That quickly gets everyone’s passions boiling over. To many Chinese, becoming No. 1 is vindication for what they feel has been two centuries of humiliation at the hands of an aggressive West and proof that its authoritarian, state-capitalist economic model is superior to the democratic, free-enterprise systems of the U.S. and Europe. In the U.S., losing the top spot is seen as a symbol of America’s decline on the world stage.
boiling over ; 吹きこぼれる/溢れる
vindication ; 汚名をそそぐこと
humiliation ; 恥をかかせること。恥辱、恥。
authoritarian ; 権威主義の、独裁主義的な
at the hands of ; 〜から
decline ; 衰退、堕落
Yet we shouldn’t get ourselves too worked up. These new figures don’t mean as much as many people think. Leaving aside the obvious statistical questions the report raises about the value of GDP figures generally, where the U.S. and China rank misses the more important point: bigger isn’t necessarily better.
worked up ; 徐神経が高ぶっている/感情的になっている
Even if China does become No. 1, that would just be a mask covering up the reality of the economy’s weaknesses. Some of the factors that have been driving GDP upward are also signs of China’s deteriorating economic health — investment in excess capacity, the construction of wasteful real estate projects and the buildup of crazy levels of debt. China is losing its cost competitiveness but still lags badly in the managerial expertise, technology and financial professionalism necessary to develop a truly advanced economy.
deterioratie ; 悪化させる、低下させる
excess ; 過多、過剰、超過
lag ; 沈滞する、遅れる
managerial ; 経営上の、管理上の
expertise ; 専門技術
Beijing’s leadership is embarking on an ambitious program of reform to make the state-led economy more market-oriented and give private business greater sway. But the challenges of implementing these reforms are huge and could cause a dramatic economic slowdown, or even worse. Many economists and analysts (myself included) have openly wondered if China is heading toward a full-blown financial crisis.
embark ; 着手する
sway ; 影響力、支配、統治
full-blown ; 本格的な
On the flip side, if the U.S. slips from its No. 1 position, it doesn’t spell doom. The U.S. still has a substantial lead in innovation, and its dominant position in many industries and sectors is not about to vanish. New York City will remain the world’s premier financial center, and the dollar will reign supreme on the world stage for some time to come. Still, wherever the U.S. ranks, its economy too is badly in need of reform. Better infrastructure, a smarter tax code, an improved education system and more determined efforts to close the income gap would also strengthen the economy’s foundation for growth.
spell ; を意味する
doom ; 運命、破滅
dominant position:支配的な地位
reign ; 主権を握る、君臨する、支配する
supreme ; 最高位の、絶大な
for some time to come:当面
tax code ; 税法
So we shouldn’t get too stuck on who is No. 1 and who isn’t. Ultimately it’s what you do with your economy, and not its size, that matters.
boiling over ; 吹きこぼれる/溢れる
vindication ; 汚名をそそぐこと
humiliation ; 恥をかかせること。恥辱、恥。
authoritarian ; 権威主義の、独裁主義的な
at the hands of ; 〜から
decline ; 衰退、堕落
Yet we shouldn’t get ourselves too worked up. These new figures don’t mean as much as many people think. Leaving aside the obvious statistical questions the report raises about the value of GDP figures generally, where the U.S. and China rank misses the more important point: bigger isn’t necessarily better.
worked up ; 徐神経が高ぶっている/感情的になっている
Even if China does become No. 1, that would just be a mask covering up the reality of the economy’s weaknesses. Some of the factors that have been driving GDP upward are also signs of China’s deteriorating economic health — investment in excess capacity, the construction of wasteful real estate projects and the buildup of crazy levels of debt. China is losing its cost competitiveness but still lags badly in the managerial expertise, technology and financial professionalism necessary to develop a truly advanced economy.
deterioratie ; 悪化させる、低下させる
excess ; 過多、過剰、超過
lag ; 沈滞する、遅れる
managerial ; 経営上の、管理上の
expertise ; 専門技術
Beijing’s leadership is embarking on an ambitious program of reform to make the state-led economy more market-oriented and give private business greater sway. But the challenges of implementing these reforms are huge and could cause a dramatic economic slowdown, or even worse. Many economists and analysts (myself included) have openly wondered if China is heading toward a full-blown financial crisis.
embark ; 着手する
sway ; 影響力、支配、統治
full-blown ; 本格的な
On the flip side, if the U.S. slips from its No. 1 position, it doesn’t spell doom. The U.S. still has a substantial lead in innovation, and its dominant position in many industries and sectors is not about to vanish. New York City will remain the world’s premier financial center, and the dollar will reign supreme on the world stage for some time to come. Still, wherever the U.S. ranks, its economy too is badly in need of reform. Better infrastructure, a smarter tax code, an improved education system and more determined efforts to close the income gap would also strengthen the economy’s foundation for growth.
spell ; を意味する
doom ; 運命、破滅
dominant position:支配的な地位
reign ; 主権を握る、君臨する、支配する
supreme ; 最高位の、絶大な
for some time to come:当面
tax code ; 税法
So we shouldn’t get too stuck on who is No. 1 and who isn’t. Ultimately it’s what you do with your economy, and not its size, that matters.