

小国の経済 小国にとっての大きな問題(2) やる気のない指導者

In fact data from UNCTAD suggest that small states became less dependent on finance during the 2000s. As a percentage of total world financial-services exports, small states contributed 0.1% in 2001, but 0.04% in 2008, when the crisis deepened. So increased exposure to financial markets may not be the explanation. Small states have probably benefited from global finance in recent years: from 2007 to 2013 remittances to small states rose by 18%. 

remittance: 送金額 


The World Bank’s second explanation, though, seems more plausible. In the 2000s, tourism to many smaller states boomed. Tourism receipts rose by 50%, in real terms, from 1995 to 2008. But from 2008 and 2009 the world tourism market contracted by 10%. For small states, where tourism forms about 25% of export earnings, the contraction was tough. 

plausible: もっともらしい 
contract: 縮小する 


The IMF offers other possible explanations for weak economic performance, including high emigration. Another reason is trade rules. For some small economies with high export dependence and export-product concentration in bananas or sugar, recent EU reforms were damaging. Take sugar. In 2005 the EU introduced a 36% price reduction for raw sugar, phased over four years. One paper, which looks at six sugar-exporting Caribbean countries, linked this to substantial declines in overall exports and a weaker fiscal balance. Banana markets have been hit by similar problems. 

emigration: 海外移住 


A recent IMF podcast discussed what small states should do to avoid such problems in the future. Mauritius, which in the 1970s was almost wholly dependent on sugar, was lauded for rapidly diversifying its economy. According to the OECD, manufacturing boomed as Mauritius invested heavily in export-processing zones. Research from the WTO found a strong relationship in Mauritius between export diversification and economic growth. That’s a worthy aim, but for countries where the economic crisis has damaged growth and the public purse, it may be an unrealistic one. 

laud: 称賛する 
public purse:国庫




The Reluctant Leader 
SEPT. 11, 2014 
David Brooks 


Moses, famously, tried to get out of it. When God called on him to lead the Israelites, Moses threw up a flurry of reasons he was the wrong man for the job: I’m a nobody; I don’t speak well; I’m not brave. 

flurry of: 立て続けの 


But the job was thrust upon him. Though he displayed some of the traits you’d expect from a guy who would rather be back shepherding (passivity, whining), he became a great leader. He became the ultimate model for reluctant leadership. 

thrust upon: 押し付ける 
trait: 特質 
whining: 泣き言 
shepherd: 羊の世話をする 世話係、指導者、牧師◆牧師などの宗教的な指導者を指すことが多い。◆【語源】旧約聖書の預言者や、新約聖書のイエスが「羊飼い」と表現されていることから。


The Bible is filled with reluctant leaders, people who did not choose power but were chosen for it — from David to Paul. The Bible makes it clear that leadership is unpredictable: That the most powerful people often don’t get to choose what they themselves will do. Circumstances thrust certain responsibilities upon them, and they have no choice but to take up their assignment. 




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小国の経済 小国にとっての大きな問題


The economics of small states 
Big problems for little countries 
Sep 10th 2014, 18:38 by C.W. | LONDON 


IN THE past five years growth in the rich world has been measly. From 1990 to 2007 high-income countries managed an inflation-adjusted per-capita GDP growth of about 2.3% per year. From 2008 to 2013, though, the total growth was only 2%. 

measly: わずかばかりの 


But spare a thought for people living in small states (see chart). These are countries with fewer than 1.5m people. About 29m people live in the 48 small states, according to the World Bank's classification. In the last five years GDP per capita in the small states has shrunk by 2.3%. Some little countries have done well: the Marshall Islands has seen per-capita growth of 8%. Others have done appallingly: St Kitts and Nevis saw a 12% fall. Antigua and Barbuda suffered a 21% drop. 

spare a thought for: 〜について考える 
appallingly: 恐ろしいほど to a horrifying or shocking degree


