートがあるが、午後の先生はキャンセルとなり、久しぶりに、自由だ。今日もいい天気だ。ではまた明日。
if left to its own devices:放っておけば
Israel Strikes Syria as Threats From Rogue Forces Grow
Karl Vick @karl_vick March 19, 2014
There's no evidence the Syrian government was involved in setting up a booby trap that injured four Israeli soldiers, but Israel's defense minister says it holds "the Assad regime responsible for what happens in its territory" as Syria's civil war spirals out of control
booby trap:仕掛け爆弾
spirals out of control:手に負えない状況に陥る
The wave of airstrikes Israel carried out on Syria overnight not only demonstrated how it’s being drawn into the civil war there, but also the challenges awaiting Israelis on a battlefield crowded with non-state actors. Israel launched the attacks, which the Syrian government said killed one soldier and injured seven, to retaliate for the injuries to four of its own soldiers by a booby trap buried along the border fence with Syria the day before. The device was detonated after the Israelis left their armored vehicle to proceed on foot toward a shepherd, who may have been stationed near the fence to draw them toward the bomb according to the Israeli military. It was the fourth violent incident on Israel’s northern border this month, and the first to result in injuries, one of them serious.
be drawn into:引き込まれる
non-state actor:非国家主体
armored vehicle:装甲車両
proceed on:進む
Yet there was no sign that the Syrian military was involved in placing the booby trap or was involved its detonation. Israel apparently struck a divisional headquarters, a training base, and an artillery battery because those sites were fixed, near the border, and available as targets. It may not have had any other options. Of the four known armies operating on the northern side of the border fence, only one, clad in the fatigues of the Syrian Armed Forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, has a fixed address. So that’s where the missiles were directed.
artillery battery:砲撃台
not any other options:他に取りえる選択の自由がない
日曜日。今日はこれまで。昨日はJoseph Nyeのソフトパワーの議論をして、そのあと2セッションの講義があった。あっという間の一日だった。今日は朝スケートがあるが、午後の先生はキャンセルとなり、久しぶりに、自由だ。今日もいい天気だ。ではまた明日。
ギリシアの市場への復帰 道楽息子 国債発行は1つの節目であるが、未だ道のりは長い。(2)
If Greece has come a long way from those dark days, it is still far from being able to support itself financially. Like the rest of southern Europe it has gained as investors take a more favourable view of the euro zone and also anticipate possible quantitative easing by the European Central Bank. Yet though Greek ten-year bonds fell this week to below 6%, that is still much too high to be affordable for a country forecast by the IMF to grow by only 0.6% in 2014 and experiencing deflation (with prices falling by 1% in the past year). Greece remains in the dock compared with Ireland and Portugal, the second and third countries to require bail-outs, whose ten-year yields are less than 3% and 4% respectively.
in the dock:非難を受けている
Indeed, Greece would be quite unable to access the markets but for the massive support it continues to receive from the rest of the euro area. Despite the default, public debt, at 175% of GDP this year, is much higher than before the first bail-out. That burden is made bearable only through concessions by the European lenders who now hold most of the debt. Their loans are at ultra-low interest rates. They have been extended to such an extent that the average maturity of Greek debt is extraordinarily high, at 17.5 years. European countries like Germany have in effect restructured their lending to Greece without having to admit this awkward fact to voters by formally forgiving some of it.
Even more help will be necessary. The IMF continues to insist that euro-zone governments will have to make further concessions if Greek public debt is to be put on a sustainable trajectory. The fund believes that relief worth 4% of GDP is needed in the next year or so if the objective of debt of 124% of GDP by 2020 is to be achieved, with more to come if this is to be yanked down below 110% by 2022.
yank down:引っ張りおろす
Even with extra help the targets are heroic. Greece has only just managed, in 2013, to achieve a surplus on its primary budget (ie, excluding interest payments), of 1.5% of GDP. That was higher than expected and is a massive improvement on the dire position in 2009 when there was a deficit of 10.5%. But if the debt goals for 2020 and beyond are to be met that surplus must rise to 4.5% of GDP by 2016 and be sustained at 4% in the 2020s.
