



Pentagon Says Chinese Fighter Jet Confronted American Navy Plane


WASHINGTON — A Chinese fighter jet flew within 30 feet of a Navy surveillance and reconnaissance plane this week in international airspace just off the Chinese coast, the Pentagon said Friday. 


The encounter, known as an intercept, was “very, very close, very dangerous,” said Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary.

intercept:迎撃する /横取りする

The Pentagon filed a diplomatic complaint with the People’s Liberation Army on Friday morning, Defense Department officials said. As of Friday afternoon, it had not received a reply.

The episode, which occurred on Tuesday, began with the Chinese warplane flying closely underneath the Navy’s P-8 Poseidon. It then moved parallel to the naval plane, with the wingtips of the two aircraft separated by less than 30 feet.

As a final maneuver, the Chinese fighter executed a barrel roll, apparently to show off its weapons payload to the American pilot. A barrel roll is just as it sounds: A fighter jet rolls over and then levels out. Admiral Kirby called it an aggressive move. 

barrel roll: 〔航空機の〕バレル・ロール◆敵の銃撃などをかわすために、進行方向を変えずに横に1回転すること。
show off:誇示する
level out:水平飛行する

“We have registered our strong concerns to the Chinese about the unsafe and unprofessional intercept, which posed a risk to the safety and the well-being of the air crew and was inconsistent with customary international law,” he said. 


The intercept is bound to increase tensions between the Pentagon and the Chinese military, already high because of Beijing’s aggressive actions against Japan and other American allies concerning territory in the East and South China Seas.


Earlier this year, China refused to invite Japan to a naval parade it hosted, which the Defense Department then boycotted as well. One American defense official lamented the episode as “so totally high school.” 


This time, the encounter was more serious, particularly given that a Chinese fighter jet collided with a United States Navy spy plane in April 2001 in the skies above Hainan Island. The Chinese pilot was killed, and the American plane was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan. 

After the collision, the Chinese authorities detained the American crew for over a week and initially issued an angry statement saying that “the U.S. side has total responsibility for this event.” 

Adm. Dennis C. Blair, then commander in chief of the United States Pacific Command, issued his own angry statement, charging that the Chinese plane had been tailing the American jet, a practice Beijing’s military had increasingly adopted. “It’s not a normal practice to play bumper cars in the air,” Admiral Blair said at the time. 

bumper cars:バンパーカー 《遊園地などでぶつけ合う小型電気自動車》.


swingby_blog at 05:57コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 



“He told us that he had been to see the Chinese ambassador and that we shouldn’t be so critical,” Ms. Su said in an interview. “That seemed very problematic issue for us.” 


The Deutsche Welle spokesman, Dr. Hoffmann, said the German broadcaster was committed to a broad range of voices. He noted that Mr. Chang had been given the opportunity to write his rebuttals to Mr. Sieren’s articles. 


 “It showed our willingness to have a broad dialogue,” Dr. Hoffmann said. “We have critical positions toward China and other positions too.” 

One Deutsche Welle contributor, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals for publicly criticizing the broadcaster, said that articles like Mr. Chang’s were increasingly rare on the Deutsche Welle website, while columnists like Mr. Sieren had become more prominent. 


Since the beginning of the year, according to internal Deutsche Welle statistics, Mr. Sieren has published over 80 commentaries. 

Mr. Sieren is a well-known media consultant in Beijing, who has published numerous books with titles such as “The China Shock,” “The China Code” and “The Concubine Economy.” He also wrote a sympathetic book on China with the former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who publishes the newspaper where Mr. Sieren used to work, Die Zeit. 

Mr. Sieren helps organize a German-China media summit along with Global Times, the English-language tabloid controlled by the state-run People’s Daily newspaper. His business partner runs a company in China, China Media Management, that has Deutsche Welle among its clients. 