Real GDP/capita growth 2008-13, selected countries/regions 

A research paper from the IMF looks at why many small states have done badly in recent years. Small states have long faced problems that any economics undergraduate would understand. Two stand out. First, they struggle to find economies of scale. Imagine trying to provide public services in the Federated States of Micronesia—where over 600 islands are spread across 1m square miles of ocean. The lack of scale economies may result in expensive, sub-standard public services. 

undergraduate: 学部生 


Second, trade is more difficult for small, isolated countries. Kiribati, an island nation of 100,000 people, is slap-bang in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (and a five-hour flight from Hawaii). The fixed costs of trading with Kiribati are high but the market is small. That raises the average cost of trading; people are inclined to look elsewhere. 

slap-bang: ドタバタと 


These two problems have unfortunate consequences. First, big fixed costs in the public sector mean that small states have higher spending-to-GDP ratios than big countries. From 2007 to 2011, according to the IMF, government expenditure-to-GDP was nine percentage points higher in small states than in their larger cousins. That puts upward pressure on government debt, which may lead to lower growth. Second, in an attempt to break into global markets, small states often focus their energies on exporting a single good or service. Without export diversification, such states are vulnerable to economic shocks. The tiny island of Nauru is a notorious case of the dangers of focusing on a single commodity. 

notorious: よく知られた 


However, these geographical disadvantages have not always seemed so bad. According to the IMF, from 1980 to 2010 small states grew only slightly more slowly (0.7% a year) than their larger peers (and IMF economists argue about whether that tiny difference is statistically significant). But after 2000 things got worse. The World Bank reckons that there were two main problems. The first, it says, was finance. The bank claims that during the 2000s small states became increasingly exposed to global financial markets, and so suffered badly during the downturn. (Indeed, small states like Barbados and the Maldives have a reputation for shady tax deals.) 





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レイプを報告したが、彼女はレイプされていないことを望んでいる ある大学がどのように性的暴行の申し立てを取り扱ったか (17)

“I think the school has been receiving a lot of pressure from the press, alums and certainly from students to act,” Ms. Carroll said. “As a campus we know it’s not the case that rapes and sexual assaults are not happening on campus — it’s that they aren’t reported or the reporting system is failing.” 

alum: 卒業生 
It is the case that: 〔that以下〕のことは事実である


Mr. Tantillo, the district attorney, said that after prosecuting a campus rape case seven years ago, he had worked with the school to improve its handling of sexual-assault reports. He praised what he said was the thoroughness of its investigation of Anna’s case. 

district attorney: 地区検事長 


But he also understands the questions that might lead a woman to stay silent. “Is this going to be publicized? Is everybody going to know about this? Am I going to be ostracized? Is this going to affect me for the rest of my life? Am I going to lose friends? Are people going to believe me?” 

ostracize: 仲間外れにする exclude (someone) from a society or group

If a woman does decide to come forward, he said, she should do so immediately. “If you wait hours, days or weeks, that gives people plenty of time to get their stories together, to engage other witnesses to support them, and it makes it much, much more challenging.” 


Looking Back
Disappointment is a recurring theme among many students who ask their schools to adjudicate their sexual-assault complaints. 

recurring: 繰り返し発生する 
adjudicate: 〜に判決を下す 


“Most of the students I work with say, ‘Had I known how bad the school process was, I would not have reported at all,’ ” said Annie E. Clark, who counsels assault victims on their rights.  

“私が携わった学生のほとんどは、‘もし大学の手続きがこれほどひどいことを知っていれば、何も報告はしなかった’と言っている”と性的暴行の被害者をカウンセリングするAnnie E. Clarkは述べた。 

One reason for this disappointment is that many college hearing panelists lack even the most basic training, said Senator Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat who has investigated the quality of campus rape investigations. The senator recently surveyed 440 colleges and universities and found that one-third had failed to properly train officials adjudicating claims.  

この失望の1つの理由は、多くの大学公聴会の委員達は最も基本的なトレーニングでさえ不足していることだと、学内レイプ調査の質を調査しているミズーリ州の民主党議員であるClaire MsCaskill上位議員は述べた。上院議員は最近、440の大学を調査し、3分の1が告訴に判決を下す職員を適切にトレーニングしていないことを見出した。 

The District Attorney 
R. Michael Tantillo, the Ontario County district attorney, discusses the ideal process for dealing with sexual assault. Video Credit By Leslye Davis on Publish Date July 12, 2014. 

