中国の革新 中国はグローバルの革新の活発な場所か?(19)
The opposition's closing remarks
Nov 20th 2013
Anne Stevenson-Yang
Nov 20th 2013
Anne Stevenson-Yang
China often tells us that it is a nation in transition and that its own people, as well as its trading partners, should tolerate imperfections. The problem is that China is perpetually in transition. Indeed, its economic and political reforms were never meant to be permanent but instead a necessary historical stage on the road to communism. As in Marx's conception, the endpoint is undefined, representing as it does an indefinite ideal future: the communist should be able to hunt in the morning and criticise in the evening, but how and when this ideal state may be achieved is left uncharted. The measures to be taken to promote this transition must therefore be discretionary and ad hoc.
tolerate ; 大目に見る、寛大に取り扱う
imperfection ; 不完全、欠点
perpetually ; 永久に、永続的に、ひっきりなしに、年がら年中
hunt ; 狩る
criticise ; 非難する、酷評する
discretionary ; 任意の、自由裁量の、
ad hoc ; その場しのぎ、行き当たりばったり
Without a definite process for determining laws and regulations, China will always need time and the indulgence of its people and businesses. That discretionary process, however, takes a serious toll on the economy, hobbling the companies that otherwise would innovate and compete internationally.
indulgence ; わがまま、放縦、ふけること、耽溺
hobbling ; 妨げる、困らせる
In China, growth and independence stand in contradiction. A small business may be established based on an innovation, but in order to grow, it will be forced to give up equity and control to government interests, initially in return for their "support" and ultimately to fend off their attack. The top executives of businesses in China spend their time not on product, staffing, distribution and finance but on courting the attention of government officials, keeping a close eye on changing policies, and moulding strategy to fit the stated goals of government agencies. Every Chinese company of size has in its reception area a gallery of photos showing the government officials who have visited the company, and the luckiest companies of all are those that have been granted a permanent inscription by a government leader. Those companies whose names have been written in the calligraphy of a city or provincial party secretary, or, if truly among the anointed, Mao Zedong, will protect and display the calligraphy as something holy.
fend off ; 発生を防ぐ
inscription ; 碑銘
the anointed ; 救世主
Giving up equity is no more than the expected compensation for large contracts, permission to list on a public exchange, or other benefits. In many ways, there is a logic to this: China's is an ancient and antiquated political system, and, without any systematic way to determine the best allocation of resources, government officials may rely on equity in companies to achieve control and to decide how to focus public goods and services. State companies are obsessed with capturing whole vertical value chains, for example when an auto company owns everything from a rubber plantation to dealerships, because ownership conveys a degree of control over pricing and quality that would not be achieved through regulation.
compensation ; 代償
antiquated ; 時代遅れの
put sweat equity into 〜に労力を注ぎ込む
obsessed with ; 〜に熱中する
convey ; 伝える、伝達する
Nov 20th 2013
Anne Stevenson-Yang
Nov 20th 2013
Anne Stevenson-Yang
China often tells us that it is a nation in transition and that its own people, as well as its trading partners, should tolerate imperfections. The problem is that China is perpetually in transition. Indeed, its economic and political reforms were never meant to be permanent but instead a necessary historical stage on the road to communism. As in Marx's conception, the endpoint is undefined, representing as it does an indefinite ideal future: the communist should be able to hunt in the morning and criticise in the evening, but how and when this ideal state may be achieved is left uncharted. The measures to be taken to promote this transition must therefore be discretionary and ad hoc.
tolerate ; 大目に見る、寛大に取り扱う
imperfection ; 不完全、欠点
perpetually ; 永久に、永続的に、ひっきりなしに、年がら年中
hunt ; 狩る
criticise ; 非難する、酷評する
discretionary ; 任意の、自由裁量の、
ad hoc ; その場しのぎ、行き当たりばったり
Without a definite process for determining laws and regulations, China will always need time and the indulgence of its people and businesses. That discretionary process, however, takes a serious toll on the economy, hobbling the companies that otherwise would innovate and compete internationally.
indulgence ; わがまま、放縦、ふけること、耽溺
hobbling ; 妨げる、困らせる
In China, growth and independence stand in contradiction. A small business may be established based on an innovation, but in order to grow, it will be forced to give up equity and control to government interests, initially in return for their "support" and ultimately to fend off their attack. The top executives of businesses in China spend their time not on product, staffing, distribution and finance but on courting the attention of government officials, keeping a close eye on changing policies, and moulding strategy to fit the stated goals of government agencies. Every Chinese company of size has in its reception area a gallery of photos showing the government officials who have visited the company, and the luckiest companies of all are those that have been granted a permanent inscription by a government leader. Those companies whose names have been written in the calligraphy of a city or provincial party secretary, or, if truly among the anointed, Mao Zedong, will protect and display the calligraphy as something holy.
fend off ; 発生を防ぐ
inscription ; 碑銘
the anointed ; 救世主
Giving up equity is no more than the expected compensation for large contracts, permission to list on a public exchange, or other benefits. In many ways, there is a logic to this: China's is an ancient and antiquated political system, and, without any systematic way to determine the best allocation of resources, government officials may rely on equity in companies to achieve control and to decide how to focus public goods and services. State companies are obsessed with capturing whole vertical value chains, for example when an auto company owns everything from a rubber plantation to dealerships, because ownership conveys a degree of control over pricing and quality that would not be achieved through regulation.
compensation ; 代償
antiquated ; 時代遅れの
put sweat equity into 〜に労力を注ぎ込む
obsessed with ; 〜に熱中する
convey ; 伝える、伝達する