primary budget:基礎的財政収支
That is not wholly infeasible: Belgium managed to run an average primary surplus of 4.3% of GDP between 1987 and 2008. But it is a tall order for a country that has spent over half the time since it became independent in 1830 in default. More than this week’s foray into the markets, what matters is whether Greece has really changed its ways. That seems far from clear. The latest slug of bail-out money has taken ages to be approved because the regular programme review by the IMF and European authorities got bogged down in ill-tempered negotiations as the government resisted more reforms.
tall order:難しい注文
foray into:への進出
slug of:ひと塊の
get bogged down:泥沼にはまる/行き詰まる
土曜日。今日はこれまで。昨日は日刊工業の甲斐さんとの会食があった。あとは今日の海野塾の準備をした。Joseph Nyeのyoutubeは良い選択だった。英語が理解で来ても中身を理解するのが大変だ。今日は日本語の海野塾がある。ではまた明日。
in the dock:非難を受けている
Indeed, Greece would be quite unable to access the markets but for the massive support it continues to receive from the rest of the euro area. Despite the default, public debt, at 175% of GDP this year, is much higher than before the first bail-out. That burden is made bearable only through concessions by the European lenders who now hold most of the debt. Their loans are at ultra-low interest rates. They have been extended to such an extent that the average maturity of Greek debt is extraordinarily high, at 17.5 years. European countries like Germany have in effect restructured their lending to Greece without having to admit this awkward fact to voters by formally forgiving some of it.
Even more help will be necessary. The IMF continues to insist that euro-zone governments will have to make further concessions if Greek public debt is to be put on a sustainable trajectory. The fund believes that relief worth 4% of GDP is needed in the next year or so if the objective of debt of 124% of GDP by 2020 is to be achieved, with more to come if this is to be yanked down below 110% by 2022.
yank down:引っ張りおろす
Even with extra help the targets are heroic. Greece has only just managed, in 2013, to achieve a surplus on its primary budget (ie, excluding interest payments), of 1.5% of GDP. That was higher than expected and is a massive improvement on the dire position in 2009 when there was a deficit of 10.5%. But if the debt goals for 2020 and beyond are to be met that surplus must rise to 4.5% of GDP by 2016 and be sustained at 4% in the 2020s.
primary budget:基礎的財政収支
That is not wholly infeasible: Belgium managed to run an average primary surplus of 4.3% of GDP between 1987 and 2008. But it is a tall order for a country that has spent over half the time since it became independent in 1830 in default. More than this week’s foray into the markets, what matters is whether Greece has really changed its ways. That seems far from clear. The latest slug of bail-out money has taken ages to be approved because the regular programme review by the IMF and European authorities got bogged down in ill-tempered negotiations as the government resisted more reforms.
tall order:難しい注文
foray into:への進出
slug of:ひと塊の
get bogged down:泥沼にはまる/行き詰まる
土曜日。今日はこれまで。昨日は日刊工業の甲斐さんとの会食があった。あとは今日の海野塾の準備をした。Joseph Nyeのyoutubeは良い選択だった。英語が理解で来ても中身を理解するのが大変だ。今日は日本語の海野塾がある。ではまた明日。
ギリシアの市場への復帰 道楽息子 国債発行は1つの節目であるが、未だ道のりは長い。
Greece’s return to the markets
The prodigal son
A bond issue is a milestone but there is still a long way to go
Apr 12th 2014 | From the print edition
THE journey has been an epic one, but Greece has reached, if not the destination, at least a waymark. The last time that its government raised long-term funds was in March 2010, just weeks before the markets lost confidence in Greece altogether, forcing its first bail-out. This week the Greek government returned to the markets, raising €3 billion ($4.1 billion) in five-year bonds at a yield of just under 5% in a heavily oversubscribed issue.