オンタリオ地方地区検事長のR Michael Tantilloは性的暴行に取り組む理想のプロセスを議論している。 

A lack of transparency in student hearings makes it difficult, if not impossible, for students to evaluate the way their schools adjudicate complaints. “They are a little like snowflakes — they are all different,” said Ms. McCaskill, a former sex-crimes prosecutor. 


The police have their own shortcomings, she said, citing the flawed inquiry in the Jameis Winston case in Florida. 

flawed: 欠点のある 
inquiry: 審理 

警察にも至らない所があると、フロリダでのJameis Winstonの事件での欠点のある審理を引用して述べた。 

The Geneva police hardly distinguished themselves in Anna’s case. Detective Brian E. Choffin, relying primarily on his reading of school records, sent the prosecutor an error-filled report.  

detective: 刑事 

ジェニーバ警察はアンナの件ではほとんど目立たなかった。Brian E.Choffin刑事は主に大学の報告書を読み取りだけに頼り、間違いだらけのレポートを検事に提出した。 

Detective Choffin mischaracterized witness statements, put the words of one student in the mouth of another, and stated that he “never saw any discrepancies or alterations” in what the two football players told the authorities, even though they had initially lied about having sexual contact with their accuser. And while Anna’s blood-alcohol tests had been done many hours after she last had a drink, he also stated unequivocally that her level “would not make a person impaired to the point of blacking out.”  

unequivocally: 明白に 
impaired:酔っ払った・十分に機能しない weakened or damaged
black out:失神する

The detective defended his report, which disputed much of Anna’s account, calling it “thorough and based on facts.” 



Looking back, Anna said she knows only too well the price of pursuing her complaint — physical threats and obscenities on her dormitory door, being pushed in the dining hall and asked to leave a fraternity party. Her roommate moved out with no explanation.  

obscenity: わいせつなもの 

食堂に押し込まれたり社交パーティーから去るように求められるなど、身体的な脅威や学生寮の扉へのわいせつなものなど、思い起こすと、アンナは自身の申し立てを押し進めたことの代償のみを嫌と言うほど理解していると言った。 彼女のルームメートは何も言わずに出て行った。

Mr. Flowers said the school continued to strengthen programs to stop sexual violence. Over the last two years, he said, seven students have undergone disciplinary hearings for sexual assaults; four were expelled. 


Against her parents’ wishes, Anna plans to return to Hobart and William Smith in the fall.  


“Someone needs to help survivors there,” she said.



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レイプを報告したが、彼女はレイプされていないことを望んでいる ある大学がどのように性的暴行の申し立てを取り扱ったか (16)

But Page 13 said nothing about appeals. Instead, it contained a section titled “False Allegations.” The college admitted its mistake, Anna’s mother said. 


Anna’s lawyer appealed the decision to clear the senior player. Mr. Flowers, the student-affairs administrator, granted the family additional time to file its appeal and reviewed the rape-kit results and hospital records. He upheld the panel’s ruling, though he did find a violation of the no-contact order.  
In an email response to The Times, the panel’s chairwoman, Ms. Bissell, said the members were proud of their service. “A great deal of care and focus goes into this work, including extensive training in advance of our service, as well as refresher training prior to serving on a particular panel,” she said.  

uphold: 支持する   
refresher course :《a 〜》再訓練[教育]講座[コース]、リフレッシャー・コース◆現在の職業に必要な最先端の技術や知識を教える講座、または前回の講座の後に加えられた新しい知見や技能を教える講座。

アンナの弁護士は上級の選手を無罪にした決定について上告をした。学生課のFlowers氏は家族に上告をする猶予を与え、レイプ検査の結果や病院の記録を見直した。彼は接触禁止命令の違反を見つけたにもかかわらず、委員の決定を支持した。 ニューヨークタイムズ誌へのeメールの返答で、委員長の女性であるBissell女史は委員たちはその任務に満足していると言っている。“この委員を務める前のリフレッシュ研修に加え、この任務に先立って行われた多くの研修を含め、細心の注意が払われた。” 