The German broadcaster is not new to controversies about its Chinese-language services. In 2008, one of its editors wrote numerous flattering articles about the Communist Party until she was moved from the news to the business side of the company. In response to her reassignment, China’s Xinhua news service said that the “Nazi spirit has returned” to Germany. In 2011, Deutsche Welle fired four Chinese staff members who said they were fired because they had not been sufficiently critical of China. 

flattering:お世辞の /喜ばしい

Around that time, the German broadcaster added more voices critical of China, such as Ms. Su and the Beijing-based journalist Gao Yu. The 70-year-old Ms. Gao has been detained since May, after participating in an event in Beijing to commemorate the 1989 massacre. 

Liao Yiwu, a Chinese writer in exile in Berlin, said he worried that the case showed how even foreigners worry about how China will react to critical articles. Deutsche Welle is owned by the government, much like the British Broadcasting Corporation or the Voice of America, and has to balance journalistic issues with broader foreign-policy concerns. 

“I’m concerned that this is part of an overall trend in the world to play these issues down,” Mr. Liao said in an interview. “A lot of people have economic interests at stake, and they are worried.”

play down:軽視する
at stake:危機に瀕して/問題である


swingby_blog at 07:35コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 




German Broadcaster Fires Chinese Blogger
AUG. 21, 2014


Su Yutong was told that her contract with Deutsche Welle, the German public broadcaster, would not be renewed in 2015. Credit Benjamin Kilb for The New York Times

BERLIN — In the wake of a debate over the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, a well-known Chinese government critic has been fired from her job at a German public broadcaster.

The activist, Su Yutong, 38, who has been exiled in Germany since 2010, was informed Tuesday that her contract with Deutsche Welle would not be renewed in 2015. In a statement on Wednesday, the broadcaster said the decision had been made because she disclosed information about internal meetings and publicly criticized a co-worker.

be exiled:亡命する

“It doesn’t have anything to do with an evaluation of what she wrote,” a Deutsche Welle spokesman, Johannes Hoffmann, said in a telephone interview from Bonn. “It’s just that she tweeted about internal issues about the Deutsche Welle in a way that no company in the world would tolerate. We warned her, and she continued to do it.” 

Many commentators on Chinese-language social media, however, see more at work, especially because Ms. Su was one of the most prolific bloggers on Deutsche Welle’s widely read Chinese-language website, and often very critical of Chinese government policy. In recent months, they say, more pro-Beijing voices have been given greater prominence.

see more at work:より多く働いているようだ
prolific:多作の /功績の多い
give greater prominence:より重要視する

“Deutsche Welle seems to need voices like this now,” said the Beijing-based Tibetan writer Tsering Woeser. “As a foreign media outlet, it seems that Deutsche Welle has really deviated from standard news principles and values.”

deviate from:から逸れる

Ms. Su’s case stemmed from a column published on the Deutsche Welle website on June 4, the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. Written by a regular Deutsche Welle columnist, the Beijing-based media consultant Frank Sieren, the column argued that some Western media outlets were unfairly critical of the Chinese government over the massacre. The article said that critics’ and the government’s points of view were equally valid, and that “1989 remains a one-off in recent Chinese history.” 

stem from:起因する /生じる

This ignited a storm of lively debate, with some Chinese writers accusing Deutsche Welle of giving equal weight to viewpoints that many people believe are discredited. A prominent exiled Chinese journalist, Chang Ping, was invited to write a rejoinder, which Deutsche Welle also published. Mr. Sieren then followed with his reply, and Mr. Chang gave his. 

give equal weight to:同等に重視する
are discredited:信用できない

Ms. Su soon joined the fray. She, along with dozens of other Chinese intellectuals, signed a petition to Deutsche Welle protesting Mr. Sieren’s articles. She also posted on Twitter an edited photo of Mr. Sieren perched atop tanks driving down the main boulevard in Beijing. 

sign a petition:嘆願書に署名する
protest:抗議する /異議を唱える

Perhaps most significant, she posted accounts of internal meetings held between Deutsche Welle directors and its Chinese-language staff, in which the staff is said to have been told to tone down its coverage. 