The amount might be small and the yield high compared with borrowing costs in other rescued countries, such as Portugal, whose five-year notes were trading at around 2.6%. But the notion of any bond issue at all still prompts eye-rubbing, given the depth of the Greek crisis. Six consecutive years of recession have seen the economy shrink by a quarter, prompting social and political turmoil that at its worst seemed quite likely to push Greece out of the euro zone. For most of the past four years a return to the markets on any terms seemed inconceivable, a view underscored by vaulting bond yields (see chart).
Over this period Greece has been wholly reliant on help from euro-zone governments and the IMF to meet its financing needs. In May 2010 it received its first three-year bail-out, of €110 billion. The aim then was that it should start tapping the markets again as early as 2012. Instead within less than two years Greece required a second and even bigger bail-out, raising the total amount of funding from euro-zone lenders and the IMF to €246 billion by 2016, equivalent to 135% of last year’s GDP.
tap the market:市場を開発する
The scale of the rescue effort was made necessary by the delay in recognising that Greece was bust and needed a debt restructuring; much of the early official lending was used to repay private creditors as the bonds they held matured. In early 2012 Greece did carry out such a restructuring, wiping out over €100 billion of government debt. Despite this relief, the crisis intensified. In two nail-bitingly close elections held in the summer of 2012, the country came close to a catastrophic “Grexit” from the single currency.
debt restructuring:債務のリストラ
close election:僅差の選挙
金曜日。今日はこれまで。昨日は久しぶりに昭和電工の齋藤さんと会食した。夜はJoseph Nyeのビデオを見た。彼のソフトパワーの考えだ。平易な文章だが、中身が難しい。今日の昼は日刊工業の甲斐さんとの会食がある。明日は楽しい日本語の海野塾だ。講師は高橋と大神で、大神はデビューだ。ではまた明日。
Greece’s return to the markets
The prodigal son
A bond issue is a milestone but there is still a long way to go
Apr 12th 2014 | From the print edition

THE journey has been an epic one, but Greece has reached, if not the destination, at least a waymark. The last time that its government raised long-term funds was in March 2010, just weeks before the markets lost confidence in Greece altogether, forcing its first bail-out. This week the Greek government returned to the markets, raising €3 billion ($4.1 billion) in five-year bonds at a yield of just under 5% in a heavily oversubscribed issue.
The amount might be small and the yield high compared with borrowing costs in other rescued countries, such as Portugal, whose five-year notes were trading at around 2.6%. But the notion of any bond issue at all still prompts eye-rubbing, given the depth of the Greek crisis. Six consecutive years of recession have seen the economy shrink by a quarter, prompting social and political turmoil that at its worst seemed quite likely to push Greece out of the euro zone. For most of the past four years a return to the markets on any terms seemed inconceivable, a view underscored by vaulting bond yields (see chart).
Over this period Greece has been wholly reliant on help from euro-zone governments and the IMF to meet its financing needs. In May 2010 it received its first three-year bail-out, of €110 billion. The aim then was that it should start tapping the markets again as early as 2012. Instead within less than two years Greece required a second and even bigger bail-out, raising the total amount of funding from euro-zone lenders and the IMF to €246 billion by 2016, equivalent to 135% of last year’s GDP.
tap the market:市場を開発する
The scale of the rescue effort was made necessary by the delay in recognising that Greece was bust and needed a debt restructuring; much of the early official lending was used to repay private creditors as the bonds they held matured. In early 2012 Greece did carry out such a restructuring, wiping out over €100 billion of government debt. Despite this relief, the crisis intensified. In two nail-bitingly close elections held in the summer of 2012, the country came close to a catastrophic “Grexit” from the single currency.