As students returned after winter break, amid swirling rumors of a gang rape, they were greeted by a new mandate: Everyone had to watch an interactive video designed to educate them about sexual assault. The video contained hypotheticals and a series of questions. Answer them, students were told, or be denied campus housing.
The video generated instant controversy, beginning with its title — “ThinkLuv.” 

swirling: 渦巻く 
gang rape: 集団レイプ 
mandate: 命令 
hypothetical: 仮定に基づいた事柄 


“So right from the start, it’s the kind of program that’s fun and playful and not something that needs to be taken seriously,” said Kelsey Carroll, a recent graduate who founded a student group to combat sexism. “Rape is not about love. It is about violence and power.”  

playful: ふざけた 
sexism: 性差別 

“始めから面白めかしていて、真剣に受け止めてもらわなければならないものではない。”と性差別と闘う学生グループを設立した新卒業生のKelsey Carrollは言った。 「レイプは愛ではない。暴力と力だ。

The campus paper said the video attempted to educate students “while slut-shaming, generalizing and even being sexist in the process.” 

slut: ふしだらな女 
sham: 装う 


Mr. Flowers defended the video, saying 94 percent of students had called it a positive experience. 


On May 2, the day after the federal government announced that Hobart and William Smith was among the schools under investigation, the school sponsored an event used on other campuses called “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” in which men walk around campus in high-heeled shoes to raise awareness of sexual assault. Campus meetings were also held to discuss the issue.  

連邦政府がホバート・アンド・ウィリアム・スミスは調査中の大学だと発表をした翌日の5月2日、大学は、性的暴行の認識を高めるために男性がハイヒールを履いて学内を歩く“Walk a Mile in Her Shoes(女性の気持ちになって歩く)”と呼ばれる他の大学でも開かれるイベントを開いた。問題を議論するための大学内での会合も開かれた。 

Hobart and William Smith Colleges sponsored an event in May called “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” in which men walk around campus in high-heeled shoes to raise awareness of sexual assault. Credit Leslye Davis/The New York Times 
ホバート・アンド・ウィリアム・スミス大学は、性的暴行の認識を高めるために男性がハイヒールを履いて学内を歩く“Walk a Mile in Her Shoes(女性の気持ちになって歩く)”と呼ばれるイベントを5月に開いた。 



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レイプを報告したが、彼女はレイプされていないことを望んでいる ある大学がどのように性的暴行の申し立てを取り扱ったか (15)

That same day, the football coach, Mike Cragg, summoned the three accused players, two team captains and the pool table witness for a private locker-room meeting where he heard their recollections, then passed on details of Anna’s account, hearing transcripts show.  

summon: 招集する 
recollection: 回想 
pass on: 回覧する 

公聴会の記録によれば、その同日、フットボールコーチのMike Craggは3人の訴えられた選手、2人のチームキャプテン、ビリヤード台の目撃者を個人的な秘密の会合に招集し、そこで彼らの回想を聞き、アンナの証言の詳細を回覧した。 

Two days after that meeting, the senior player changed his account a second time, telling the campus police that he “wanted us to know that he was ready to come clean about the truth,” records show. A second player had in fact been with him at the fraternity house, the player said, and Anna had given both oral sex. He said he had lied to protect himself and his teammate from Anna’s false allegations.  


Mr. Cragg declined to answer questions from The Times. But in a written statement he said, “If I were to learn that a member of my team had behaved in a manner that violated our code of ethics or community standards, I would want him removed from the team immediately.” He added: “I have never and would never encourage any player or players to coordinate stories to avoid disciplinary actions.”  

coordinate story:口裏を合わせる 
disciplinary action: 懲戒処分 


While the panel did not ask the players about their changed accounts, it did let the senior give an opening statement. 