coverage:報道 /取材


swingby_blog at 05:48コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 



The notion that the only reason that the Islamist militias emerged in Syria is because we created a vacuum by not adequately arming the secular rebels is laughable nonsense. Syria has long had its own Sunni fundamentalist underground. In 1982, when then President Hafez al-Assad perpetrated the Hama massacre, it was in an effort to wipe out those Syrian Islamists. So, yes, there are cultural roots for pluralism in Syria — a country with many Christians and secular Muslims — but there’s also the opposite. Do not kid yourself.

kid yourself:現実を甘く見る

That is why on a brief visit to Darkush, Syria, in December 2012, I was told by the local Free Syrian Army commander, Muatasim Bila Abul Fida, that even after Assad’s regime is toppled there would be another war in Syria: “It will take five or six years,” he added, because the Islamist parties “want Shariah, and we want democracy.” There were always going to be two civil wars there: The liberals and jihadists against Assad and the liberals and jihadists against each other.

Don’t get me wrong. My heart is with the brave Syrian liberals who dared to take to the streets and demand regime change — unarmed. These are decent, good people, the kind you would like to see running Syria. But it would take a lot more than better arms for them to defeat Assad and the jihadists.

get wrong:誤解する
decent:人並みの /礼儀正しい
take a lot more than:よりもっと多くの時間がかかる

Here Iraq is instructive. You need to go back to the 2010 elections there when Ayad Allawi, a secular Shiite, who ran with Sunnis, Shiites and Christians on a moderate, pluralistic platform — like Syria’s moderates — actually won more seats than his main competitor, Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki.

instructive:役に立つ /教訓的な

What enabled that? I’ll tell you: The U.S. decapitated Saddam’s regime, then helped to midwife an Iraqi Constitution and elections, while U.S. (and Iraqi) special forces either arrested or killed the worst Sunni and Shiite extremists. We took out both extremes without reading them their Miranda rights. That is what gave Iraq’s moderate center the space, confidence and ability to back multisectarian parties, which is what many Iraqis wanted. When our troops left, though, that center couldn’t hold.

take out:取り除く 
Miranda rights /warning 《the 〜》ミランダ警告◆警察が身柄拘束した被疑者への尋問に先立ち与える警告。黙秘権がある、供述すれば不利な証拠になり得る、弁護人の立会いを求める権利がある、弁護人を雇うお金がない場合は公費で弁護人を付してもらうことができる、の4項目から成る。

I don’t want U.S. troops in Syria any more than anyone else, but I have no respect for the argument that just arming some pro-democracy rebels would have gotten the job done. Yes, there has been a price for Obama’s inaction. But there is a price for effective action as well, which the critics have to be honest about. It’s called an international force. We are dealing not only with states that have disintegrated, but whole societies — and rebuilding them is the mother of all nation-building projects. Will the ends, will the means. Otherwise, you’re not being serious.

disintegrate:崩壊する /衰弱する
mother of:の先がけ


swingby_blog at 05:46コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 




Will the Ends, Will the Means
AUG. 19, 2014
Thomas L. Friedman


Hillary Clinton recently reignited the who-lost-Syria debate when she suggested that President Obama made a mistake in not intervening more forcefully early in the Syrian civil war by arming the pro-democracy rebels. I’ve been skeptical about such an intervention — skeptical that there were enough of these “mainstream insurgents,” skeptical that they could ever defeat President Bashar al-Assad’s army and the Islamists and govern Syria. So if people try to sell you on it, ask them these questions before you decide if you are with Clinton or Obama: 

1. Can they name the current leader of the Syrian National Coalition, the secular, moderate opposition, and the first three principles of its political platform? Extra credit if they can name the last year that the leader of the S.N.C. resided in Syria. Hint: It’s several decades ago. 