debt restructuring:債務のリストラ
close election:僅差の選挙

金曜日。今日はこれまで。昨日は久しぶりに昭和電工の齋藤さんと会食した。夜はJoseph Nyeのビデオを見た。彼のソフトパワーの考えだ。平易な文章だが、中身が難しい。今日の昼は日刊工業の甲斐さんとの会食がある。明日は楽しい日本語の海野塾だ。講師は高橋と大神で、大神はデビューだ。ではまた明日。
中国の市民社会 氷河の下で 政治的弾圧にも関わらず、豊かな市民社会が開花してきている 。(8)
After loosening the restraints on NGOs, the party could easily tighten them again. And Chan Kin-man at the Chinese University of Hong Kong says that NGOs have exploded in number but not in influence. The space in which civil society may operate is actually shrinking, he argues. Aspects of the current political clampdown, such as a law against rumour-mongering, would seem to bear him out. Yet others say that space for action that is won through negotiation, not confrontation, is space nonetheless. Meanwhile, many feel that the party’s distinction between service provision and advocacy will erode. “There is no way to deliver services to the elderly without becoming an advocate for the elderly,” says a foreign NGO worker in Beijing.
bear out:裏付ける
NGOへの制限を緩和したのち、党は容易に再び締め付けることもできる。香港中文大学のChan Kin-manはNGOの数は急増しているが、影響力はそうなっていないと言っている。市民社会が活動できる余地は実際、縮小していると彼は主張する。風評を利用することに対する法律などの現在の政治的な弾圧の状況は彼の主張を裏付けるものだろう。それでも、対立でなく交渉で勝ち取った活動の余地は冒されていないという人もいる。その一方で、多くの人はサービス提供と支援活動に対する党の区別が失われると感じている。“高齢者の支援者になることなくして高齢者にサービスを届ける手立てはない”と北京で活動する外国のNGOは言っている。
Whither China?
Some activists still worry that by allowing themselves to be co-opted, they are strengthening the Communist Party’s dictatorial hold on power because they are helping it to solve its biggest problems of governance. The Chinese head of an NGO says his friends tell him he should let the whole system “rot until it collapses”. His organisation provides funding and support to injured workers, a tricky area. Yet as soon as the NGO received publicity for its work through microblogs, the government donated several million yuan to the cause. “Once you highlight an issue, the government has to act,” he says.
あ る活動家は彼ら自身が組織として認められることにより、彼らは共産党がガバナンスという最大の問題を解決する手助けをしているため、共産党が独裁的権力を保つことを強化していることに依然として気をもんでいる。あるNGOの中国人の代表によれば、彼の友達は共産党が崩壊するまで全体のシステムを腐敗させておくべきだと言ったという。彼の組織は扱いにくい分野である、負傷した労働者への資金的支援を行っている。 しかしながら、そのNGOがマイクロブログを通じてその活動が評判になった途端、政府はその理念に対し数百万元を寄付した。 「あなたが問題を目立たせたら、政府は行動しなければならない。」と彼は言う。
It is not clear that the party believes in civil society. More likely it sees NGOs as a useful tool to achieve its own ends. But with politics directed from on high unable to meet social needs, and a new generation that wants more participation, some increased role for civil society is unavoidable. So a strange, unspoken pact has evolved, where both sides accept the compromise as a way of furthering their goals in the short term, while hoping future developments work in their favour.
unspoken pact:暗黙の協定
党が市民社会を信じているかどうかは明らかでない。おそらく、NGOのことを自分自身の目的を達成するための便利な道具として見てい る。しかし、社会のニーズに見合うことの出来ない上から方向付けされる政治とより多くの参加を求める新たな世代がいる状況にあっては、市民社会に対する役割が増加することは避けられない。そのため、奇妙な暗黙の協定が築かれている。両者は将来的な取り組みは自分たちに有利に働くことを望む一方で、短期的に彼らの目標を推し進める方法としての妥協を受け入れている。
Limitations and frustrations are legion. Changes to the registration procedure will be slow to affect the day-to-day life of ordinary Chinese. And other social or financial problems could multiply, negating any progress towards a broader civil society. Yet, in their way, NGOs are starting to provide a glue that can help knit society together as the state retreats, family structures change and the social fabric is stretched to the point of tearing. Today’s NGOs are backed by a new generation of Chinese who feel better off and more empowered. The party will not find it easy to slap them back down.
