これまでのものと変わったからといって正しくない クリントンはトランプの選挙運動が偏見と誇大妄想に基づいていると言っている。(2) 世界で最も住みやすい都市
By way of prebuttal, Mr Trump gave a speech in Manchester, New Hampshire that ended a moment before Mrs Clinton’s, in which he said she was effectively calling Trump supporters racists. But wanting strong borders “doesn’t make you a racist, that makes you smart,” he assured the crowd (which was, truth be told, overwhelmingly white). Warming to his theme, he told his crowd that allowing immigrants to take jobs hurt black as well as white Americans, making it a “civil rights issue”.
By way of:の手段として・のつもりで
truth be told:実を言うと
In theory, the Democratic and Republican nominees thus spent this week having an argument about which policies are best for a multicultural America. Mr Trump has been taking big risks on this front, softening his hardline, if detail-free plans to deport 11m undocumented migrants now in America without papers—an operation that he once said would require the mustering of a federal deportation force. In speeches and interviews Mr Trump has recanted and now says that he might focus deportation efforts on gang leaders and serious criminals, allowing migrants who have avoided trouble with the law a path to earn legal status after paying back taxes. Mr Trump seems unabashed that this new plan amounts to almost exactly the same immigration policy as the one advanced by his former Republican rival for the nomination, Jeb Bush, calculating that his die-hard supporters will be mollified by his continued (nonsensical) promises to build a wall on the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it.
on this front:この最優先事項で
paying back:借金を返す
Mr Trump is not really competing for black and Hispanic votes with this new softer tone, for all that he claims that he will win 95% of black votes. Some polls have him on 1% of black votes, and that is a hole from which he cannot dig himself. This latest change of tone is about stemming his sliding poll numbers among voters whose support he cannot afford to lose: white Republicans who support mainstream conservatives like Mr Ryan, but would be appalled to think they were casting a ballot for racism this November. Notably, he is losing college-educated whites at the moment, though that voter block has chosen a Republican in every presidential contest since 1952.
for all that:とはいうものの・にもかかわらず
A while ago this reporter wrote a column about a useful distinction made by European politicians, between the “clean right” and the “dirty right”. The clean right can be very conservative indeed, in this schema, but avoids appeals to prejudice and paranoia. The dirty right is quite willing to wade into the fever-swamps of hatred. Mr Trump seems to be trying to escape the dirty right (though hiring Mr Bannon is an odd move in that case). Mrs Clinton is determined to keep that label firmly round his neck, and to woo every unhappy Republican who wants to support the party of Ryan and Dole, not Breitbart and Trump.
odd move:奇妙な動き
The world’s most liveable cities
Aug 18th 2016, 16:49 BY THE DATA TEAM
COMING up with a list of the world’s best cities is a near-impossible task. The bustle and hum of megacities like Sao Paulo or Tokyo might be too much for some people; others might struggle with the pace of life in Cleveland or Frankfurt. A ranking released on August 18th by our corporate cousin, the Economist Intelligence Unit, attempts instead to quantify the world’s most “liveable” cities—that is, which locations around the world provide the best or the worst living conditions. The index, measured out of 100, considers 30 factors related to safety, health care, educational resources, infrastructure and the environment to calculate scores for 140 cities.
too much for:耐えきれない
火曜日。今日はこれまで。都市の評価だが、戦争しているダマスカス、キエフのようなところは確かに悪化しているが、大きく変化していることろはテヘラン、デュバイ、ハラレ(ハラレは、南部アフリカのジンバブエ共和国の首都で、この国最大の都市である。旧称はソールズベリー。 英国風の街並が並び、標高約1600mの高原の丘にあるため、夏でも平均気温は20度少し程度と涼しい。2010年の都市的地域の人口は217万人であり、世界第183位である。)ぐらいで、あと悪化しているところはデトロイト、香港、モスクワぐらいだ。
By way of:の手段として・のつもりで
truth be told:実を言うと
In theory, the Democratic and Republican nominees thus spent this week having an argument about which policies are best for a multicultural America. Mr Trump has been taking big risks on this front, softening his hardline, if detail-free plans to deport 11m undocumented migrants now in America without papers—an operation that he once said would require the mustering of a federal deportation force. In speeches and interviews Mr Trump has recanted and now says that he might focus deportation efforts on gang leaders and serious criminals, allowing migrants who have avoided trouble with the law a path to earn legal status after paying back taxes. Mr Trump seems unabashed that this new plan amounts to almost exactly the same immigration policy as the one advanced by his former Republican rival for the nomination, Jeb Bush, calculating that his die-hard supporters will be mollified by his continued (nonsensical) promises to build a wall on the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it.
on this front:この最優先事項で
paying back:借金を返す
Mr Trump is not really competing for black and Hispanic votes with this new softer tone, for all that he claims that he will win 95% of black votes. Some polls have him on 1% of black votes, and that is a hole from which he cannot dig himself. This latest change of tone is about stemming his sliding poll numbers among voters whose support he cannot afford to lose: white Republicans who support mainstream conservatives like Mr Ryan, but would be appalled to think they were casting a ballot for racism this November. Notably, he is losing college-educated whites at the moment, though that voter block has chosen a Republican in every presidential contest since 1952.
for all that:とはいうものの・にもかかわらず
A while ago this reporter wrote a column about a useful distinction made by European politicians, between the “clean right” and the “dirty right”. The clean right can be very conservative indeed, in this schema, but avoids appeals to prejudice and paranoia. The dirty right is quite willing to wade into the fever-swamps of hatred. Mr Trump seems to be trying to escape the dirty right (though hiring Mr Bannon is an odd move in that case). Mrs Clinton is determined to keep that label firmly round his neck, and to woo every unhappy Republican who wants to support the party of Ryan and Dole, not Breitbart and Trump.
odd move:奇妙な動き
The world’s most liveable cities
Aug 18th 2016, 16:49 BY THE DATA TEAM
COMING up with a list of the world’s best cities is a near-impossible task. The bustle and hum of megacities like Sao Paulo or Tokyo might be too much for some people; others might struggle with the pace of life in Cleveland or Frankfurt. A ranking released on August 18th by our corporate cousin, the Economist Intelligence Unit, attempts instead to quantify the world’s most “liveable” cities—that is, which locations around the world provide the best or the worst living conditions. The index, measured out of 100, considers 30 factors related to safety, health care, educational resources, infrastructure and the environment to calculate scores for 140 cities.
too much for:耐えきれない
火曜日。今日はこれまで。都市の評価だが、戦争しているダマスカス、キエフのようなところは確かに悪化しているが、大きく変化していることろはテヘラン、デュバイ、ハラレ(ハラレは、南部アフリカのジンバブエ共和国の首都で、この国最大の都市である。旧称はソールズベリー。 英国風の街並が並び、標高約1600mの高原の丘にあるため、夏でも平均気温は20度少し程度と涼しい。2010年の都市的地域の人口は217万人であり、世界第183位である。)ぐらいで、あと悪化しているところはデトロイト、香港、モスクワぐらいだ。