SNC:Syrian National Coalition シリア国民評議会
extra credit: 課外[追加・必修以外]の単位◆学校で、標準のカリキュラム以外の学習・研究などに対して認定されるもの。
reside :駐在する /居住する

2. Can they explain why Israel — a country next door to Syria that has better intelligence on Syria than anyone and could be as affected by the outcome there as anyone — has chosen not to bet on the secular, moderate Syrian rebels or arm them enough to topple Assad? 

bet on:賭ける

3. The United States invaded Iraq with more than 100,000 troops, replaced its government with a new one, suppressed its Islamist extremists and trained a “moderate” Iraqi army, but, the minute we left, Iraq’s “moderate” prime minister turned sectarian. Yet, in Syria, Iraq’s twin, we’re supposed to believe that the moderate insurgents could have toppled Assad and governed Syria without any American boots on the ground, only arming the good rebels. Really? 

4. How could the good Syrian rebels have triumphed in Syria when the main funders of so many rebel groups there — Qatar and Saudi Arabia — are Sunni fundamentalist monarchies that oppose the very sort of democratic, pluralistic politics in their own countries that the decent Syrian rebels aspire to build in Syria? 


5. Even if we had armed Syrian moderates, how could they have defeated a coalition of the Syrian Alawite army and gangs, backed by Russia, backed by Iran, backed by Hezbollah — all of whom play by “Hama Rules,” which are no rules at all — without the U.S. having to get involved? 

6. How is it that some 15,000 Muslim men from across the Muslim world have traveled to Syria to fight for jihadism and none have walked there to fight for pluralism, yet the Syrian moderates would not only have been able to defeat the Assad regime — had we only armed them properly — but also this entire jihadist foreign legion? 

legion:軍団 /軍隊


swingby_blog at 07:34コメント(0)トラックバック(0) 




Europe’s Recurring Malaise
AUG. 17, 2014


No one should be surprised that the economy of the eurozone is once more going in reverse. This is an entirely predictable outcome of the misguided policies that European leaders stubbornly insist on pursuing, despite all evidence that they are exactly the wrong medicine. 

The acute phase of the financial crisis in Greece, Spain, Ireland and other European countries ended months ago. But the European Union’s insistence, led by Germany, that governments reduce their deficits by cutting spending and raising taxes has continued to impede further recovery. In addition, the European Central Bank has been slow and timid in lowering interest rates and buying bonds, both of which would help. And Europe has allowed problems in its banking sector to fester — witness the emergency bailout of one of Portugal’s biggest banks. 


The numbers tell the story. In the second quarter of the year, the 18-country euro area registered no growth, down from a 0.2 percent increase in output in the first three months of the year. The economies of Germany and Italy contracted 0.2 percent, while France registered no growth for the second quarter in a row. Other data released in recent days provide little reason for hope that conditions will get better soon. The inflation rate in the eurozone fell to 0.4 percent in July, down from 1.6 percent in the same month a year earlier. Industrial production fell 0.3 percent in June. 

Big changes are plainly needed. As other central banks around the world have done, the European Central Bank should be buying government and other bonds to drive down interest rates and encourage banks to lend more to businesses and consumers. The bank’s president, Mario Draghi, has argued that governments must adopt more pro-growth policies. He’s right, but he cannot ignore his own responsibility. There is little to no risk that more aggressive central bank policies would cause runaway inflation, given that prices are increasing at a far slower pace than the central bank’s target of just below 2 percent. 


It’s true, of course, that monetary policy alone will not be sufficient to revive the eurozone economy. Fiscal policy must also be rethought and reworked. The E.U. (encouraged, again, by Germany) has demanded that nations like France and Italy reduce their budget deficits, while at the same time undertaking “structural reforms” that, for instance, make it easier for entrepreneurs to start businesses and for companies to fire workers. 

But it is politically difficult, not to mention counterproductive, for governments to do both of those things at a time when the eurozone unemployment rate (11.5 percent in June) is so high. Governments need more flexibility. If anything, they should be taking advantage of low bond yields — Germany can borrow money for 10 years at an interest rate of about 1 percent, and France can borrow at 1.4 percent — to increase spending to kick-start their economies. Once the laggards get going again, their leaders can more easily make the case to their legislatures and citizens for tough economic reforms. But far greater patience is needed, as well as a big change in attitude in Germany and among the E.U.’s senior leadership. 

take advantage fo:うまく利用する


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