knit together:団結する
better off:もっとよい状態になる
back down:後退する/退却する/引き下がる
木曜日。 今日はこれまで。昨日はまだ風邪がよくなていなかったが、仕事のペースは落ちなかった。少しぼーっとしている方が集中できるのかもしれない。邪念を持つ余裕がないからかもしれない。今日の昼は昭和電工の齋藤さんとの会食だ。彼はメールアドレスが新しくなったので、連絡が取れなくなって一年ぐらい会っていない。ではまた明日。
bear out:裏付ける
NGOへの制限を緩和したのち、党は容易に再び締め付けることもできる。香港中文大学のChan Kin-manはNGOの数は急増しているが、影響力はそうなっていないと言っている。市民社会が活動できる余地は実際、縮小していると彼は主張する。風評を利用することに対する法律などの現在の政治的な弾圧の状況は彼の主張を裏付けるものだろう。それでも、対立でなく交渉で勝ち取った活動の余地は冒されていないという人もいる。その一方で、多くの人はサービス提供と支援活動に対する党の区別が失われると感じている。“高齢者の支援者になることなくして高齢者にサービスを届ける手立てはない”と北京で活動する外国のNGOは言っている。
Whither China?
Some activists still worry that by allowing themselves to be co-opted, they are strengthening the Communist Party’s dictatorial hold on power because they are helping it to solve its biggest problems of governance. The Chinese head of an NGO says his friends tell him he should let the whole system “rot until it collapses”. His organisation provides funding and support to injured workers, a tricky area. Yet as soon as the NGO received publicity for its work through microblogs, the government donated several million yuan to the cause. “Once you highlight an issue, the government has to act,” he says.
あ る活動家は彼ら自身が組織として認められることにより、彼らは共産党がガバナンスという最大の問題を解決する手助けをしているため、共産党が独裁的権力を保つことを強化していることに依然として気をもんでいる。あるNGOの中国人の代表によれば、彼の友達は共産党が崩壊するまで全体のシステムを腐敗させておくべきだと言ったという。彼の組織は扱いにくい分野である、負傷した労働者への資金的支援を行っている。 しかしながら、そのNGOがマイクロブログを通じてその活動が評判になった途端、政府はその理念に対し数百万元を寄付した。 「あなたが問題を目立たせたら、政府は行動しなければならない。」と彼は言う。
It is not clear that the party believes in civil society. More likely it sees NGOs as a useful tool to achieve its own ends. But with politics directed from on high unable to meet social needs, and a new generation that wants more participation, some increased role for civil society is unavoidable. So a strange, unspoken pact has evolved, where both sides accept the compromise as a way of furthering their goals in the short term, while hoping future developments work in their favour.
unspoken pact:暗黙の協定
党が市民社会を信じているかどうかは明らかでない。おそらく、NGOのことを自分自身の目的を達成するための便利な道具として見てい る。しかし、社会のニーズに見合うことの出来ない上から方向付けされる政治とより多くの参加を求める新たな世代がいる状況にあっては、市民社会に対する役割が増加することは避けられない。そのため、奇妙な暗黙の協定が築かれている。両者は将来的な取り組みは自分たちに有利に働くことを望む一方で、短期的に彼らの目標を推し進める方法としての妥協を受け入れている。
Limitations and frustrations are legion. Changes to the registration procedure will be slow to affect the day-to-day life of ordinary Chinese. And other social or financial problems could multiply, negating any progress towards a broader civil society. Yet, in their way, NGOs are starting to provide a glue that can help knit society together as the state retreats, family structures change and the social fabric is stretched to the point of tearing. Today’s NGOs are backed by a new generation of Chinese who feel better off and more empowered. The party will not find it easy to slap them back down.
knit together:団結する
better off:もっとよい状態になる
back down:後退する/退却する/引き下がる
木曜日。 今日はこれまで。昨日はまだ風邪がよくなていなかったが、仕事のペースは落ちなかった。少しぼーっとしている方が集中できるのかもしれない。邪念を持つ余裕がないからかもしれない。今日の昼は昭和電工の齋藤さんとの会食だ。彼はメールアドレスが新しくなったので、連絡が取れなくなって一年ぐらい会っていない。ではまた明日。