“I come from a wonderful family with strong Christian values,” he said. “I have been blessed with a beautiful mother, grandmothers, nieces and amazing aunts.” And he added: “I treat women with the respect and honor they deserve.” 

blessed with: 〜の恩恵を受けている 


The Panel Decides  
The panel had to answer several basic questions: Did Anna give consent, was she capable of giving consent, and did the senior player violate the no-contact order either directly or through his friends? The standard of proof, mandated under federal guidelines, was preponderance of evidence — was it more likely than not that the students had sexually assaulted Anna? 

standard of proof: 立証基準 


Several hours after the last witness, the panel announced its decision clearing all three athletes on all counts.  


The next day, the panel chairwoman sent Anna written confirmation of the decision, informing her that if she wished to appeal, she could find directions on Page 13 of the sexual-misconduct policy.  

appeal: 上訴する 


It took the college just 12 days to investigate the rape report, hold a hearing and clear the football players. Anna said of the school's hearing, “It was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through.” Credit Leslye Davis/The New York Times 




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レイプを報告したが、彼女はレイプされていないことを望んでいる ある大学がどのように性的暴行の申し立てを取り扱ったか (14)

The third player, who faced the weakest case, acknowledged being in the fraternity room but said he left before the sexual encounter. 


Anna’s friend who recounted the pool-table scene chose not to testify, but, according to Anna, stands by his account. 

recount: 〜について詳しく話す 
testify: 証言する 


Records show that the first two players had lied to campus officers when initially asked about Anna’s allegations. The panel, though, chose not to ask about it. 


The day after the episode, the senior football player told two campus officers that he could not recall Anna’s name, even though he had spent much of the evening with her. The player denied having sexual contact with her during or after the fraternity party. 


How the Suspects’ Stories Changed 
Two football players accused of sexual assault lied to the police and then changed basic parts of their accounts after witnesses contradicted them. The college panel that cleared both players failed to ask them any questions about why they had lied. 

contradict: 〜を否定(否認)する 


First contacted by police 

Did not have sex 
He told the police that he spent a few hours with the accuser but did not have sexual contact with her and didn’t know her name. 


Was not there 

He told a college official that he was “not involved in whatever happened” with Player 1. 


Official police interview 

Had sexual contact 
He now said he received consensual oral sex from the accuser but was too tired from football to get an erection. Player 2 was not involved, he said. 

consensual: 同意に基づく 

彼は現在、同意に基づいて 原告とのオーラルセックスを受けたが、あまりに疲れていたので、立たなかった。選手2は関わっていなかったと彼は述べた。

Was not there 

He told the police in two separate interviews that he was never in the room where the alleged assault took place. 


A few days later 
Both players were involved 
He said that he was “ready to come clean with the truth” and that Player 2 was in the room and received oral sex. He said he had lied to protect himself against “false allegations.” 

come clean: 白状する 


Had sex for “a few seconds” 
He now told police that he was in the room where the accuser said she was assaulted. He said she gave him oral sex for “a couple of seconds” before he got uncomfortable and left. 


Only after the officers confronted him with reports to the contrary did he acknowledge having “sexual contact” — but not sex — at the Barn, and engaging in oral sex with Anna at the fraternity house. 
The second player, during three separate interviews with campus officers, denied even being in the fraternity room. It wasn’t until his fourth interview two days after the sexual encounter that he confessed to being in the room with his teammate and having oral sex with Anna. 

confront: 〜に・・・を突きつける 
confess: 認める/白状する
 It is not until ~ that: 〜の時点までに〔that以下〕が発生することはない、〜して初めて〔that以下〕する
大学職員が証言とは反対の報告書を彼に突きつけてようやく、彼がBarnで“性的接触”(しかし、セックスではない)を持ったこと、学生会館でアンナとオーラルセックスをしたことを認めたのだ。 2番目の選手は、大学職員からの3つの別々の聞き取りでは学生会館にいたことさえ否定していた。彼は、性的行為の2日後の4回目になってようやく、チームメイトと部屋にいてアンナとオーラルセックスをもったことを白状した。 



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